Unicorn Turds

Counting my lucky stars.

Herbology Greenhouse

“Hän on komea (he’s handsome)” Alessandra giggled in Willow’s ear as she pointed at Theodore Nott.

“Kyllä! (yes!)” Willow nodded.

“Drop the Finnish, girls.” Hermione asked and tried focusing on whatever Professor Sprout had to say.

“Oh Hermione, you are no fun.” Willow laughed and she and Alessandra took a seat away from Hermione.

“Are you excited about today’s Quidditch game Ron?” The girls heard Lavender Brown's flirty voice address Ron Weasley.

“Mitä on tekeillä kanssa Ron? (what’s up with Ron?)” Willow asked curiously and opened her Flesh-Eating Trees of the World textbook.

“Luulen, että hän pitää minusta (I think he likes me).” Alessandra bit her lip and put on her dragon hide gloves.

“Alright class, today we are going to learn the correct way to juice a Snargaluff! Very exciting.” Pomona Sprout said excitedly.

“Joy…” Willow mumbled and rolled her eyes. The Snargaluff had the appearance of a gnarled stump.

“Be careful, when provoked its deceptive appearance hides dangerous thorn-covered vines that attack the provoker.” Professor Sprout warned.

“That would be a funny sight.” Draco’s sudden smirk sprung Willow.

“You dork! You scared the shit out of me!” She exclaimed and raised her fist to smack his chest.

Draco’s reaction was quick and he immediately grabbed her wrist before it came in contact with his body.

“Did you truly believe I was going to let you get me?” Draco smirked.

“One day Draco…One day.” Willow jokingly scowled and then stuck her tongue out.

“Miss Prince, please calm down.” Professor Sprout barked. This time Willow’s scowl was genuine.

“Busted.” Draco whispered in her ear.

“Shutup.” Willow elbowed him in the abs and Alessandra let a small snort of laughter escape her lips.

“Petrov! Malfoy! Prince! Be quiet!” Pomona Sprout yelled at the three of them.

“Petrov.” Draco smirked making Alessandra frustrated.

“It’s Russian! I’m Russian! Petrov is Russian!” She hissed but then giggled.

“At least you don’t have a stupid last name like blood traitor Weasley over here.” Draco said bitterly and his bold gaze met Ron’s furious one.

“Well at least my father isn’t rotting in Azkaban and my aunt is not the chief death eater’s pet.” Ron said venomously, squeezing his Snargaluff a bit too hard.

“How dare you-“ Draco boiled with anger and pointed his wand in Ron’s direction. “Furnunculu-“ Draco called out but his spell was suddenly rejected by an opposite spell cast by Alessandra.

“Finite Incantatem!” Alessandra’s powerful spell negated Draco’s.

Willow watched with shock.

“What the fuck Alessandra?!” Draco snapped at her.

“Leave him alone already! You are the one who started it! You can't expect him to just sit and absorb any insult you throw in his direction!” Alessandra defended Ron which raised a few eyebrows around the class.

“That’s it! Petrov go sit with Weasley and Potter. Malfoy and Prince, take a seat in the very back.” Professor Sprout was red with anger.

“It’s the third time I’m changing a seat this lesson.” Willow whispered as she and Draco made their way to the very back of the greenhouse.

Pansy Parkinson glared in Willow’s direction evilly and Willow just flipped her off.

“How’s it going?” Willow asked softly and her fingers laced with Draco’s under counter.

Draco sighed and his fingers squeezed hers.

Bad sign

Before The Quidditch Game

“Draco I can’t believe you’re missing Quidditch! Roxy told me that you quit the team!” Willow said in frustration as she quickened her pace, in order to keep up with Draco’s step.

“Willow, I told you that there are more important things for me to do.” Draco said impatiently. Willow sighed and looked behind at Crabbe and Goyle who were disguised as female students and looked quite miserable.

“I don’t think that they are very keen on the Polyjuice Potion.” Willow smirked and hooked her arm around Draco’s.

“Well, it’s their bloody problem.” Draco said sternly as they took a turn left. Willow saw Harry Potter who seemed to be quite in a rush.

“Where are you going?” Harry interrogated Draco.

“Like I’m going to tell you Potter” Draco snapped and they suddenly heard the shouting and cheering of the Quidditch fans outside.

“You'd better hurry up, they'll be waiting for 'the Chosen Captain'-- 'The Boy Who Scored'-- whatever they call you these days." Draco mocked making Crabbe and Goyle giggle.

Harry clenched his fists and walked away.

“Well aren’t you moody today?” Willow said and let go of Draco’s arm. He looked down at her and Willow could see what the stress had done to him.

His skin was paler, his eyes were tired and his gaze, which was once full of pride suddenly seemed to be full of fright and misery.

“Willow…don’t start this.” He asked and looked at Crabbe and Goyle at the corner of his eye.

“Oh whatever,” Willow sighed and turned around, “Harry! Wait up!” She yelled and hopped in Harry’s direction.

“He’s a bit of a jackass today.” Willow mumbled and followed Harry.

“He is always a jackass, what are you doing with him anyways?” Harry smirked as the two made their way to the Quidditch pitch.

Willow sighed, it wasn’t the first time that people made nasty comments about her relationship with Draco, and she was tired of repeating the same explanation over and over again.

“He is good to me.” She answered simply and then said goodbye to Harry. She quickly made her way up the stairs and to the audience’s seats.

Quidditch Pitch

“There you are!” Alessandra said and made a motion for Willow to sit next to her.

“Sup?” Willow asked simply and pulled her cashmere gloves on, it was almost January and the weather was pretty cold.

“Awesomeness! You’ve seen Ron play, he is fantastic!” Alessandra clapped her hands like a little girl.

“Ron again?” Willow sighed, but her sigh was soon followed by a giggle.

“We just need to get rid of that Lavender Brown, she’s an edgy one.” Alessandra whispered slyly in Willow’s ear.

“You little devil!” Willow playfully punched her shoulder.

“You are the Slytherin one.” Alessandra batted her eyelashes with a fake smile plastered on her lips.

“Shush you!” Willow laughed and pinched Alessandra’s freckled nose.

Alessandra looked around carefully and her long auburn hair flattered in the cold wind, “Where’s Draco?” She asked.

“Doing his thing…” Willow chewed on her lip and ran her white colored nails through her blonde hair.

“I hope he’s not mad at me about what happened in Herbology. I don’t want to be on bad terms with him.” Alessandra said nervously.

“Nah, he’s fine with it.” Willow protested and tightened the Slytherin scarf around her neck.

“Wohoo! There’s Ron! Oh he looks so good on his broom! And that helmet is sooo fucking sexy!” Alessandra yelled and enthusiastically jumped up and down, flying her Gryffindor flag high in the air.

“Baby, you need therapy.” Willow laughed and took a hold of Alessandra’s shoulders, trying to restrain her.

When the Gryffindor’s saw that Ron was actually a very good keeper they suddenly started singing,

“Weasley is our King,
Weasley is our King,
He didn't let the Quaffle in,
Weasley is our King.

Weasley can save anything,
He never leaves a single ring,
That's why Gryffindors all sing:
Weasley is our King.

“Yes! Ron is our king!!!” Alessandra shouted as Ron had blocked another Quaffle.

“Kill me.” Willow mumbled.

Slytherin Common Room

“Why are you upset?” Draco asked and pressed his lips to the side of Willow’s face.

“The Ursids is tonight.” Willow sighed and looked into his cold grey eyes.

“The what?” Draco asked and sat up, resting his back against the black leather couch.

Willow smiled and started explaining, “It’s a meteor shower, it runs for about a week but the peak is today.”

“And you want to watch?” Draco asked simply and earned a vigor nod from Willow.

“And the problem is…?” He smirked and Willow looked at him like he was stupid.

“The problem is that it’s in the middle of the night. And being outside at night is off limits?” Willow dumbfounded.

“Oh Please!” Draco laughed and grabbed Willow by the hand.

“Where are we going?” She laughed as he led her out of the Slytherin common room and through a secret passage that led to the school’s grounds.

“To watch of course.” Draco smirked as the two found themselves in the cold air of the night, the snow screeched underneath their feet.

Willow looked up at the sky, “But we won’t be able to see anything from here.” Willow pouted and ran her hands up and down Draco’s chest.

“I know, that’s why we are going up there!” He pointed at the astronomy tower.

“That’s off limits too.” Willow chucked.

“But since when are you much of a saint?” Draco laughed and hurried in the tower’s direction.

Astronomy Tower

“It’s beautiful.” Willow whispered and held onto the tower’s rail, looking at the shimmering night sky.

“It’s …it’s like home.” Willow mumbled and her eyes slightly itched with tears as she remembered Finland.

“How is it like, in Finland?” She felt Draco’s hot breath next to her ear. She could see his breath in the cold of the air that he breathed.

Willow closed her eyes, only for a moment and then the moment was gone. But the memories of her beloved home washed over her.

“The rain falls down from the northern skies, like poisoned knives.” She said dreamily, “With no mercy.”

“The bridge is all crumbled so the water soaks into rocks.” Willow smiled mysteriously to herself. “And fall at the bottom of the road ,at the end of the town.” She smiled again.

The meteors glistened and reminded her of Finland’s breathtaking night sky. “I miss the aurora borealis.” She said and shivers ran down her spine.

“I saw it once, It really is very beautiful.” Draco, who was standing next to her remarked.

“You know what the best part is?” She said blankly and felt Draco shift next to her. “When the winter sun comes up.”

Being with Draco was so easy that night, he wasn’t trying to start anything or urge her to give herself to him. Not that she minded.

At that moment Willow admitted to herself that she was going to answer his call that evening when she saw his dark mark.

And every minute she was with Draco, she felt like she could do anything.

“It’s like…they dance and explode.” Willow saw Draco stare at the night sky.

“Dance for us.” She smiled and a cold breeze suddenly hit her delicate face, it was probably the coldest winter she could remember.

Willow took a deep breath, “I’m cold.” She said softly and soon felt Draco’s arms hug her from behind, his chin resting on the crown of her head.

She was lost in his embrace and was grateful for every minute she spent with him, her nights were lonely no more.

“Willow?” His deep voice interrupted the comfortable silence and Draco’s hands slid into her front pockets.

“Mmm?” Willow mumbled and closed her eyes, resting against Draco’s torso.

“What about your mom?”Draco asked and Willow’s heart skipped.

“Mom…is mom. She’ll always be there.” Willow sighed and turned around in his arms, burying her face in his chest.

“I love being with you.” She mumbled against his chest.

“No one gets me but you.” She heard Draco’s voice so close to her face and soon felt her chin being lifted by his slim fingers and his cold lips on her plump ones.

Her arms slid up and wrapped themselves around his neck, her lips parting his softly. Draco’s arms held her sides securely and slid up and down, from the small of her back to the back of her thighs.

Draco’s kisses were the best way to keep her warm.
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