Unicorn Turds

Your mind is like a prison.

Prefects’ Bathroom

“You can put me down now.” Willow mumbled against the back of Draco’s shoulder after he swam to a separate hot-tub-like part of the pool and Willow slid off his back, sitting down in the hot water.

Draco sat down next to her and relaxed in the soothing hot water, breathing in the bubbles’ musky scent. His head tilted back and eyes closed.

Willow scanned his body and her gaze rested on his left arm, which she hesitantly reached for. “Does it hurt?” she asked and lightly ran her fingertips down the skull’s snake-like tongue.

Draco opened his eyes and looked down at the dark mark on his forearm, “Not anymore.” He said in a low voice and then smirked.

Willow’s fingers tightened around his arm and her nails dug into Draco’s flesh as her mind drifted away to the dream she had had.

She then felt Draco yank his arm out of her grip and watched him dip his arm in the bath’s water, making it turn red from the blood the dripped out of his fresh wound.

Willow quickly snapped out of the bubble she was in and mumbled “I’m sorry.” And turned around, reaching for her belongings and pulled her wand out of the bag.

Episkey” Willow mumbled and the 4 cuts on his arm disappeared.

“You better watch out with those nails of yours.” Draco mumbled and Willow looked at her square, black polished nails.

“I like them.” She shrugged.

Draco sniffed and added, “But they are painful.”

Silence prevailed as both of their gazes locked on Draco’s dark mark, not saying a word. Willow felt her lips irrationally tighten, feeling the blood vessels pound.

“I don’t really want to do this, you know that right?” Draco sighed and Willow bit her lips, which had become numb.

“I do.” She said softly and her hand ran from his forearm to the palm of his hand and she laced their fingers together.

“I need to do it…for my family, I can’t let them down.” Draco scowled.

Willow wasn’t paying full attention to what he was saying and the words that left his mouth seemed distant and shallow.

“He’s the living dead.” Willow whispered, releasing her lips and then felt Draco’s hand on her cheek.

“You’ll be alright.” Willow said blankly.

“How can you know?” Draco questioned.

I just do.” Willow answered.

Draco looked deep into her eyes and then glanced at her lips, “You lips are all red.” He told her simply and Willow softly sucked in her bottom lip.

“I hate my lips, they look stung or something, like I’ve been beaten.” Willow smirked, she never found her lips attractive though she was often complimented on them.

“You don’t look before you laugh.” Draco told her seriously and Willow blinked a few times in response.

“What do you mean?” Willow asked.

“That you are beautiful, and you don’t even see it.” Draco explained, making shivers run down Willow’s spine.

The more you see the less you know.” Willow evaded.

“Willow stop it!” Draco hissed, making her raise her brows in shock.

“What did I do?” She asked puzzled.

“You don’t appreciate yourself.” He said and she smirked.

“That’s so untrue. People take my personality for granted, and focus on my looks. So I ask myself Draco, what happened to the beauty inside of me? Huh?” She told him something she had never shared before, and I made her heart less heavy.

Draco opened his mouth to say something but no words came out. “Got it? The more you see the less you know.” Willow stated.

“You should tell people that.” He told her.

“I just did.” She smiled and then rested her head on his shoulder, nuzzling into the crook of his neck as she laid an arm on his chest.

“You’re always living like you’re running out of time.” Willow heard Draco say and softly smiled.

“Is that a bad thing?” She giggled.

“You tell me.”



It’s happening again and I’m scared. No one understands, I feel so lost and there’s no one to catch me when I fall.

I just wish you could take the pain away…

I miss you, I miss you so bad mom , and being away makes it so hard for me.
And the worst part is that I’m never coming home, and both of us know it. And I’ll never know all the things that you never told me.

I think dad is back in the business.
And why?

I know something is going on but I have no one to talk to…to turn to. I know dad’s his, again.
It frightens me, if something goes wrong they’ll tear the skin right of my bones.

How could he? Should I keep believing him?

But I’m not afraid to keep on going; I can face this alone and carry on. I need you to watch over me, mom. And I hope you are.

Something wicked is coming, and I need you to give me a sign.

I love you,


“Willow?” Draco’s voice and the door’s screech sprung Willow and she turned around quickly.

“Mhm?” She hummed and at the same time groped for the piece of parchment and eventually tightened her fingers around it.

“I need to send something home, wanna go to the owlery with me?” He asked simply and Willow nodded, stuffing the parchment into her jean pocket.

“Just let me get dressed.” Willow mumbled and pulled on a simple black turtleneck sweater.

She zipped up her boots and followed Draco’s lead, out of the Slytherin common room and in the owlery’s direction.

Double, double toil and trouble! Fire burn, and cauldron bubble…" Willow sang as she cheerfully skipped, Draco walking by her side.

Fillet of a fenny snake, Scale of dragon; tooth of wolf-” Willow stopped her singing and turned to Draco.

“What comes next?” She questioned and Draco shrugged in response.

“Oh please Draco!” She rolled her eyes, “Of course you know!” Willow punched his arm and he chuckled.

Witches' mummy; maw and gulf…” He smirked.

“Riiight!” Willow laughed and resumed her singing.

Something wicked this way comes…

“What’s in there?” Willow pointed at the package Draco was tying to his eagle owl’s claw.

“Just stuff” Draco said quickly and Willow rolled her eyes.

At that moment, Willow’s strix landed on her shoulder and made a cheerful noise. “I brought you a snack…” Willow mumbled and searched her pockets, looking for the bag of owl snacks.

Willow took the paper bag out and something else fell out of her pocket. “Aren't you gonna send that?” Draco referred to the folded piece of parchment.

Willow smiled weakly as she picked it up and turned to her strix, Layla, and began feeding her the food.

Willow approached the owlery’s large opening and looked at Hogwarts’ broad, snow covered grounds. The horizon seemed so distant and out of reach.

She watched the snowflakes sway in the wind and land in a large cape of snow, just a drop of water in an endless sea.

The snow crumbled to the pure white ground and the treetops of the forbidden forest, which looked like it hid more secrets than usually.

All we are is dust in the wind.” Willow whispered as her hand reached out and caught a snowflake, which melted in her fair palm.

“Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky.” She sighed.

“You always speak so cryptically.” Draco’s low voice came from behind Willow.

Draco came closer and looked out of the window as well, “You take in the little things, don’t you?” He sighed.

“Just look outside Draco, open your eyes! This is what matters, and it slips away along with your life and your money won’t buy another minute.” She told him and he didn’t respond.

The cold wind hit her face like sharp knives and she breathed in the snow’s scent, feeling it take over her senses and body.

“Every day, every night I take in what I have.” Willow said out of the blue.

“There’s nothing here to take for granted with each breath that we take.” She looked at Draco over her shoulder, who had a stern look on his face.

“You’re living in fear. I’ve never lived in fear; I knew I’d die another day.” Willow opened up to him, trying to take the stress off his shoulders.

“I’ve never viewed my life as something...slipping away.” Draco sighed and Willow turned her gaze back to the magnificent view.

“The way you look and what you have doesn’t matter, only life and time matters. And your life is what you do with your time.” She spoke again.

She reached for the snow again, feeling the ice cold flakes sting her exposed skin, “This is better than any class or any material things you buy.”

Willow suddenly felt Draco touch her waist and spin her around and his lips kiss hers but he quickly pulled away.

“You’re very smart you know that?” He smirked.

“I always was a little different; I didn’t do what the other kids do.” She said frankly.

Draco pulled her closer and leant in to whisper in her ear, “That’s what I like about you.
♠ ♠ ♠
I now, long wait :<

I hope you liked this one <3

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