Can You Feel It

Feelin' The Love

I sat on the couch as everyone danced to Billie Jean. We all finished watching Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever on TV. After Michael's amazing performance on TV he was showing off. He did the moonwalk and winked at me. He knew I didn't like dancing, but he always managed to get me on my feet. He was something special that Michael.

I sat on the curb in front of my house. My parents were fighting again. This time they were fighting about me. "She has to go with Grandma! She's not fitting in this hell hole!" I could hear my mother scream. They thought I had problems because I wasn't making friends. People just didn't like me, that wasn't my problem.

I heard singing from down the street. As I looked there was a man dancing and singing. I couldn't see much since there was only one street light, but he looked and sounded familiar. He did finally notice me and walked over. "Hey! What are ya doin' out here at this time of night?" He called out to me. Where did I hear that voice before? As he walked closer it was harder for me to tell who he was. He sat down next to me smiling.

"Well, um, my parents were fighting so I just came out here to relax." I felt weird talking to a stranger, but it was actually rather nice. I actually just talked about my problems with someone other then my diary. "You were singing and you were really good."

"Well, if I wasn't any good at singing I probably wouldn't be where I am today." He laughed. His laugh was like angel's singing. Heck, his singing was angel's singing. This man sounded perfect and I hadn't a clue who he was.

"What are you doing out here late at night?"

The man sighed and rubbed his neck. "I do this almost every night. Hoping to meet someone new and just talk. I never just talk to people anymore, I don't have any friends really."

"I don't have friends either. I'm always stuck in my room." I sighed with him.

"I'm Michael by the way." he held out his hand.

"Jane." I said, shaking it.

"Friends?" He asked. I couldn't say no, he was perfect and I've known him for only 2 minutes.

"Yeah, friends." I smiled at him. I was smiling at a stranger, not even my parents made me smile.

I finally figured who he sounded like. "You know Michael, you sound a lot like Michael Jackson. You know who he is right?"

Michael laughed again. "Yeah, I know who he is." He gave me a confused look. "I know him actually."

"You know Michael Jackson?!" I almost screamed this. I wasn't this excited about something Michael Jackson since Off The Wall came out. Maybe he could introduce me one day.

"I'm Michael-" He laughed. "I'm Michael Jackson."

My eyes widened when he said this. He got up and held out his hand. I took it and Michael led me to the street light. And there he was, the one and only Michael Jackson standing right in front of me holding my hands. I was dreaming of course. It had to be a dream. "Hello? Jane?" He snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"I'm s-sorry. Wow, this is so weird for me. I'm sorry, I just- I'm sorry." I didn't know what to say to him anymore.

He laughed and spun me around. I didn't like to dance, well in front of someone else. I only danced to Michael Jackson. Wait, he was right in front of me...

He started singing 'Can You Feel It'. "All the colors of the world should be/Lovin’ each other wholeheartedly." I just stood there. My new friend was gonna try to make me to dance and I was not gonna like this. Was I not allowed to have a crush on him anymore? "Jane, please dance with me."

"I-i-i don't dance." I stuttered.

He giggled a bit "Everybody dances Jane." Michael Jackson was saying my name. The voice of angels Michael Jackson. He held out his hand and again I took it. We laughed and danced for what seemed like hours. Michael Jackson was my new friend.

Someone must have changed the album because 'Can You Feel It' started playing. Michael came and sat next to me. "Come on Jane, this is our song. We must dance to our song." It's been 3 years since that day I met Michael.

"Michael, for the millionth time I don't dance!" I laughed at him.

"And Jane, for the millionth time everybody dances!" He laughed back. He looked at me, and I just melted in those perfect chocolate brown eyes.

I got up. "Fine, this one song."

"Our song." he winked and took my hand.

We were the only ones in the room while everyone else either went upstairs or in the kitchen. I hadn't noticed till now, I bet Michael sent them away in order for me to dance. Michael sung along as he tried to spin me. "Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it?"

"I feel it..." I whispered. Since Michael and I had been friends my crush did grow. He didn't know it though.

"I feel it too you know..."

Dang, he heard me. Play it cool Jane. "What do you feel Michael?"

"Love." He smiled at me and kissed me softly on the cheek.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is Jane!

I tried my best :D Constructive criticism? Yes, please. & Also, Michael Jackson DID in fact walk around late at night trying to make new friends. He did this during the time Off The Wall was released and before Thriller was released. So, I didn't really make that up :)