

The cold air lashed at her face like daggers as she ran through the darkened forest. The panicked girl halted as the all too familiar icy chill ran through her. She closed her eyes tightly to try and control her breathing. But to no avail. Tears began to form in her eyes. The twisted images ripped through her mind. His evil satanic laugh echoed in her head. Willow dropped to her knees and threw her face into her hands as pain speared her entire body.
Breathing rapidly, she opened her eyes. The silence that greeted her was deafening. The only sound was her uneven breath and the crunch of sticks and leaves beneath her feet as she gingerly rose to her feet. Fear started to creep into her as the adrenaline began to ebb away. Willow strained her ears for any sound of movement. But there was none. The knot in her stomach tightened. The unnatural silence frightened her. Willow whipped around. She remained motionless, daring not even to breathe. Something was there. In the eerie darkness. She could feel it. She tried to call out but she could not find her voice. Whatever it was was drawing closer, she could sense it. It was him. She knew it.
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