I'll Never Let Them Hurt You (I Promise)

Chapter 2

A few hours had gone by and Zacky and I had gotten to know each other a little better. It was getting late and I looked over at the clock. It read 10:30 and I knew my mom was probably gonna kill me if she had gotten back from work already.

"As much as I don't wanna go home right now, I probably should since I start school tomorrow." I said as I started getting up from the couch.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to." I looked at him.

"I don't? But my mom might-"

"Just call your mom and tell her you made a new friend and you're gonna stay over at their house. It wouldn't exactly be a lie or anything right?" he said as he looked at me. I guess he kind of had a point there.

"But what am I supposed to do about clothes? I mean I didn't really plan on staying here or anything."

"You could always sneak into your room, get your stuff and then come back unless you wanted to borrow some of my clothes or something." he shrugged.

"Can I use your phone? I kind of left my cell phone at home." I said to him as he nodded.

"Sure go ahead. I have to call my friend back before I forget to." he said as he walked into another room with his cell phone.

-Zacky's Point of View-

I dialed Matt's number into my cell phone. After it rang a few times he finally answered.

"Hey Matt it's Zacky"

"What took you so long to call back?"

"I met one of the neighbors and-"

"Is she hot?" I heard Syn say in the background. I just rolled my eyes and ignored him.

"Anyways, after I hung up with you guys I saw a girl running so I followed her. She was crying and so I talked to her for a little while and-"

"What's her name?"

"Melissa, and for some reason, she reminds me a lot of Syn. The only difference is, she's gorgeous."

"Aww, Zacky's got a girlfriend." I heard Jimmy and Johnny say in the background.

"Fuck off, she's not my girlfriend. Besides, I just met her." I said as I heard Matt chuckle.

"Anyway, what were you saying before?"

"Well I looked at her ribs and they looked pretty bad. She said she fell but I'm not sure."

"You think it could be something else don't you"

"Yes," I heard footsteps coming down the hallway."Well I guess I'll see you guys tommorow"

"Alright later Zacky"

"Bye" I hung up and saw Mel with a backpack in her hand.

-Mel's Point of View-

"So um...where am I gonna sleep? I asked looking around his somewhat messy room.

"You can sleep on my bed if you want." he said as he smiled at me.

"But then where-"

"I'll sleep on the floor" he answered.

"Are you sure? Because you don't have to-"

"Yeah I'm sure."

"Okay..Night Zacky"

"Night Mel"

-Zacky's POV-
An hour had gone by, and I watched Mel as she slept. She looked so innocent and calm. Almost like an angel. I couldn't seem to fall asleep so I decided to watch her. She started tossing and turning all of a sudden.

"No...leave me alone....Stop it..." she had started to cry in her sleep.

"Mel..." I got no response. I got up and moved over to my bed and lightly shook her.

"Mel are you okay? Wake up.." I whispered. She opened her eyes and looked up at me as tears started falling from her eyes. I sat down on the bed beside her and carefully wrapped my arms around her.

"It's okay Mel...it was only a nightmare." I said softly, trying to calm her down as I wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at her. "Do you want to tell me what happened?" I asked.

"He killed her.."


"He killed my mom...and then he killed me." she said still crying.

"Nick" she choked out. She wouldn't tell me who he was so I was just guessing it was an ex-boyfriend or something. A few minutes later she fell asleep in my arms so I just decided to stay with her and I ended up falling asleep soon after her.

-Mel's POV-

The next morning, I slowly opened my eyes and felt someone next to me. I turned around slowly. I saw Zacky sleeping with a small smile on his face. His arm was moving up and down my side. Okay...this is really awkward, considering I don't know him that well.

"Zacky...." I whispered and got a moan in response. Okay, I really didn't want to do this but he made me do it. I pushed him off of his bed and he instantly woke up.

"What did you do that for?"

"What are you talking about? You fell..." I said innocently. He just stared at me.

"Are you lying to me?" he asked as he raised an eyebrow at me. I shrugged innocently.


"Why did you do it?"

"Well you were moaning in your sleep and basically feeling me up. How else do you expect me to react?" He just sat on the ground, not answering me and biting his lip.

"That's what I thought. Well I'm gonna go back home because I think I might have forgot something so I guess I'll meet you at school okay?"

"Are you sure? You don't want me to go with you?" he asked.
"N-no I'll be fine." I smiled trying to convince him, knowing there was a chance that I wouldn't be.

"Okay..I guess I'll see you at school then."

"Okay bye Zacky"

I walked out and went back home. I walked in and saw Nick passed out on the couch. I silently ran to bathroom with a change of clothes and took a shower. I got out and changed into a purple tank top and a pair of jeans. I also put my Misfits zip up hoodie on and left my room. I couldn't really remember why I had come back home in the first place but oh well.. I was about to walk out when I heard my mom.

"Melissa? What are you doing here? I thought you were staying at your friends house."

"I accidentally left my backpack here so I came back to get it." I lied.

"Oh..okay just hurry up you'll be late to school, and I already have to bring Nick to the airport in about 20 minutes so hurry up." she said. Oh and I forgot to mention he got his license taken away due to drinking and driving way to many times.

"I am ready...Why does he have to go to the airport?"

"He said he wanted to see his family in Oregon or Utah or something." she said.

"Well I guess you better take him now...I'll just wait here because I have no idea where the school is."

"Okay I guess you'll be late for your first day of school." she said leaving. I went to my room and sat listening to the Misfits in my CD player.
------At School------

I walked down the hallway as I felt many pairs of eyes on my back. Most of them were preps probably already talking shit about me. I just glared at them and I saw a few of them had fear in their eyes. I continued walking down the hallway as I searched for my locker. As soon as I found it and put my stuff in my locker I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist. I jumped because 1., I didn't really know anyone here and 2., I really didn't want to get raped. I turned around quickly and saw Zacky smirking. I smacked him kind of hard. A guy who I was assuming was one of Zacky's friends laughed as he walked closer to where Zacky and I were standing. He looked really familiar. Where have I seen him before? He was slightly shorter than me and...Wait...is that...Johnny?

"Mel?" Zacky said snapping me out of my thoughts.


"Did you even here a word I said?"

"Um..no what did you say?"

"I asked you when did you get here?"

"About ten minutes ago and I did find my locker right before you scared the crap outta me." he laughed.

"Hey Zacky what's-" he stopped talking as he stared at me as if he had just seen a ghost.

"B-Bella?" he stuttered.

"Um...no dude, her name is Melissa"

"But only one person called me that...Johnny?"

"Holy fuck it is you" he said hugging me tightly causing the lack of oxygen in my lungs. I looked at Zacky and saw a mixture of confusion, and jealousy in his eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
I decided to stop it there for now. mwahahaha *cough* *cough*
So how do Mel and Johnny know each other? Why could Zacky possibly be getting jealous? And why does Mel remind Zacky of Syn?
so many questions but you're just gonna have to wait til I write the next chapter.

Comments = faster updates and cookies lol.

i have yet to lose my comment virginity with this story. hahaha xD