Unicorn Turds

Kiss the demons out of my dreams.

A Week Later

“Cut the crap Draco.” Willow snapped. He ambushed her all day, and she was tired. She just wanted to be left alone.

“I need you to hear me out!” Draco said sternly, making Willow roll her eyes.

“You talk shit, think I care?” Willow scowled and crossed her arms. She didn’t want to look him in the eyes, but decided to give in and listen to another lie she expected to hear from him.

“Willow…I’m a mess.” Draco sighed and his hands ran down his face in exhaustion.

He couldn’t waist no time, she might leave soon.

“Yes, because you worry about the wrong things.” Willow snapped, still not making any eye contact with him.

“My worries weigh the world to me right now. I’m so sick and tired of everything.” Draco said in a low voice, and hoped she would pay attention to what he had to say.

Surprisingly, Willow sensed something different in his tone of voice and body language. He was truly nervous and maybe even…scared?

“Draco, just…tell me.” Willow sighed, dropping her attitude and couldn’t help but take a hold of his neck and gently caress his nape with her thumbs.

“If you understood, would you stop hating and playing so damn hard?” Draco smirked but his eyes still reflected certain sensitivity. “Don’t say you will, unless you will.” He added.

“Promise.” Willow said softly and let go of his neck. Even when so angry at him, she still couldn’t help but care for him and give in.

“Come.” Draco said and headed towards the staircases and Willow followed close behind.

She bit her lip as she watched him move and couldn’t help but be so physically attracted to him. Draco was tall with an athletic broad complexion and the way he walked transmitted this great confidence and strong presence.

She found it to be very attractive.

The stairs finally brought them to the seventh floor and right then she heard Draco say, “Here.”

“Do you see anyone?” Draco asked suspiciously and scanned the corridors. Willow mimicked his actions and scoured their environment.

Willow suddenly saw a small figure skip around the corner and quickly vanish; it was so quick and unexpected that it made her gasp.

“What? Did you see anyone?” Draco asked with concern.

“More like something…I could swear it looked like an el-“ No, that’s just ridiculous

“Never mind.” She turned around and was once again surprised when she saw that the wall that she was facing only a few moments ago turned into a large door.

“What the-?!” Her jaw dropped and she drew closer to the door.

“Enter, quickly.” Draco urged and the two of then entered a large hall and the second they did it, the archway that gaped in the wall, disappeared.

“Where are we?” Willow whispered as she looked around. The hall was loaded with thousands of objects: Books, telescopes, clothes, textbooks, jewelry and even foods.

She spotted an enormous stuffed troll in the corner of the room and something that looked like dragon eggshells.

“It’s the Room of Requirement.” Draco explained. “It only appears when you are in great need of it. The room then transforms itself into whatever you need it to be at that moment.” He said as they made their way between piles and stacks of objects.

“So, you need it to be a place where you can, um…stash something?” Willow concluded.

“Exactly.” Draco nodded as he led them further and deeper into the hall.

“But first, we need to talk.” Draco suddenly stopped walking and turned around to face Willow.

“It’s huge, Willow.” He claimed as he stared deeply into her sea blue eyes.

“I assumed.” Willow smirked and quickly glanced at his sleeve, which hid the dark mark on his arm.

“It’s so huge that my life is on the line, and if I fail he’s going to kill all of us. If I fail my family dies.” Draco whispered and Willow could clearly see the misery in his eyes.

At that moment, he looked so tired, scared and wretched. And Willow just melted in his eyes; she wanted to be there for him forever.

“Is that about the mission you said he had for you?” Willow bit her lip, she wanted to know.

“Yes…and it’s going so bad” Draco once again sighed in misery.

Willow just couldn’t stand and watch him fall, she wanted to reach for him, “Can’t you ask for help?” She suggested.

As she talked she couldn’t help but keep looking around the room. This time, A cage with a quintaped skeleton caught her eye.

“No! I have to do it on my own.” Draco insisted and took a deep breath, keeping his cool.

“I have to fix this” Draco groaned as he yanked a piece of cloth off a square object.

“A cabinet?” Willow questioned, earning a nod from Draco.

Something didn’t seem right.

“A vanishing cabinet.” Draco corrected her and just stared at the piece of furniture.

And then it hit Willow and her eyes widened in shock as she realized what Draco’s mission was.

“It has a twin, doesn’t it?” She whispered in horror and shivers ran down her spine.

Draco slowly nodded , “But this one is broken, and I have to repair it.”

“You are so deep in, aren’t you?” Willow questioned and turned to face him. His face showed even more pain and fright than before.

“Too much.” He said quietly and Willow couldn’t help but wrap her arms around him.

Draco buried his face in her neck and his large arms tightly hooked around Willow’s slim waist. She closed her eyes and ran her hand through his soft hair.

“It’s so hard for me…to even breathe.” She heard his cracked voice and hugged him tighter. She understood that he needed her to be there, even her presence made it a bit easier on him.

All the thoughts that ran round her mind seemed to fade away as he stood there, wrapped in her arms. She could feel his muffled breath on her skin and it washed over her body, making her melt into him.

The entire grudge just disappeared and she couldn’t help it or fight it, she liked the new feelings that formed in her heart. Being with Draco got Willow that way.

Both of them knew that there was no need for words at that moment, he needed her there and she stayed with him at that very moment.

She suddenly felt his body tremble and his grip tighten and soon felt his hot tears on the skin of her neck and collar bone.

Draco just took off his cool and lost control.

Willow was taken aback by his actions and all she could do is rest her head on his and sooth her hands up and down his shaking, strong back.

She pressed her lips to the side of his forehead and gave him a soft kiss, and then she stroked his shaven cheek, letting him know she wasn’t going anywhere.

“I’m so scared.” He whispered and sniffed.

“I know. It’s OK…to be scared.” Willow stated.

They forgot where they were and they lost track of time as they stood there, lost in each other’s embrace.

A few minutes later Draco had calmed down and parted from her, wiping his face with his sleeve.

His silvery eyes were so bold and filled with emotion. Willow caught a certain fire in them.

Willow felt herself growing weak and wrapped her arms around his neck, enthusiastically pushing her lips against his.

She kissed him as passionately as she could, expressing through the kiss what she couldn’t put into words. Draco’s arms held her flat against him and Willow’s body fit against his perfectly.

“I’ll be there for you.” She told him seriously. Draco opened his mouth to say something but Willow put a finger to his lips.

“Trust me, there words are stone. Just…keep holding on.” She said emotionally.

“I’m not planning on giving in.” Draco smirked, regaining his cool.

“Good, just stay strong.” Willow smiled and took a step back.

“I always am.” Draco said proudly and turned to the cabinet. He opened it and took a look inside, thinking of ways to make it work.

While Draco was busy doing his thing with the cabinet, Willow wandered the mysterious room and searched for more interesting items.

“Ew….” Willow made a disgusted face when she saw a heavy, bloodstained axe hidden between a pile of hats, jewels, and cloaks.

She examined the shelves with had corked bottles whose contents still shimmered evilly. They definitely didn’t look like potions.

As she made her way back to Draco she almost tripped on a chipped old bust of an ugly warlock. “Jeez!” She laughed as she regained her balance.

Willow noticed a mannequin’s head on a near table, it had a wig and a beautiful diadem placed on it. It wasn’t an impressive shimmering tiara; the diadem was rather worn and looked very old.

It felt extremely cold against her fingers when Willow held it in her hands, she looked closer and saw that something was carved on its front.

She swept the dust off the diadem with her sleeve and examined the caption once again.

"Wit beyond measure is a man's greatest treasure." Willow read in a whisper, she agreed.

“Sounds so…familiar.” Willow pondered, but couldn’t recall where she had heard the saying.

“Whatever.” She shrugged and put the cold diadem on her head.

Giggling, she hopped and skipped in Draco’s direction.

“Ta-Da!” Willow laughed and tapped on Draco’s shoulder.

He turneds around and flushed her a smile, “You look like royalty.” He chuckled.

Willow wrapped her arms around his stomach from behind and rested her cheek against his back, she felt his fingers lace with hers. “I’m far from royalty…” She laughed and inhaled his scent.

Something about the way he smelled gave her a feeling of euphoria. It was nothing special, he smelled like laundry, his soap, aftershave, probably a bit of cologne and when these scents mixed with the natural smell of his skin, it became Willow’s favorite drug.

The best things in life are free.

“I should put it back to its place.” Willow mumbled and took the diadem off.

“You can take it…” Draco told her.

“Nah, It probably belongs to someone” Willow sighed and walked away.

“I need more of these “Draco sighed and pointed to the pile of weird, buzzing objects he was using.

“Um…” Willow thought.

“Geminio!” She called out and the objects began quickly doubling, until there was almost a dozen of them.

“Geminio?” Draco asked, he was taken aback by Willow’s quick thinking.

“Geminio. It’s a good one to have in mind.” Willow bit her lip and stashed her wand in her back pocket.

“You are a brilliant witch, you know that?” Draco complimented and took a firm hold of her hips.

“Thank you Mr. Malfoy.” Willow smiled sweetly and soon was lost in Draco’s mind blowing kiss.

Their lips caressed each other lovingly, their hands everywhere. Willow loved his taste and how dominant his kissed were, he could handle her.

After a few minutes Draco pulled away, making Willow whine in response.

“Kiss me like you did.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally some Draco action, huh?

I LOVE you guys' feedback! keep it up.

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Love you all!
