I'll Never Let Them Hurt You (I Promise)

Chapter 3

"Johnny...need to..breathe..." I choked as he continued hugging me.

"Sorry but I haven't seen you in a while." he said as he smiled at me.

"Okay will someone tell me what is going on?" Zacky asked.

"Well our moms were best friends in high school, then they had us and we became best friends and we would always hang out until-"

"He moved away leaving me alone with my so called 'friend' Erin who by the way I ended up almost murdering." I stated.

"What did she do this time?" Johnny asked. Erin was the type of person who you would tell things but then she would tell everyone in school the next day or the kind of person who would sleep with your boyfriend.

"Remember Tony?"

"She slept with him didn't she?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah and I ended up sending both of them to the hospital.."

"Damn...remind me to never piss you off." Zacky said chuckling slightly.

"Well I think we should be getting to class now. What do you have next?" Johnny asked.

"Math...fun" I said sarcastically.

"I got Science...I'll see you guys later" Zacky said turning to leave. Johnny walked in the opposite direction after saying bye to me.

"Zacky I don't exactly know where I'm supposed to go.."

"Oh right I kinda forgot about that."

"And how did you manage that?"

"I don't know."

"Nice now are you gonna help me or not?"

"It's down this side of the hall two doors to your left." he said.

"Thanks. Later Zacky"

"Later Mel"

I walked into the classroom and everyone became quiet and stared at me. Great...more preps.. I glared at all of them. I saw their faces turn white in fear through the fake tans they all had. This might actually not be so bad...

------Math Class------

"Everyone we have a new student. Meet Melissa Addams. Melissa would you like to say something to the class?"

"Um..Nope not really"

"Come on you must have to say something to them."

"Um...Nope still can't think of anything."

"Aww the little freak is scared." One of the preppy cheerleaders said. I instantly glared at her.

"Okay let's get one thing straight you don't know shit about me and you probably never will because you're too busy getting fucked by the jocks of this school, if not the whole town, and another thing is mess with me and you suffer the fucking consequences. Got it?!" I yelled. The classroom fell silent as the cheerleaders and everyone else except for a couple of the people sitting in the back that were laughing. I looked over at the teacher. "Can I go sit now?"

"Go ahead, you can go sit by Kristy, Brian, and Matt." she said before turning her back to the class to write something as the class started talking again. I sat down and they looked at me.


"What?" I asked them.

"Nothing but thanks for telling off that bitch for us." The guy with big muscles said.

"Uh..No problem"

"I'm Matt by the way" he said extending his hand for me to shake it. I just kind of stared at it for a minute before shaking it.

"Wow, is she the girl who moved in next door to Zacky?" The guy behind Matt asked as he looked at me.

"You know I'm still right here and yes I am. Why do you ask?" I said.

"Um..No reason we were just beginning to think that he lived near a middle aged married couple or something is all" he said as he shrugged.

"Right Brian, you just wanted to know if any of his new neighbors were hot," the girl behind me said "I'm Kristy, but you can call me Kitty if you want to."

"Melissa, you can call me Mel though." I said as I looked at Brian again. He had Brown eyes like mine and dark hair. He was kind of cute I guess, but for some reason he looked like he could possibly be my brother or something.

"So I'm guessing your the guys who is in the band with Zacky?" I asked Brian and Matt.

"He told you about us?"

"Yeah and I would love to hear you guys play sometime."

"Well I guess we could arrange that.." Matt said.


------After School------

I had met Jimmy, and Matt's girlfriend Valary during school and since it was after school, we were trying to figure out what we wanted to do.

"I just noticed something." Zacky said randomly as we went back to my house. Why we were going there I'm not really sure.

"What Zacky?" Johnny asked.

"I know why Mel kind of reminds me of Syn now. It's because they look like they could be twins." That was when everyone looked at me, then at Syn then back at me.

"Holy shit he's right." Kristy said.

"I haven't seen your mom in what seems like forever. Can we go see her for a little while Johnny?"

"I don't care...What do you guys wanna do?" he asked everyone.

"Why not? We don't got anything better to do" Jimmy said.

"Hey Bella? Your mom isn't still with that asshole Nick is she?" Johnny asked. I looked at him as if to say 'Not now' as tears formed in my eyes.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry Mel." he hugged me. I flinched and yelped in pain as he hugged me. He touched the bruises on my sides and looked up at me.

"Bella..Please tell me he didn't do that to you." he said. I couldn't control it. I started crying. Again.

-Zacky's Point of View-

So that's who Nick was. He was her mom's boyfriend or fiance or something along the lines of that. I watched Mel as she cried. I hated seeing her cry like she was. I watched Johnny hug her and I couldn't help but feel jealous. I've only known her a couple days. Why the hell am I getting like this?

-Mel's Point of View-

"Who's Nick?" Jimmy asked.

"I don't think she wants to talk about it guys leave her alone." Val said.

"Yeah she'll talk about it when she feels like it." Kristy and Zacky both defended me. We had got to Johnny's house a few minutes later and everyone walked in.

"Johnny is that you?" his mom called.

"Yeah mom and I brought the guys over." Kristy coughed.

"And Kitty, Val, and Bella are with us" he added. She walked into the living room reading something.

"That's not possible Johnny. How can she be here when she's in Sale-" she looked up and had the same look on her face that Johnny did when he saw me earlier. She was like a mother to me. More than my own mom but I called her by her first name.

"Hey Sarah" I said smiling. She walked over to me almost choking me to death.

"Sarah as much as I know you missed me, could you please at least let me breathe?"

"Right. Sorry" she apologized.

"No it's okay. That's the same thing Johnny did to me this morning." I said laughing slightly.

"Hey Mel? Could I talk to you and Brian for a minute?" Sarah asked.

"Sure" We all walked into the room I was assuming to be a guest room.

"So what's up Sarah?" I asked.

"Well there is something I need to tell the both of you. This may be a bit of a shock to both of you but it might not. I should really let your parents just tell you, but I kind of doubt they will so here it is..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes I know...another cliffhanger. I is evil lol
What could she have to tell them?
Don't worry, I won't leave you guys hanging that long, I'll try to update again tonight.
Comments= more updates
