I'll Never Let Them Hurt You (I Promise)

Chapter 18

I woke up and looked around as I slowly sat up. Apparently someone placed me back on my bed after I passed out. I jumped slightly when I heard someone say my name.

"I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean to scare you," Zacky chuckled a little as he walked over to my bed and sat on the edge of it.

"It's okay, I was just wondering how I actually made it on my bed after passing out." I replied and giggled.

"Well, Amber went downstairs and found me, then I came up here and picked you up and put you back on your bed." he explained. I nodded in understanding as I looked at him. He looked at me. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asked. I nodded and smiled at him a little.

"I'm fine Zacky, it's nothing to worry about." I said. I think.... He smiled back at me and leaned in to kiss me. I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around him. Within a few minutes, he was pushing me back against the bed to lay down on it as he started to move on top of me. I broke the kiss and looked up at him.

"Is something wrong?" he asked with concern.

"Well, I don't mind kissing you or anything, but what if I am sick? I don't wanna get you sick too..."

"Baby, you've been sick for a couple weeks, and you were saying it was just something you ate. What's going on?" he looked at me. I bit my lip when he called me 'baby'. I began thinking about what Amber said to me before I passed out. I can't be pregnant... T-There's no way... But what if I am? What if he doesn't want anything to do with the baby? What if he doesn't want anything to do with me? Tears started burning in my eyes as I started to think about it. I didn't want to lose him if I was pregnant. I knew I needed to figure out if I really was or not.

"Mel? Are you okay? What's going on?" I heard another voice as I turned my head and saw Brian and Frank.

"Baby, will you tell us what's-"

"I-I don't know o-okay?! If I kn-knew I would've told someone by now..." I snapped as tears started pouring from my eyes.

"Mel, we just wanna know what to do so we can help you. We didn't mean to make you upset." Frank said calmly as he started to walk over to me. I felt Zacky wrap his arms tighter around me. I looked up at Zacky confused as tears continued to fall. He never acted this way whenever Frank was around me before. Why is he acting like this now?

"I-I know Frankie, I just wish I knew wh-what was going on..." I replied to him as I looked over at him. He smiled a little at me. I could still feel Zacky wrapping his arms tighter around me. I looked at him before looking over at Brian and Frank. "Do you two mind if I talk to Zacky alone for a minute?" I bit my lip a little as I looked at them. Frank shook his head and walked out of the room. Syn laughed and looked at us.

"Don't make too much noise okay? Mom and Dad should be home soon." he said. Zacky laughed as I just stared wide eyed as tears continued falling. He looked at me and shook his head. "Relax Mel, I was only kidding." And with that, he was out of the room and shut the door behind him.

"Mel, what's gotten into you lately?" Zacky asked as he looked at me.

"What's gotten into you Zacky? Why do you always get so protective lately whenever Frank is around? He's just my friend. You never act like this when it's anyone else." I responded as I looked at him.

"Do you not notice how he looks at you? It's obvious he wants you. You're mine and he can't have you."

"I'm not property Zacky, obviously we're together and I doubt he would do anything to come between us. I don't understand why you-"

"I didn't mean it like that. Why have you been acting weird lately? I don't get it."

"I-I told you, I don't know." I said to him. I meant it, I don't know if Amber was right or if I really was sick. I need to know for sure... After a few minutes of not saying anything, he got up and went to walk out.

"W-Where are you going?" I asked as I looked at him.

"I'm leaving...I'll see you later I guess." he shrugged and with that, he left. I curled up into a ball on my bed as more tears fell from my eyes. Does he think I'm lying to him? Does he think I like Frank? I mean I do, but it's only as a friend. If I am pregnant and he leaves me if I tell him, what am I going to do? I heard a knock on my door and looked over at it blankly. It was Frank.

"Hey Mel, are you okay?" he asked as he started walking over to me. I shrugged a little as I tried to stop the tears from falling, but I couldn't. He sat down on the edge of my bed and pulled me up into his arms.

"I-I think me and Zacky g-got into a fight..." I stuttered as I continued to cry. He rubbed my back and tried to calm me down.

"What happened?"

"I-It's nothing...D-Don't worry about it." I replied as I sniffed a little.

"It can't be nothing if it's upsetting you. You know you can tell me anything right?" he asked as he looked at me. I bit my lip and shrugged a little.

"I-I guess, but really it's n-nothing to worry about." he just nodded and let go of me.

"If you wanna tell me what's wrong, you know where to find me okay?" I nodded in response to his question.

"You're leaving?"

"I need to go talk to Gerard and Mikey about something." he replied as he started to walk out.

"O-Okay, bye Frankie." I smiled a little at him as I sniffed again.


A few hours had gone by and I bit my lip a little. I wish Zacky were here. I really didn't mean to make him mad at me earlier.

"Mel? What's wrong?" I heard Syn ask as he walked into the living room. I sighed a little.

"I think Zacky and I got into a fight."

"What? Why?"

"He got jealous of Frank, but I don't get it. I mean sure everyone else, well besides Mikey have girlfriend and my other friends are girls, but even before they did, he was never really jealous of them. He's been saying I've been acting weird lately and I know I have too, I just don't know why." I felt tears burning in my eyes again.

Why is this happening to me? I shouldn't be this upset right now should I?

"Aww Mel," Brian came over to me and wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head against his shoulder as tears continued to fall. "He'll get over it okay? And if he doesn't, I'll make him get over it." he said as he rubbed my back. I couldn't help but giggle a little. He kissed the side of my head and looked at me.

"Thanks Bri," I smiled a little at him as I sniffed a little. Suddenly, the phone rang. I moved off of the couch to go answer it. "Hello?"

"Mel, it's me. You and Brian have to get to the hospital right away." I heard the voice of my dad.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" I started getting worried.

"I-I'm fine, it's your mom. She got into an accident."
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Yes I know, cliffhanger, but I don't think it'll be long until I update again. I hope.
