I'll Never Let Them Hurt You (I Promise)

Chapter 5

-Zacky's Point of View-

Brittany looked at me and Mel in disgust. I saw Mel look at me out of the corner of my eye and see her look down. The next thing I know she had a look in her eyes like she was up to something.

"Zacky you didn't tell her?" she asked.

"Tell her what?" I asked as I was confused to what she was talking about.

"That you're my boyfriend, what else would I be talking about?" she asked. I looked at her and she had a look in her eyes that said 'Just go along with it.' I looked at Brittany as I carefully wrapped my arm around Mel's waist. If only this was for real.

"Oh yeah I didn't tell you did I? Oops.."

"How do I even know you're telling the truth Baker?" Brittany asked.

"Well if I wasn't telling the truth would she let me do this?" I asked. She turned to me with a look of confusion in her eyes. I gave her a soft kiss on the lips and didn't expect her to kiss back, but she did.

-Mel's Point of View-

I can't believe I had just kissed him back. I mean sure I would let him kiss me only to convince whoever it was so she would leave him alone. I do admit I did like it when he kissed me but I had just met him a couple days ago. I admit it. I'm starting to fall for Zacky Baker. We walked in awkward silence for a few minutes until he broke the silence.

"Thanks for helping me with the whole Brittany problem back there" he said.

"Uh..no problem..So what's up with her being a bitch anyway?" I ask curiously.

"She my ex. But she was the one who cheated on me so I don't really know why she acts like I was the one who cheated on her." he explains.

"I'm sorry."

"No it's ok we didn't really have anything in common anyways. And it's not like she supported my band anyway."

Just before we entered Matt's house he kissed me again before opening the door. We stepped in and he said something about everyone being in the basement.
When we entered the basement all eyes fell on us. I got confused until I noticed that we were holding hands. Okay how long have we been like that?

"I think I know why they took so long." Johnny said.

"What are you talking about?" Zacky asked before looking at our hands like I was. He let go and we both started blushing.

"You know exactly what i'm talking about." Johnny smirked.

"Johnny you know I'm not easy. Lily on the other hand is easy." I said.

"Yeah I know." he said.

"But how come it took you guys so long to get here when it normally takes Zacky like fifteen minutes to walk here from his house?" Val asked.

"We ran into Brittany." Zacky said.

"Oh..." they all said and seemed to understand, which kind of confused me. Does he run into her a lot or something?
I couldn't keep my eyes off of him half the time they were practicing. It was almost like I was in some sort of trance or something. They were all amazing though. Soon enough, practice was over and Val, Kristy, and I all went upstairs to talk.

"So.." They said in unison.

"What?" I ask.

"What's going on with you and Zacky?" Val asks.

"What? Why would you think something was going on between us?"

"Well let's see. You took longer than fifteen minutes to get here...Wait that was kind of Brittany's fault. But you were holding hands with him when you got here-"

"And you couldn't keep your eyes off of him when they were practicing-" Kristy added.

"And you seem to get quiet whenever he's near you and you blush" Val said.

"I do not." I said just as Zacky walked in.Great... Fan-fucking-tastic. He just had to walk in when we were talking about him.

"Hey Mel." he said. I looked down at my feet letting my hair cover my face as I felt blush creep up my face. I could hear Kristy and Val snickering.

"Did I miss something?" he asked.

"Oh not really. We're just seeing if Mel likes-"

"Cookies and she does." Val said. Zacky just looked at all of us weird.

"Okay then...Well we're going to get pizza we'll be back in a half hour or so okay?" he said before turning to leave.

"I rest my case." Val said.

"Okay, 1. For all I know he could have been listening to what we were talking about and 2., what the hell was up with the cookie thing? I mean sure I love them but that was just random." We all laughed.

"Well anyways I'm pretty sure I overheard them talking when I went upstairs and from what I heard Zacky likes you."

"But he barely even knows me." I said.

"So? Talk to him more let him get to know you" Kristy said. I had noticed earlier that she kept looking over at Jimmy during their band practice.
"So Kitty, what's going on with you and Jimmy?" I ask while smirking.

"Nothing. We're not talking about me and Jimmy. We're talking about you and Zacky."

"No, now we're talking about you and Zacky, and Kitty and Jimmy."

-Zacky's Point of View-

"So why were you really taking forever to get here?" Johnny asked.

"Well. Brittany saw me and Mel walking together. She pushed Mel down and said something about staying away from me. Then Mel kind of told her something and then Brittany didn't believe us so-"

"Wait. What did she tell Brittany?" Syn asked.

"She said that she was my girlfriend. I didn't tell her to say it, but she just said it. Brittany didn't believe her but-" I continued explaining it to him and Johnny.

"You like her don't you?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah and I promise both of you if I ever do get a chance to date her that I would never hurt her."

"Good. You know she is my best friend since forever and Syn's sister-"

"And if either one of us finds out you did something to her we would have to kill you right?" Syn added.

"I know." I answered.

"I'll try to find out from her if she likes you but if she finds out i'm the one who told you if it was true she will make sure that I never have kids. And I kind of want to." Johnny said.
♠ ♠ ♠
So...what's gonna happen next?
I decided to not leave it at a cliffhanger...for now mwahaha *cough* *cough*