Unicorn Turds

Demolition Lovers


The black haze turned poison green and a silhouette of a magnificent building became visible under the green skull’s glow.

A figure of a blonde woman in her late teens was running through the wide garden, sprinting towards the tall, steel boundary.

She looked back and saw a tall, cloaked man who resembled a bat following her and she ran faster. A sudden blue flash of the man’s spell hit the girl’s ankle and she bumped into the cold stone ground, screaming in pain.

The man approached her and pulled her up, holding tight onto her sleeve. He was screaming at her and the girl seemed furious.

“I want out! I’m lonely and I’m tired!” The blonde yelled in frustration, standing crooked and glancing at her bleeding leg.

The man brought her closer and shook her, talking to her through gritted teeth. “Take me! Take me with you next time you go…please!” The girl begged and her father let go of her.

He stepped away and pointed at the dark building and moment later the girl disappeared.

The image suddenly changed and the dark garden transformed into a wide bedroom, decorated in black, green and silver.

The blonde girl was now lying on the black sheets of a large bed and cried softly as the lad who sat at the edge of the bed pressed a piece of cloth to her injured leg.

She seemed helpless and exhausted, her image reflected misery and pain. Her once shiny blonde hair was now dry and lay lifelessly on her shoulders and back.

She glanced at the silver haired boy and he smiled weakly at her and ran a hand down her bruised legs. The firm and smooth legs she once had turned boney and pale with cuts and bruises all over them.

She hissed in pain after the boy wrapped a bandage around her knee and cast a spell on it. The girl studied his every move and then eyed herself up and down, a look of disgust on her face.

He talked to her and she listened, staring at him with her hollow cyan blue eyes, blinking after his every sentence.

Look at me,” She whispered through her trembling lips and looked at her body once again, she wore what looked like an oversized shirt and the elegant heels she wore to her feet were replaced by a pair of clumsy black boots.

The silver haired boy shook his head and crawled towards her, soon finding his place behind her thin body and wrapped his arms around her stomach, pulling her towards his body.

She mumbled a few words but they were muffled by the salty tears that trickled from her eyes to her lips.

And then the black haze washed over their image again.

Willow gasped and sprung as she woke up from her dream, she thought something was wrong but she didn’t have a clue exactly what it was.

As he vision became clearer she realized that she was in Draco’s dorm and felt his arms around her. Shiver ran down her spine as she recognized the position the two were in, it was the same spooning position they lay in her dream.

She began feeling scared and turned around in Draco’s arms and poked his chest a few times with her fingernail until he began shifting

“Mhmmm?” He asked tiredly, his eyes still closed. Willow continued her actions until he was fully awake.

“What’s wrong? Are you having regrets or something?” He asked softly and looked into her fearful eyes.

“Just hold me.” She said softly and buried her face in his chest, soon feeling his arms sooth up and down her bare back.

She drew random shapes on his skin with her finger, “Bad dream?” Draco asked and she nodded briefly.

“Wanna talk about it?” His lips asked against her forehead.

Willow shrugged and then said, “No.”

Draco sighed and played with her hair, “Whenever you’re ready.” He said and kissed her hair.

In The Morning

“So…” Draco said uneasily after he pulled his shirt on. Willow stared at him and shrugged as she slipped into a pair of suede boots.

“Willow…” He said in the same tone and grabbed her by the waist.

“What?!” She hissed and refused to look at him.

“Hey, don’t do that…I want to know what’s wrong.” Draco said softly and tilted her face up to look at him

Willow sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck, “You’re cute.” She smiled and Draco looked shocked for a moment.

He regained his cool and slipped his hands into her back pockets, smirking down at her. “What happened to the bitchy attitude?”

“Draco! I’m not bitchy!” She laughed and punched his upper back.

“You can be pretty bitchy when you’re mad.” He smirked and then slowly kissed her plump lips and Willow gladly kissed him back.

“Fine than you’re a bitch too.” Willow laughed and took him by the hand, running towards the dorm’s door.

The great hall looked completely different from how it usually looks, the house’s tables were placed next to the walls and small, round little tables took their place.

Draco’s fingers tightened around Willow’s as he looked down at her, “No Potter!” He said happily and Willow rolled her eyes.

Willow and Draco took a seat at a vacant table for two but soon noticed that there was no food on it. “Are they planning on starving us?” Draco joked.

Willow chuckled and relaxed in her chair, scanning the many Christmas trees and decorations that were placed around the hall.

“Wanna go for a dip?” Draco suggested as he mixed his cereal with his spoon.

“A dip? The lake is frozen if you haven’t notic-Stop that!” She laughed and took his spoon, throwing it to the other side on the table.
“What was that for?!” Draco was shocked by her actions.

“You’ve been doing it for the past 15 minutes, it annoying and the cereal turned into some wired oatmeal.” She sighed.

“Well I don’t like pumpkin flavored.” Draco said proudly and pushed his bowl away, which made Willow chuckle.

“Take some pancakes.” Willow pushed her plate towards Draco so that they were both able to eat from it.

Draco stuffed a whole pancake into his mouth and swallowed, “So what about that dip?” Willow asked and cut her pancake into pieces with her fork.

“I have somewhere to take you.” Draco raised his brows up and down seductively.

Willow snored with laughter and poked his arms wither her fork, “Tell me!” She chuckled.

“Fine, let’s go.” He smiled and offered her his hand, which she was delighted to take and the two of them headed to the Slytherin common room.

Willow’s Room

“Got a bathing suit?” Draco smirked.

“Duh…I even have a few!” Willow said sarcastically and pulled a simple small black bikini out of her bottom drawer.

“Good, now let’s go!” Draco said after Willow stuffed her things into a bag.

They soon found themselves on the fifth floor next to Boris the Bewildered’s statue.

“He’s not much of a looker.” Willow smirked.

Draco smiled and then said “Pine Fresh!” to the statue which moved aside and revealed a white archway, which the two went through.

Willow’s eyes widened as she look around the enormous bathroom. In one side of the room there were the stalls with toilets inside.

Opposite of the toilets there was a large, swimming pool-like tub with faucets surrounding it.
“The faucets all run differently-colored water, bubbles, and foam.” Draco explained.

Draco quickly stripped down to his swimming shorts and turned on the taps. Looking at the tub, one would imagine it would take quite some time to fill, but it actually filled remarkably fast, considering its size.

Willow was still mesmerized by the beautiful room the flax curtains and the white marble. She looked at the tub which was filled with all sorts of foam and bubbles over the colorful water.

Draco jumped into the pool and the hot water splashed onto Willow, making her laugh. She then took off her dress and walked to the edge on the pool and sat down, only her legs in the water.

After swimming around the pool Draco swam towards the edge where Willow was sitting and positioned himself between her legs and his hands went to the front of her thighs, softly caressing.

“Come in with me.” He said and pored some of the bath’s hot water on her legs, making her laugh.

Willow rested her arms on his broad shoulders and leant in, softly brushing her lips against his, soon feeling his tongue against hers.

Willow smiled into the kiss but soon felt Draco’s arms grab her lower back and pull her into the water.

Her eyes widened and she immediately wrapped her legs tightly around his waist, pulling away.

“Nonono!! Put me back!” She asked and Draco started at her, chuckling.

“Why? It’s just a tub.” He laughed and began unwrapping his arms from around her.

“No! Don’t let go.” She said innocently and his arms found their way back around her, one arm around her lower back and the other on the middle of her back.

“I can’t swim.” She whispered in his ear and his shoulder’s shook with laughter.

“That’s no funny!” He jaw dropped with shock and Draco’s hands went down and were now holding her by her butt.

“Feeling comfortable?” She smirked and Draco’s hands squeezed her butt a few times, “Definitely.” He said cockily.

“I mean I can let go…” He smirked cunningly and Willow rolled her eyes.

“You let go and you die.” She hissed.

“I think you die first…” He smirked.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, I know but there will be like a part two or whatever you call it.

Oh! And it's important you read my update!!!
