Unicorn Turds

I wanna be all the world to you.

“Willow….C’mon! Wake up!”

A deep voice and a weight on her torso caused Willow to awaken from her sleep, “Get off me…” She groaned and pushed against Draco’s body, but he didn’t shift.

“What’s up with you? It’s Christmas! And you sleep forever…” Draco smirked after Willow’s eyes opened to narrow slits and she soon rubbed them with her hands.

“And you’re heavy, fatty…” Willow chuckled.

“That’s mean! And completely untrue!” Draco protested and yanked the blanket off Willow’s body, making her hug her pillow instead.

“Ok Mr. Testy…” She mumbled and began dozing off again.

A frustrated groan escaped Draco’s lips and he Grabbed Willow’s pillow, taking it away too. “Oh just wakeup already, I have a present for you…” He tried seducing.

“Oh yeah, hang on-“ Willow murmured as she rolled to her back and her arm stretched to open the drawer by her bedside.

“There you go…” She smiled after searching the drawer and held up her clenched fist in front of Draco. Draco’s face lit up and his fingers closed around Willow’s and she released her grip.

Draco looked down at his palm and his jaw dropped, “Are you serious? A screw?” He questioned and Willow smiled.

“I already told you…enjoy.” She giggled.

Draco chewed his lip for a moment and then looked at the screw, and then at Willow. “Um…thanks?” He chuckled and Willow nodded in response.

“Ok, my turn.” Draco said and Willow sat up and faced Draco, who was standing on his knees on her mattress.

She watched curiously as Draco’s hand dove inside his pocket and pulled out a black box.

“There you go.” Draco smiled and handed her the box, which had a velvety feeling to it and Willow was anxious to open it.

Her manicured fingers unlocked the box and then opened it and her eyes shimmered when she say what was inside.

“Oh Draco its soooo pretty.” Willow smiled and reached out to him, wrapping her arms tightly around his shoulders. She kissed the corner of his mouth and then faced him again.

She looked at the necklace again and carefully took it out of the box, “A snowflake? That’s so beautiful!” She smiled and let Draco put the pendant around her neck.

Willow locked her arms around his neck and whispered “Thank you.” After softly pecking his lips. Draco smiled and his hands rested on the small of her back.

“I didn’t get you only a screw you know that right?” She asked innocently as she bit her lip.

Draco chuckled and then pulled her closer, “I sure hoped so.” He smiled and then kissed her deeply on the lips, his tongue immediately pushing past her semi-pared lips and tasting her tongue.

Willow moaned softly as her hands dropped the box she was holding and she wrapped herself tighter around Draco, pushing him down onto the warm mattress.

Her hands slid from his nape to his neck and then up to the sides of his face and Willow kissed him with hunger and passion, her lips tasting his.

Meanwhile, Draco’s hands explored her body and went up to her sides, gently running his fingertips up and down her ribs, which made Willow giggle.

Draco smirked after they pulled away, “Ticklish aren’t we?”

“So ticklish!” Willow laughed and climbed off Draco and stood up by the bed.

Draco sniffed and looked up at her, “I’ll keep that in mind.”

Willow noticed the pile of boxes and wrapped packages by her bedside. She could recognize some of the wrappings like the hot pink wrapping of Alessandra’s present and the neat, silvery green boxes that lay separately from the other presents.

“Alright!” Willow smiled and opened her closet and took a square box from the lowest shelf.

It wasn’t very big and it had a green wrapping with silver asps crawling all over. “I like the packaging.” Draco smirked.

Willow smiled and grabbed a chair by the back rest and dragged it towards the bed and finally sat down on it, the package on the lap.

“Go ahead.” Willow gave Draco the privilege of removing the cover which revealed a few tens of sugared skulls and what looked like a piece of clothing.

After stuffing a sugar skull into his mouth Draco took a hold of the fabric and held it up, laughing. It was a pair of black boxers which had a flashing caption that said, “Wizard of the month” on the ass.

“Very sexy.” Draco laughed and put the boxers back in the box and his jaw suddenly dropped, almost causing the remains of the candy slip out of his mouth.

Willow watched curiously as Draco picked the glass tube from the bottom of the box and examined it.

“Are you serious? How?” Draco asked shocked and just stared at the bottle.

“Does it matter?” Willow shrugged.


Liquid Luck” Willow finished his sentence and the fire in Draco’s eyes grew stronger, contrasting with the coldness of the grey of his eyes.

“I figured it was better than a screw. There’s enough for 4 days but use it wisely ok?” Willow said seriously and Draco nodded.

“You’re the best.” Draco leaned over the box and captured Willow’s lips in a loving kiss.

“Wanna go to Hogsmeade?” Draco suggested and Willow nodded vigorously.

The Three Broomsticks

Willow and Draco sat on the bar stool in the corner of the pub, looking out of the window at Hogsmeade’s high street.

Hogsmeade looked like a Christmas card; the little thatched cottages and shops were all covered in a layer of crisp snow; there were holly wreaths on the doors and strings of enchanted candles hanging in the trees.

“So, what’s that?” Draco asked as he unwrapped the dessert they picked up from Honeydukes.

“It’s called a volcano, it’s a chocolate soufflé and it has melted chocolate inside and you eat it with an ice cream ball.” Willow explained and handed him a spoon.

“Mmmm ok.” Draco said and took a spoonful of cake and ice cream, putting it in his mouth.

The expression on his face suddenly changed from delighted to disturbed, “Oh yeah, and it makes your teeth feel funny.” Willow laughed and Draco swallowed.

“I still like it.” He smirked and took a sip from his coffee.

“So, what’s up?” Willow asked and pushed her stool closer to Draco’s.

Draco’s hand was gripping his cup as he watched the street with a thoughtful expression.

He didn’t answer right away and Willow took the time to examine his handsome profile, feeling a strong urge to simply sit and kiss him all day.

Her hand reached for his and her fingers closed around his wrist and Draco turned to look at her. “You’re extraordinary.” He said simply.

“And I love you.” He told her and turned to face her, cupping her face with his palms and leaning in to kiss her lips.

Willow smiled against his lips and her hands took a hold of his coat, gently pushing against his chest. She could taste the sweetness of his mouth on his cold tongue and she loved it.

She sucked his bottom lip and gently bit down on it and felt Draco’s lips curve into a small smile and he continued kissing her with lust and hunger.

Willow gave his lips one last bite and pulled away, slightly panting.

She caught a sudden change of Draco’s look which for a moment seemed frightened but the fear was quickly replaced by the fire he had in his eyes every time he looked at Willow.

“Don’t worry about it.” Willow said softly, knowing exactly what his thoughts were.

“You just have to be invisible, like ghosts in the snow.” She said and stared out of the window.

“Willa?” A shy voice spoke behind the couple and they turned around to face a dark haired girl who stood uncomfortably near them.

She was a Hogwarts student and Willow saw her couple of times, but she wasn’t quite sure when and with who.

“It’s Willow.” Draco said dryly and Willow gave him an uneasy look.

“Willa, Meadow, Winona, Widow…heard it all.” Willow smiled and the girl giggled.

“So I’m here with Sofia,” The girl pointed in the direction of a distant table where Willow spotted her friend and waved at her.

“And we were wondering if you wanted to join us.” The girl flashed them a toothy grin and Draco opened his mouth to respond but Willow tightened her grip around his wrist, and his mouth closed.

“Sure.” Willow smiled and hopped off the chair, feeling much shorter than when she did on the chair. When it came to Draco, his height didn’t change much because he was very tall on his own.

They approached the girl’s table and sat down in front of them. Willow leant over the table to kiss Sofia’s cheek.

“At school for the holidays?” Willow asked and the girls nodded.

“Better here than at home now that You K-“ Sofia began but then glanced at Draco and shut her mouth.

Draco shot her a penetrating look and Willow kicked his foot under the table with her stiletto.

“So who are you dating this week?” Willow laughed.

Alessandra chuckled before answering, “Seamus Finnigan…I think.” She giggled and Draco had a look of scorn on his face.

“I can set you up with Neville.” Willow winked.

“Stupid, gullible Longbottom.” Draco hissed and Willow turned to look at him.

“Stop being so mean! He’s a good soul.” Willow told Draco off and he just looked away.

“That’s lovely!” Sofia’s friend said and pointed at the necklace on Willow’s neck.

“Thank you, it’s my Christmas gift.” Willow smiled and laid her head on Draco’s shoulder and his arm closed around her lower waist.

“By the way, where is Alessandra?” Sofia asked curiously.

“Um, she went to the Weasleys’ for Christmas, I’m ditched.” Willow pouted.

“Is it just me or there’s something going on between her and Ron?” The girls asked.

“She was always into red heads and nerds…so go figure.” Willow shrugged and drank down her coffee.

“Hey Willow, you wanna go ice skating on the lake later today?” The dark haired girl asked.

“I’d love to!” Willow smiled as she accepted the offer.
♠ ♠ ♠
Update yayyyy :D

I like this one <3

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