I'm Not Who You Think I Am Draco Malfoy, but Sometimes...I Wish I Was

Hi, my name is Lauren Huntington, I am going into my fourth year and my parents just switched me to hogwarts, I am a witch. And I am also a death eater, and a member of the order of the Pheonix, my parents always wanted to make sure that no matter what I would be on the winning side, so the dark lord thinks I'm spying for him and The order thinks I'm spying for them, I finally understand just what snape has to go through on a daily basis.

For my first year of magic lessons I went to ogwarts and was the quiet ugly mousy girl in the corner, my parents then chose to move to france and I ended up going to beauxbatons for two years. Now in the summer of my fourth year I should be relaxing, instead I am being uprooted and brought to be more near the place where the Dark Lord is to rise again, I am also supposed t spy on dumbledore, as if I wasn't spying enough already, and watch over Harry, I don't know how I'm going to do both and stay sane, it will be a challenge without adding anything else, I simply don't have enough for proper friends let alone relationships. Anyways hopefully this year will be fairly uneventful
  1. Time to leave, I guess you're only allowed to be h
    I leaned against the window and watched the clouds flying past, I blinked back the tears filling my eyes as I said goodbye to everything I knew,
  2. Hello Draco
    I'm not frightened of you anymore
  3. ew
    That is one sight I never wanted to see.
  4. We're Over
    yeah, sorry, on orders