Words I Couldn't Say

You Left Without A Single Word

I woke up the next morning, to the sound of my mom talking on the phone and the smell of frying bacon. Walking down the stairs, I saw mom sitting at the table, Abby by her side, waiting eagerly to get off the phone and my dad was at the stove cooking.

“Morning princess.” Dad said smiling over at me.

I grunted my response and sat down beside my mother, laying my head down. I never really was a morning person.

“Okay, it was great talking to you too. Yes, tonight, that’ll be great. Bye Denise.” Mom hung up the phone and put it down.

My head immediately picked up at the sound of Denise’s name. “What’s going on?”

“I invited the Jonas’ over tonight for dinner. Like a little reunion.”

“Oh that’s great!” Dad said bringing over breakfast.

Abby was grinning from ear to ear and I was staring in disbelief. “What? Why?” I asked.

Both of my parents raised an eyebrow at me, “Because we haven’t seen them in a long time. I’d thought you would’ve liked to see Kevin.” Mom answered.

“Yea, fine. Whatever.”

I walked back up to my room without breakfast. Great. A whole evening pretending to get along with the Jonas’ just to make my parents happy. This was going to be one huge train wreck.


“Michelle! How long does it take you to have a freaking shower?!” Abby yelled, pounding on the bathroom door. A joy of having a shared bathroom.

I rolled my eyes and wrapped a towel around me. I swung open the door, only to find my sister, surrounded by Nick, Joe and Kevin. It took me about two seconds to register that I had no clothes on, only a towel. My face turned a beet red.

“Told you it’d be funny.” Abby said looking up at the three of them.

I stuttered, trying to find the right words, “Umm, I’ll be right down, just got to get on some clothes and….yea you get it.” I shut the door, making a mental note to kill my sister later.

A few minutes later, I walked downstairs. My parents and Mr. and Mrs. Jonas were sitting at the kitchen table, talking.

“Michelle, the boys are in the living room.” My mom told me.

I nodded, walking through the dining room. “Nice to see you got clothes on this time.” Joe joked as I sat down on an empty chair.

I laughed sarcastically, “Yes well, it’s not my fault my jerk of a sister felt the need to trick me.” I glared at her from across the room.

Abby only shrugged and went back to her conversation with Nick.

“Hey, Elle…”

“Do NOT call me that. It’s reserved for friends and people who didn’t leave me and you sir, are not in either of those categories.” I snapped at Kevin as he came to sit across from me.

I watched his face fall, “Oh, sorry. I was just umm….wondering if I could talk to you.”

“Really? Oh wow and only,” I paused to check my watch. “Two years too late. You had your chance and if I can remember right, you passed it up. So, you can talk all you want. But to be honest, I probably won’t even listen.”

“Michelle Marie, why are you being such a jerk to him?” Abby asked, suddenly butting into our conversation….or….argument.

My head snapped to her direction. “Abigail Lynn, why are you eavesdropping?” I shot back.

“Seriously though, she’s right.” Joe said.

“You two, mind your own business.” I said pointing at my sister and friend.

With that, I took hold of Kevin’s arm and dragged him out to the backyard. He had a startled expression as I sat down on a lawn chair.

“What? You wanted to talk. So…….talk.” I crossed my arms staring up at him.

He sat down on the chair opposite of me and ran his fingers through his hair. “Okay listen. I know I hurt you and I seriously, truly and honestly didn’t want that to happen, but I can’t change the past. I want us to start over and pretend like nothing ever happened.”

“Oh, so you want me to pretend we didn’t date? You want me to pretend that I didn’t lo-” I immediately stopped before I went too far and leaned back in my chair.

“That you didn’t what?”

“Nothing.” I replied.

“Seriously Michelle, what?”

“Drop it.” I said getting up and walking back inside, tears threatened to fall from my eyes, but I had to suppress them until I could be alone in my room.
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Aly's chapter! xD
I have my laptop back! So that's why there's been like ZERO updates :P
My badddddd lol.
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