True Love Never Dies

Chapter 10

The morning sun poured through Billie Joe's bedroom window. Adrienne had forgotten to draw the curtains the previous night.
"Ah... fuck me!" Billie moaned as he rolled over to face the bedroom door. He thought he saw a vision of a boy standing there but he thought he was just seeing things and closed his eyes again. Although he was convinced it was a dream he decided to double check and opened one eye. Sure enough there in front of him was Joseph, his eldest son of eleven.
"Aw, Joey, what do you want?" Billie muttered, his voice half muffled by the pillow. Billie Joe's distorted, morning face made Joseph wince.
"Dad, Kyle and Seth are coming over, okay?" Joseph told his father in a non-comical tone.
Billie looked as though he didn't care less, "What's new?" he replied with sarcasm.
"Well this time it's different..." Joseph pondered.
"And what?" Billie snapped rubbing the drool from his mouth and made a disgusted face when he looked at his hand before wiping it on the drool soiled pillow.
"Well, they're actually coming over because... um... we were going to watch Terminator, but then... we decided to... um... to invite other people... "
"So?" Billie replied dozing again.
"WellIwanttohaveapoolparty!" Joseph said quickly.
"What's that kiddo I can't here you?" Billie teased; he knew fine rightly what Joseph had said.
"Well I want to have a pool party, invite some more guys around... and maybe some girls!"

A smile spread across Billie Joe's face, his eyes still closed as he chuckled, "Sure whatever, but if your inviting teenie monsters then I'm outta here!"

Joseph beamed, "Oh thanks dad and hey don't worry everything will be fine!" he added winking at his father.

Billie just had a new thought, girls and boys, especially growing girls and boys at the same party... half naked... surely they wouldn't... no they were too young. Billie rolled over to go back to sleep and completely forgot about the sun which burned his eyes like fire.
He sighed and groaned as he realized he was now wide awake.

Adrienne bustled into the room with a fresh pile of ironing to put away.
"Oh, you're up!" she said remarkably, setting down the pile on the chair beside the dresser.
Billie grinned goofily at his wife, "Well it appears so. Why did you send Joseph to ask me permission for a pool party?"
Adrienne laughed, "It's a reflex... ask your Dad, sorry babe," she giggled.
"Well now that's a habit you're going to have to get out of isn't it," he said grabbing her onto the bed, attempting to kiss her.
"Ahhh, get off, manky breath!" She squealed protecting herself with her arms.
"Come here I wanna eat you..." Billie said rolling on top of her so she couldn't get up. At that moment Jakob appeared at the door.
"You two are sad, you know that?" he remarked making a disgusted face at the frolicking pair. Billie looked over at him and laughed, "Hell you wouldn't half know I had kids eh?" he stated sarcastically, referring to the constant interruptions by the Armstrong boys.
"Mom, you bought a cabinet for all the keys right?" Jakob wondered.
"Yes honey, it's in the utility room," she informed him. Jakob nodded.
"Cool, well is my bike's chain key in there?" he asked.
Adrienne nodded, "It's labelled, why where are you going?" she asked mysteriously.
"Nowhere, me and Ollie are going for a bike ride in the park," he explained.
"Wonderful idea, well, you be careful, kiddo. Bye," Billie said pushing Jakob out the doorway and closing the door.
"You guys better not have morning sex it's gross... " Jakob yelled and Billie stuck his head out the door giving his son an angry glare.
"We'll talk about this later... go play!" Billie ordered.

When Billie closed the door he walked over to Adrienne who stood hands on hips, staring at her husband with her eyebrows raised.
"Now where were we?" Billie asked suggestively.
Adrienne cocked her head, "Somewhere in-between me putting the clean ironing away and you trying to kill me with you're manky breath!"
Billie made a face and huffed then walked into the bathroom to get ready leaving Adrienne to put the clothes away while falling into a giggling fit.
An hour later Billie Joe decided to go and see how Tre was coping with his hangover. He pulled the BMW into Tre's long stony driveway and dashed up to the door. He knocked a few times... no answer. Tre was more than likely passed out on the kitchen floor, the new dog urinating all over him. He knocked again... still no answer. Maybe he was passed out in the bathroom beside the sick covered toilet; Billie lifted his fist to knock again but surprisingly the door opened.
"Hey Billie!" Tre beamed when he saw his best friend. Billie looked up at him in confusion.
"Tre! You're not a zombie?" he asked suddenly without thinking.
Tre furrowed his eyebrows with confusion, "Ah, yeah I'm alive. What the hell was that supposed to mean?" he demanded.
Billie shrugged, "Man, you're supposed to be passed out, with drool hanging down the side of you're mouth or possible choking on your own vomit!"
Tre sighed, "No Billie I'm not hung over!" he informed angrily. "Would you like to come in?" Tre offered and Billie stepped into the high ceiling foyer.

Billie stood in awe at the site and smells around him. The whiff of Bleach filled his nostrils and he slipped and slid on the wet tiled floor.
"You cleaned!" Billie said dumb-founded.
Tre smirked and shrugged, "Yeah well it needed a good clean, I rearranged some of the furniture myself too!" he said proudly walking to the phone table to dust it.
Billie Joe walked into the almost new living room, much to his surprise the portfolio picture of Eve was in a new frame and put back onto the wall. There were fresh flowers on the coffee table and the coasters that Eve used only for special occasions where laid in a pile aside the flowers.
"Wow... but I thought... you would be hung-over!" Billie asked astonishingly.
"Well what makes you say that?" Tre asked nervously. He knew he probably would have if it not for Eve's surprise and miraculous visit the previous night. He'd simply put the liquor away and decided it to be opened on Claire's eighteenth.
"Tre... I saw you, yesterday, leaving the beer mart!" Billie told his drummer friend.
"Oh... well long story... it's for Claire's eighteenth birthday!" Tre decided and placed the phone back onto the phone table.
"Do you like the room?" he asked the front man of Green Day.
"It's great... " Billie decided, still unsure at what was wrong with his best friend.
There was another knock at the door, "Oh that'll be Mikey Boy!" Tre said excitedly and jumped up. Billie watched quizzically, "Mike? Tre what's going on?"

"MIKEY BOY!" Tre yelled holding out his arms as Mike stood rather freaked out at the door, "COME ON IN!"
"Ah... okay... " Mike said quietly and walked inside. He took one glance over the gleaming entrance hall, the mop and bucket propped against the wall in the corner, the polish and duster on the phone table and choked, "Holy... ." He said Billie and gave him a look that said, 'What the hell is going on?' Billie shrugged.
"Okay, men, follow me into the kitchen... " Tre said shooing them along.
It was eerie that's kind of what he said to the police when they came over.
"I think he's in denial now, one of those stages of bereavement you know," Billie suggested.
"But she's not dead though," Mike corrected him.
"Right... but still... " Billie replied. They entered the tidy kitchen and Mike spied the coffee cups set out. Three of them. The kettle was boiled and Tre was pouring the hot, steamy water into the cups.
"At least it's not all bad," Mike muttered and took a seat. Billie did the same. They drank and talked about meaningless things, Tre was his old self with all the cleaning stuff on board. Miracles really do happen.
"So ah Tre," Billie said finally, "What's this little meeting about?"
"What? I can't spend the afternoon with my friends?"
"Yes but, come on... ." Mike added.
"Okay I'll admit this is sudden and yes you both didn't know you'd both be here I mean Billie I was gonna call you later and get you to come around."
"Yeah?" Billie asked.
"Sure... Anyways, I was wondering if you guys will wanna go to Dover with me, whaddya say?"
He smiled gaily and Billie looked at Mike who stared back. They both turned to Tre, "Um thanks for the offer but, we have families, you know Adie might not like it... .."

* * *

"Of course honey, it sounds like he really needs it!" Adrienne said as she put the final touches to her sandwich.
"Adie, it could be disastrous, cliffs and Tre do not go together at this point...and they're white!"
"You're a dumb-ass, call him and tell him you'll go."
"If you don't I will... "
"Bitch... fine I'll do it!"
"I win, now piss off I wanna eat my sandwich."
Billie scowled.