Unicorn Turds


"Are you sure this is the right thing to do, Headmaster?"

"It is the only possible way to keep her safe. No harm can be done to her while she is behind the castle's walls."

"I will not be able to bare another loss."

"I know, Severus."


“Follow me, Ladies.” The black haired, severe-looking woman ordered with a prim expression on her face.

The two nervous girls followed her tall figure and watched her emerald green robes flutter as she marched.

“I assumed the two of you would like to avoid being sorted in front of the whole school. Therefore, your sorting will be done behind closed doors.” Professor McGonagall stated and opened a heavy-looking set of large oak doors.

“Thank you, professor.” Alessandra said restlessly and shot her friend an anxious glace, which Willow returned.

The three walked into what seemed as the professor’s office, or was it an old, empty classroom?

A small, dusty stool stood in the middle of the dim room, with an old, shabby hat lying on it.

Willow knew Hogwarts was divided into four houses, which meant that she and her best friend might not end up in the same house, room and classes.

Alessandra was too, afraid of being left alone as she had nothing in Hogwarts but Willow.

“Briefly, Hogwarts is divided into four houses, each bearing the last name of its founder: Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff. The houses compete throughout the school year, by earning and losing points for various events, for the House Cup.” Professor McGonagall explained.

“Gryffindor values courage, bravery, daring, nerve and chivalry. Hufflepuff values hard work, loyalty, tolerance, and fair play. Ravenclaw values learning, observing, and analyzing. Slytherin house values cunning, ambition and pure-blood ancestry.” McGonagall finally finished.

“Excuse me for asking professor, but how exactly are we going to be, well…sorted?” Alessandra questioned uneasily.

“I am glad you asked, dear.” “This is the Sorting Hat-” She said and held up the patched and frayed headdress.

“-The Sorting Hat is a sapient artifact used at Hogwarts, which magically determines to which of the four schoolhouses - Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin, you will be sorted.” Professor McGonagall explained.

“So, all I have to do is put it on?” Alessandra asked, earning a brief nod from the tall lady.

“Willow, you go first.” Alessandra urged her friend, lightly pushing her towards the stool.

“Ok, here it goes…” Willow sighed as she walked towards the chair. She carefully picked up the Sorting Hat, brushed some dust off the stool and nervously sat down, her knees shaking and pulse racing.

As she put it on, the hat tightened around her blonde hair, pressing on her skull and she suddenly felt her thoughts turning clear and her mind becoming alert.

“Well, Very well…” a smooth voice whispered inside her head, making her jump in her chair. Willow closed her eyes and let the tingly sensation spared all over her brain.

“I see great wisdom, nerve, kindness and great ambition. You can do well anywhere you go, young girl.” The voice echoed in her mind.

“And yet, so much more lies deep inside your mind. I see grudge, envy and a strong urge to master any possible area.”

“I want to be good, the best out there.” Willow whispered with her eyes closed, trying her best to concentrate.

“Therefore-“The sorting hat murmured.

“SLYTHERIN!” The hat shouted.

Willow shivered as she looked up, her eyes burning into her friend’s eyes, whose face seemed concerned and confused.

Alessandra slowly walked towards Willow, never breaking eye contact, not until she sat down on the chair.

As Willow drifted away from the Sorting Hat, she reflected its decision in her mind. When she suddenly looked up, she found herself facing a familiar face, a face she had not seen in months.

The white skin, black eyes and raven black hair, they all belonged to her father, whose face wore a pleased smirk.

“Well done.” He said and ran his hand through her long blonde locks.

Willow gulped and nodded her head vigorously.

She quickly turned around and watched Alessandra’s body language. Alessandra was surprisingly calm, and her lips were curved into a restrained smile, her feet rubbing against each other.

“Gryffindor!” was the Sorting Hat’s choice for Alessandra, who did not seem disappointed what so ever.

“What a shame,” Willow heard her father’s silky voice behind her. “However, only the best of us make it to the prestigious house of Slytherin. You should be proud of yourself, Willow.”

“Alessia…” Willow moaned sadly.

“It’s ok, I’m happy and so are you. We can still be friends, it doesn’t matter what house we belong to.” Alessandra said as she took Willow’s hands in hers.

Severus Snape chuckled.

“Very well, one for you and one for me, Severus.” Professor McGonagall told Willow’s father with a pleased smirk.

“Thrilling.” He said.


“It’s extremely cold in here.” Willow remarked and buttoned up her black trench coat.

“We are down in the dungeons, under the lake. You better get used to it as you will be living here during this school year.” Her father told her as they continued to wander the halls.

Willow followed silently until they reached a dead end, facing a black brick wall.

“Pure Blood.” Snape said sternly as he ran his long, pale fingers over the stone. The bricks in the middle of the wall began quickly shrinking until an archway was created, leading to a wide room, with a low ceiling and black leather couches. The room was surrounded by a dim green light.

Willow looked around and couldn’t help but realize that despite the gloomy ambiance, the Slytherin common room felt unexpectedly homey and inviting.

“Let’s not drag behind, shall we?” Snape looked into his daughters pale turquoise eyes, she did not look like him at all, but deep inside her mind, she was definitely his daughter.

“Sorry.” Willow mumbled and followed her father’s lead down a long, dusky corridor and up a spiral set of marble stairs until they reached a door, which had “6A-5” written on it in emerald green letters.

“It is all yours. Students are usually not given their own rooms, but you are special aren’t you?” Snape semi-smiled.

“Other students in Slytherin have private rooms as well. There is enough space for a roommate if you like.” He pointed his wand towards the door, which opened.

Behind the door was a spacey room, which had a double bed with silk black sheets. The walls were covered with green and silver wallpaper.

“The students will be arriving soon, put on your robes and be at the great hall in an hour.”

“And remember, you are a Slytherin now.” Severus Snape said, and shut the door behind him.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is exciting :)

Thanks so much for reading, let me know what you think!
