Agent Files: Don't They Know What It Is to Be a Hero?

kidnapped #2

Underwater, Ramona held her breath and she grasped the reeves to stay under as she heard her car explode above water. She saw through her watery confinement, the car that had followed her drive on. She waited twenty seconds and then let herself float to the surface.
She gasped and took a deep breath then swam to the bank.
Her cell rang, it was on the bank safely sitting among the long grass and she answered it carefully with a wet hand.
"Wright," she answered.
"Mona, what the hell happened?" It was Joey.
"Some Jerk was following me. I think it's the same people that sent the assassin to us!" Ramona said coughing.
"Are you okay you sound... Hurt or distracted or something! What happened?" Joey wondered with a new found concern.
"I bailed my car, landed in a river, and faked my death!"
"Wow, good for you, that's one of us in the clear," Joey announced sarcastically.
"Where are you?" Ramona asked.
"At a safe house with Kito!" Joey replied, "Where are you?"
"I'm at Judges Warf, come and lift me Joey we have to find Stella!" Joey agreed and clicked off.

A few minutes later due to Joey's training in speed driving, Joey arrived in his BMW sports car. "Get in!" He yelled.
She got in and he drove back to the main road.
"Go to Ronnie's Taxi place, Stella got a cab with them!" Ramona ordered.
"Got it!" Joey agreed and sped up the main road, stopping with a skid outside Ronnie's. He and Ramona ran into the building and demanded to see the bookings for the last forty five minutes. Sure enough Stella's name was on the second to last booking. "Did this girl here successfully get her cab?"
"Honey what are you talking about?" The cabbie instructor wondered.
"Did she or did she not get the cab?"
"Our driver is on his way to get her from Felton's now, what's the problem!"
Ramona ignored this and turned to Joey with a shocked expression.
"Stella called Gerry and said she was in the cab on her way home!"
"The cab was decoy?"
"I don't know maybe, but I think they kidnapped her, I think my follower was a decoy to get me as far away as possible!"
"Then why not me?" Joey wondered as they rushed to the car.
"I don't know maybe because they knew you and Kito were together, or maybe you were being followed, and they tapped my call, when they realised you were going to a safe house they stopped following you!"
"It's a possibility, where to now?"
"The agency should know about this we have to find out where that cab went!"

An Hour Later

"We've had an interrogation team at Felton Bar, and retrieved CCTV footage that shows Stella getting into a cab with registration number: NBZ 6463.
We can't see the driver but someone outside described him as being a middle aged man with black hair and scarring on his face. We've identified him as this man," A picture of a man with black hair and scarring on his right cheek came up on the computer screen, "Ronald Blake, forty-one years old, worked for the KGB. We have reason to believe he doesn't work for them anymore but also have good reason to believe that he's working for this new group we're encountering." McDonald explained.
"Why would they kidnap Stella?" Ramona asked.
"I don't know, as bait to lead you into a trap more than likely what we do know is that he's not a light hearted man, he's skinned people alive before and should not be taken lightly whatsoever."
"What's the mission objective?" Joey asked.
"There is no mission objective, until we can find out the base for these people we can't act upon the info we have, until we do find out I want you two off the case!"
McDonald demanded.
"What?" Joey and Ramona said at the same time.
"You're too emotional in all this!" McDonald explained.
Outside the office Ramona and Joey pulled Dave, "Dave, we know how to find Stella!"
"I know McDonald ordered a team to track down all the veterans' employees, once we find a link we'll look into it, but you're not on the case, McDonald is sending Agents Donavan and Cale in to do extract Stella!" Dave replied.
"No... No... No Dave you have to get us on this case, we only have one shot at this, if those two fail then they'll kill her out of fear they're found out, or move them somewhere else and we'll never see them again!" Ramona blurted.
"Look we haven't even found out where exactly these people are so we'll tackle that problem when we come to it, now go home and try to sleep."
"Sleep? Dave our best friend has been kidnapped by the meanest asshole in the world of Spy!" Ramona demanded.
"I know but we can't do much right now!" Dave replied.
"Look... Just get us back on this case, okay?"
"No Ramona it's not okay I have McDonald on my ass about you two!"
"Dave, get us on the case or we will take matters into our own hands!" Joey snapped and he dragged Ramona off.
"Are you really gonna take matters into your own hands?" She asked.
"No Dave will get us back on the case, trust me, come on we have to tell Gerry!"
Joey said and rushed to the car park.
Ramona stared out of the window as they drove back home. She couldn't wait to get into some dry PJ's and sit on the sofa with a pot of ice-cream.
As soon as they reached Ramona's they called Gerry. Gerry demanded to know where Stella was and Joey said she had gave the taxi man Ramona's address by accident from being drunk and was staying there for the night. When Gerry asked to speak to her Joey replied that Stella was asleep already, out for the count.
Gerry and Joey said good-bye and Joey returned to Ramona, who was, instead of eating ice-cream, hunched over her lap top hacking into, the taxi call system. She wanted to hear the calls for the previous few ours.
"I found it!" she gasped.
"What!" Joey said emerging from her kitchen.
"I found stray calls in the system, one that says something about Barcelona! What's that all about do you think?" Ramona wondered.
"I don't know, is there anything else?" Joey wondered.
"Wait!" Ramona said holding up a hand to quiet Joey she turned the speakers up.
"Yes Arkov, I have the tooth fairy, we will have what we need by the time we return to Barcelona... Dude I am not going to Barcelona I'm going to 65A Tates Avenue... Yes Arkov I know I won't hurt the girl! Well we need those documents!"

"Oh, my God!" Ramona clapped her hand over her mouth.
"What? Joey wondered.
"Arkov... I'm... Remembering something... Arkov, I know him!" Ramona said.
"Arkov... Nope he's not on our friends list. Who is he?" Joey asked.
"I met him on a job in Barcelona, he specialized in weaponry and explosives.... Of course!"
"Okay your light bulbs blinking what are you thinking?" Joey cracked.
"Whoever is going to use this device is obviously going to need a professional bomb maker to make their explosives; Arkov doesn't come cheap though he must be doing it for free for some reason. He must be friends with whoever is running this operation."
"Makes sense... Arkov doesn't ring a bell though; I have never heard him being on the CIA's most wanted list!"
"No he's a neutral being, he provides weapons secretly for the bad guys but CIA needs him for most of their information, that's why we can't snatch him, we never have proof to snatch him either, but then that's another good reason why they would use Arkov he's secretive and no one can charge tax and stuff like that!"
"So Arkov is involved?" Joey said.
"Yes I dare say he is!"
"Do you know where he lives?"
"Barcelona. But he won't be there now, not if he's working for this group who are based in Gibraltar, I have to tell Dave!" Ramona said snatching up her phone.

Dave had advised that Ramona and Joey get some rest and that they would have a briefing the following day at noon.
The next morning Frankito had called demanding to know what was happening and Ramona and Joey met with him for breakfast to explain what happened.
"Hey guys... Okay firstly I have a girlfriend now! And second I can see that you're okay but what the hell happened last night?"
Ramona nervously looked at Joey who nodded in reassurance. With a deep breath Ramona went on.
"Alright well, firstly, congratulations on the girl thing and secondly, yes, I was followed but that's not what we have to tell you." Ramona paused and took another, much needed, big breath, "Stella was kidnapped... "
Frankito leaned forward shocked, "What!"
Joey stepped in, "Were close to tracking her down, closer than what the police would be!"
Frankito shook his head in disbelief, "How could this happen?"
"Last night someone posed as a taxi driver to take her home. Except she didn't get home. We beleive he's working for a group that we've been trying to track down for years," Ramona explained.
"Holy crap... Is she okay... What can I do?"
"We know you probably have a million questions but we've told you all we know... We know that they definitely won't kill her because they're holding her ransom for the plans we stole from a bank in Gibraltar and the reason we know this is because we were able to track the kidnapper's calls which revealed this information." Joey said.
"When can we get her back?" Frankito asked eagerly and worriedly, sweat beginning to appear on his hair line.
"What's 'we', there's no 'we'! We're going to get her back... Me and Joey!" Ramona said.
"Yeah whatever meanwhile I sit around like a cockroach waiting for the bad news!"
Frankito snapped leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms like a stroppy ten year old.
"Kito, we will get her back, and yes you will be sitting around like a cockroach, but at the end of all that waiting there will be good news!" Joey snapped back reassuringly.
"Kito we'll have her back soon... I promise!" Ramona said gently.
Joey stood up, "We gotta go!"
Ramona stood also... "Yes we do... Kito we'll be in touch!"
Joey and Ramona exited the breakfast bar leaving a gobsmacked Frankito Cool in tatters.