Agent Files: Don't They Know What It Is to Be a Hero?

Secret Identities

Some might say that being the daughter of a rock star father might be tough, as far as my academic life went, it was. School was hard, trying to make friends who weren't interested in only my father and his band, I was different. But nowadays I have something else to be different for, something else that makes life as a rock stars daughter seem like the easiest thing in the world and to me it was.
But during my childhood and while growing up, my career was laid out for me it was already planned and decided.
I was eighteen when I was approached by two men dressed in black suits while sitting on the benches outside my college waiting for my Sociology exam to start.

Flash Back

Monday at college Ramona Wright was reading for an exam she was to attend in five minutes, two guys came up to her.
"Excuse me, Miss Wright?" came a voice above Ramona; she looked up from my sociology text book to see two men dressed in black suits.
"Y... yes?" she stuttered. The men handed me a card.
"We have a position on offer for a desk administrator, we think you'd be interested in it, you see Miss Wright you fit our profile for what we're looking for."
She looked at the card and gaped at what it read: CIA Desk Admin, and below there was a number to call.
"Although a lifelong career, but an exciting one," she thought.
"I'd like to think about it, thank you," Ramona replied.

End Flash Back

I told them I would think about it and they left. Later I was contemplating the job and decided that because I needed the money anyway I would accept and see how it went. The job to work for a covert branch of the CIA seemed interesting. They made me do a number of tests, the written was easy and the physical was easier. They said I was a natural. I was working as a desk admin for a year after that then for another six months after I was given another training program. We were taught exciting things like how to keep tight lipped when being tortured or how to fight and win. Stay calm when undercover and things like using computers, hacking, tracking, and copying. I was a walking geek/Bruce Lee, and it was exciting. I worked part-time until I finished school and now I'm a full-time field agent.
Every day I'm in a different country, spying, stealing, and killing. Yes, I killed people, when they were either shot or I'd broken their neck, but all in the name of patriotism. I had a license to kill, to stay alive and come home job done.
I had to abide by laws of protocol, to keep tight lipped on the whole secret agent thing and not tell my friends and family in case I could endanger them, but the enemy was not what would endanger them, it was the CIA themselves, who would deal with people that knew my secret with the pull of a trigger, an assignation order under the breach of protocol.
I was signing my life away.
My boss Edward McDonald said I had talent and that it must run in the family, when I questioned him about this he replied that my grandmother and grandfather from my mother's side were field agents for the same covert branch. My mother if she knew had never told me that and it came as a shock.
When Dad started questioning why I was always rushing off to the office, which as far as he knew was a Law firm called Right Move, in reality however the Law Firm was a disguise for what was going on underneath, in the basement where head quarters for the branch was, I told my Dad I was doing more work overseas with the Law firm, he bought it instantly.
For the first few months lying to my friends and family was hard but I got used to it and the kick I got from being patriot was compensating enough.
When I became a field agent, I got an executive home, executive car, I didn't pay rent so the only things I needed to pay for were the bills and everyday things I need in life.
I had everything I could want in life, a kick ass and exciting job, two of the best friends in the world, Joey and Stella and my little brother Frankito, terrific parents, a dad in a band which I can enjoy now more than ever. It seemed like a life made in heaven.

Then one day the thing I feared to happen happened. It was a Monday night; I had just come home from a trip in Nepal for the agency and decided it was time to have a night in with my friends, time to have fun. I was standing in the kitchen with my close brother Frankito and two friends Joey and Stella making smoothies for us all, just hanging out with them like I loved to do.
"So Stella, tell me when are you and my brother going to get together? I mean, I know you and Joey can't since he's not into you like that!" I asked my dearest girlfriend.
"Oh ha, ha, if you must know I am still dating Gerry, and yes it's going well, I'm quite looking forward to Valentines Day!" Stella replied then looked sympathetically at my brother.
"Sorry Kito!" she apologized, he seemed unbothered.
"Well, I am still dating my invisible, supermodel friend Sandy so that makes us both unavailable!" he replied and we all laughed, he wasn't into Stella anymore. Hadn't been for a year now but I liked to keep the idea fresh.
Joey patted Frankito on the shoulder and gestured toward the TV, Stella had appeared by my side to help with the smoothies that's when I saw it, the laser, a device that can allow the sniper to aim affectively and accurately, roam across the tiled wall and up my arm.
"GET DOWN!" I yelled to the others as I ducked behind the island in my apartment kitchen.
The bullet fired and smashed my blender, the ice and smoothie juice went everywhere. It covered me and Stella and ran along the floor and down the steps into the living room. Joey and Frankito were behind the couch with a scared look fixed on their faces, Frankito mouthed the words, "What's happening," which was another thing I was taught in the agency, lip reading and sign language.
I raised my hand in a gesture to stop, to tell Joey to stay put then I did the same to Stella before turning around and taking a peek over the island to see who the shooter was or where he was, although with a sniper they could be a block away.
I saw nothing, nothing but the laser in my eyes and I ducked again.
I turned to Stella, "Give me you're cell!" I demanded and she shook her head fearfully, "I don't have it it's on the coffee table," she replied shakily.
I looked over to the coffee table between the couch and TV and sure enough her cell was sitting on the tinted glass.
"Ramona, what's going on?" Stella stammered.
"Live now, explanations later!" I replied then signed to Joey, of course he knew what I meant (You'll find out how later).
Joey looked over at the coffee table over the couch then he told Frankito to stay put while he crawled around the far side and snatched the phone from the table.
"Dude, call the police!" Frankito ordered, but Joey ignored him he dialed a number and let it ring.
"Dave, we have an attack at Ramona's place, we have one possible shooter and two civilians."
Joey explained to his contact over the phone.
"What? Two? We have four!" Frankito murmured in Joey's ear.
"What's your location Agent?" the contact said, Frankito heard and squinted.
"Agent?" he wondered, giving Joey a concerned look.
Stella turned and stared when she heard this, clearly stunned with the news.
"1223 Grange Way, were trapped, we can't see the shooter!" Joey yelled.
"There's an extraction team on their way, Joey, stay safe," Dave advised.
"Ramona, they're sending help!" Joey told Ramona.
I nodded.
"They, who's they? Did you call the police?" Frankito asked.
"Something, like that Kito!" Joey announced.
I turned by back on Stella and opened my cupboard and since I could go high enough to open the drawer in case I got my head blown of I had to get my gun from the back of the drawer. When I emerged, Stella's eyes grew wide, although I didn't look at Frankito. I could tell he was wondering why I had a gun in the house.
I signed to Joey again asking him to take a sneaky look outside. A few minutes later he signed back saying the shooter was over the neighbour's wall.
I looked and saw the black shadow of the shooter; I signed to Joey to get Frankito out first while I shot at the shooter and then come back for Stella.
As I shot Frankito disappeared with Joey and then Joey came back then I told Stella she had to make a break as soon as I opened fire. Joey was at the ready to take her.
I opened fire and Stella crawled as fast as she could into the arms of Joey who raced her out the front.
I was left to it, the shooter had ran around the wall and hit up the side of my apartment. I'd have to go out when Joey came back I signed again and told him that the shooter wan infiltrating (raiding) the house and to protect the others. I watched him go then cautiously walked to the patio doors and slid out of the broken glass.
I edged my way down the side of the house. The shooter was hiding, I didn't get a chance to turn my gun on him as he kicked it from my hand and went into full combat mode, he was masked and I didn't know him. I fought back giving as good as I got, being trained in martial arts was an asset. I threw a punch at his head and as he ducked. He rammed me against the wall in which I kneed him in the stomach and spun kicked him in the face. He staggered back and I jumped and kicked his jaw again in which he fell. He didn't seemed slowed down at all as he flipped up and kicked me across the cheek the pain was excruciating but we agents are trained to feed from the pain and turn it to rage. It was an easy process as he angered me so much. As he threw a punch I ducked and swiped a leg out to trip him up, he jumped over and kicked me up the nose, I felt blood trickle. I was thrown back onto the grass and as I rolled over he kicked my stomach flipping me over again. He grabbed me and threw me against the wall. I head butted him and punched him a couple of timed before taking a spade near by and whacking him across the head. He fell, limb to the ground; he was unconscious, because I still heard breathing. A few minutes later the extraction team arrived and picked up the shooter. I had a mass testimonial to write about this attack for my boss and on top of that I had a mass amount of explaining to do to my friends, me and Joey both.