Nothing Else Can Save Me: S.O.S.

Not Fine

I was most defiantly not fine. It had been to long. Only one year had past and I feel like dying. I can't do anything with out him. It's hard to even get up in the mornings knowing my best friend is gone. But it gets easier with time. That's why when I got the phone call that he was coming home a year early, I felt like i could fly.

"SOS?" Matt's voice asked through the phone. "Yea. Matt?" I could just see him smiling. "Yea! Guess what!" He sounded really excited. "What?" "I'm coming home next week!" I felt my heart leap. "You are?!" I was smiling, ear to ear, now. "Yea! And I have a huge surprise for you! Can you pick me up at the airport?" I couldn't stop smiling. "Yea! See you soon." "Yea, you too. Bye."


Now I stood at the airport gate, looking for mytrue love best friend. Suddenly I saw him and he waved, towering over the crowd. "Matt!!!" I called, running over to hug him. When I pulled away, I noticed a woman at his side. "Who's this?" I asked, the smile still glued to my face. "SOS, this is my wife, America."
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Oh snap