Unicorn Turds

Feel it coming in the air.

“What was that bottle you bought from Madam Rosmerta?” Willow asked Draco as they sat in her dorm, unwrapping some of the gifts she was sent.

“Just some whine for Mother,” Draco said quickly and picked up a box from Willow’s bedside.

“Who’s M.A?” Draco asked as he examined a silvery green box.

“Mika, my sister.” Willow said simply and Draco looked quite surprised.

“You have a sister?” He asked, slightly offended by the fact that Willow hadn’t shared this information with him.

Willow laughed, “Half sister actually.” She said and quickly tore the bright pink wrapper off one of the packages Alessandra had sent her.

“Oooh, ten second pimple vanisher! This can come handy.” Willow said excitedly and Draco took the round bottle from her.

“It’s that Weasley stuff isn’t it?” Draco scorned and Willow took the bottle back as she rolled her eyes.

“I think it’s an extraordinary piece of magic.” She stated and put the bottle on her vanity table, where she noticed a small book with white leather binding.

Willow opened the diary and browsed the light pages until she found what she was looking for. “Here.” She said and handed Draco a medium sized photograph.

The picture showed two blonde haired girls, both of them had the same impressive pair of piercing turquoise eyes and plump lips.

“You look alike,” Draco said and went on examining the photo. The girls were laughing mysteriously and swayed around on the marble floor of what seemed like an ancient observatory.

“Except, she’s much taller and um… I think it’s her gaze…it lacks something.” Draco added and returned the picture to Willow, who paused to admire it.

After a few moments she spoke up again, “We aren’t close…much.” Willow sighed and put the journal back to its place.

At Night

The dreadful screams and voices penetrated Willow’s mind once again and cold bits of sweat covered her heated body as she clenched into the crisp sheets.

Willow’s eyes snapped open but she soon shut them tightly as a sharp pain pierced her mind, making her shudder.

She hissed and pushed her damp hair away from her face as she crawled out of Draco’s secure grip and searched for her clothes.

Her head pounded as she threw her clothes on the lumbered out of the Slytherin common room, feeling as if she would pass out at any given moment and went down the dungeon’s passages.

Willow’s teeth bit her lip tightly, preventing her from screaming her heart out and she could feel the salty blood of her lip on the tip of her dry tongue.

Willow’s shaking hands rested on the large door as she banged on it with all the strength that was left in her trembling body.

“Dad, it’s me…please…” She begged as she kept weakly banging on the office’s door, her tears streaming down her cheeks.

The door opened and Severus Snape stood at the doorway, dressed in a dark pair of long pajamas and looking annoyed.

“Willow, do you have any idea what time it is-“He began hissing but when the light of his office illuminated Willow’s hallow face, his expression changed.

With a look of concern on his face, he wrapped his arm around Willow’s sloping shoulders and guided her inside, shutting the heavy door behind them.

“Please, give it to me,” Willow cried desperately and her vision became blurry, both from the tears and the unbearable pain.

Severus Snape sat her down on an armchair and pounced towards his brewing station, and began preparing the ingredients for the elixir at top speed.

His hands shook as he heated a small cauldron and took several jars from the shelves on his office’s walls.

Meanwhile, Willow’s body temperature was rising fast and her body began feeling numb as the whispers inside her mind turned to high pitched screams, causing her to clench her head tightly.

“It’s coming, only a few moments.” Severus Snape consoled his daughter and shot worried glances in her direction.

He opened a drawer and searched for the last and final ingredient, the ingredient that made the whole difference in the world but instead, he found and empty container.

Lost and helpless, he searched the drawers, shelves and bags, looking desperately for the precious component while Willow’s raspy screams of pain and despair pierced his ears.

He stood there, shocked and stunned as he watched his daughter crawled in fetal position, both in mental and physical pain.

Severus Snape approached the armchair and looked down at Willow’s who suddenly rose to her feet and looked at him with hallow eyes and trembling lips.

He opened his mouth to say something but regretted once Willow did the same. She swallowed hard and then suddenly her shaking ceased.

Her round eyes looked into his dark ones, but it seemed more as if they were looking right through them.

Suddenly she began speaking in a raspy voice, “War in our blood… The end is knocking…

Snape’s eyes widened in shock at the unusual sight in front of him.

Everywhere we turn more hatred surrounds us… Following the wrong steps...” Willow grunted and Severus Snape took a hold of the sides of her face and looked directly into her eyes.


How many lives will we take? Nowhere to run, cannot escape…” Willow then twitched in pain and sank down into the leather armchair, her head bowed with her face covered by the long mane of blonde hair.

Severus hesitantly reached for his daughter, finally closing his sallow fingers on her shoulder. Willow’s head slowly rose and her eyes pierced into his, her face almost fully covered by strings of long hair.

Her eyes seemed full of evilness, but once he pushed her hair away, he saw nothing but pure sorrow and helplessness.

What happened?” Willow asked blankly and Severus’s face turned more concerned than it was before.

The Greenhouses

Willow and Draco packed their stuff and exited greenhouse seven along with their Slytherin and Gryffindor classmates.

“I think that Venomous Tentacula was splendid!” Hermione Granger who was walking ahead of them with Harry and Ron, also accompanied by Ginny Weasley, said eagerly.

“What would you know about magical plants? You know-nothing, filthy Mudblood.” Draco snapped venomously.

“What did you just call her, Malfoy?” Ron Weasley quickly turned around, pointing his wand in Draco’s direction.

“A filthy Mudblood.” Draco repeated with the same mocking tone, and warningly raised his brows in Hermione’s direction.

If you plan on calling her a Mudblood than you should call me that too… Willow wanted to tell Draco but the other group’s actions changed her mind.

“Nothing’s filthier than the hole you came from, Malfoy.” Ginny Weasley snapped at Draco, which irked Willow very much.

You Bitch!” Willow yelled at Ginny and both of them took their wands out.

“Can’t speak for yourself Malfoy?! Need your girlfriend to do it for you?” Ron yelled as he joined his sister, his wand also drawn.

“Oh you shouldn’t have said that you Blood Traitor,” Draco hollered.

Ginny Weasley scowled and shot a lime green flash in Willow’s direction, which Willow blocked with a light flutter of her wand.

“Think your pathetic Bat Bogey Hex’s gonna work on me? Give me a break, little greenhorn.” Willow spat and Harry Potter jumped right next to where Ginny was standing, ready to protect.

“What? What are you gonna do Potter? I bet ‘The Chosen One’ has a few tricks up his sleeve, though I hardly believe it’d be something extraordinary.” Willow ridiculed.

Groups of students began assembling around the bunch, all eager to watch the fight.

It was Hermione Granger’s time to step up and she quickly cast a non verbal spell at Willow, which she managed to escape by ducking and stepping backwards.

A few gasps came from the crowd and even the students who were at the Potions Club ditched their greenhouse to have a glimpse of the event.

“Pathetic.” Willow yelled at Hermione and Draco took the time to hex Ron, who was obviously not expecting the attack and stumbled backwards, with bright yellow pus leaking out of his nose.

Enough!” Harry Potter yelled but Willow was too far gone, vicious as she always was when she got mad.

Baubillious” Draco called out but the bright light was blocked by an opposing spell cast by Harry.

“If you are so eager to show off your so called talents, show us what you can do Willow!” Ginny provoked Willow.

Ascendio!” Willow lifted herself high into the air and overlooked the grounds. There were a few tens of students observing the encounter of forces and they were all eager to see what Willow was going to do next.

Willow breathed deep and held her palm out close to her face and whispered the non verbal spell, quickly drawing backwards.

A roaring, billowing noise pierced the school’s grounds as Willow unleashed the beast of cursed fire. It took the form of a three headed Chimera and roared once again, sending waves of heat and began leaping towards the ground.

The abnormal sized flames spread further and continued mutating as the beast grew larger. Students screamed and ran for their lives and the fuss spread across the land.

But as suddenly as it all began it all ended. In a blink of an eye, Willow’s Fiendfyre beast turned into ice and cracked, showering the students and grounds with melting shreds of ice.

Willow suddenly felt her body go limp and drop from the air into the grass and she looked around confused. Many students were giving her frightened looks and a few four-year girls were crying.

Are you barking mad?!” Severus Snape’s voice thundered as his bat-like figure approached them quickly.

Fiendfyre!? You could have killed everyone here, you could have burned the whole place down!” He yelled and grabbed Willow by the arm, pulling her up to face him.

“It was nothing!-“ Willow began defending herself but her father cut her off.

It was everything!” Snape screamed and Willow yanked her arm out of his grip and took a few steps backwards and started casting a spell but her wand flew out of her hand and quickly landed in Snape’s hand, and he soon stashed it inside his robes.

“Wha-You can’t do that!” Willow protested, her blood pounding in her veins.

“I am you teacher and your father.” He stated and then grabbed her by the arm again.

“Follow me.” He said through gritted teeth and dragged her in the castle’s direction, leaving the students stunned.

Headmaster’s Office, The Next Day

Severus Snape stood in the large circular room, which had many windows and portraits of old headmasters and headmistresses.

The office had also played host to a number of spindly tables upon which were set delicate looking silver instruments that whirred, and emitted small puffs of smoke, as well as an incredible collection of books which made up Dumbledore's private library.

“Headmaster, before we do this there is something I need to consult you about.” Severus Snape said as he moved the curtain aside and overlooked the spectacular school grounds.

“Severus, if this is about our little arrangement, I made it pretty clear that you cannot back away.” Albus Dumbledore said calmly and watched Snape over his scythe glasses.

“I understand, but this is not the case. I need to talk to you…about Willow.” Snape said and kept looking out of the window.

“Willow? She is brilliant...Well, except fot the unpleasnt incident yesterday...” Dumbledore said and Snape nodded briefly.

“Thank you. And I apologize for what she had done.”

"You see Severus, She is here to be protected from Dark Magic, not to preform it..." Dumbledore said gravely and Snape apologised once again.

“You see headmaster, throughout her teens she had been having these… seizures/” Snape began explaining.

“-She would become angry, wrenched and weak, mental pain would often be included.” Snape spoke in his smooth voice.

Dumbledore sat silently, waiting for his colleague to finish his saying.

“I always assumed it was some rare disease of the mind...So every time she suffered I would give her this potion I brewed especially for her.” Snape took a deep breath and went on talking, he wasn’t the kind of person the just spills out his secrets.

“-And she would relax, sometimes not even remember what had happened to her. But yesterday she came to me, she said it was happening again and I began preparing the elixir for her.”

“But I was short on the ingredient I wouldn’t usually include in the dreamless sleep potion. And she was suffering so much, in so much pain.” Snake spoke shakily.

He turned around and looked Dumbledore in the eyes, “And then she started taking. She was blank and cut and kept saying all these things. She never spoke during a seizure Professor, maybe because I stopped it on time and maybe this time was an exception.”

“That’s very interesting Severus, do you think she should be admitted to St Mungo’s?” Dumbledore questioned and Snape shook his head in response.

He approached Dumbledore’s desk and rested his hands on it, looking the professor deep in the eyes. “I think she’s a seer.” He stated.

“A seer? A girl her age?”” Severus, Seers are extremely rare and on top of that, this ability is often inherited.” Dumbledore explained.

“I know professor but that is exactly my point…her mother she-“ Snape suddenly stopped.

“I was always curious about her; I never dared to ask though.” Dumbledore semi-smiled.

Snape took his place next to the window again and spoke up, “The dark lord was looking for seers…for prophesies. Anything that could insure him of his victory.” Snape said sternly.

“I was young… only 20 years of age. I considered myself his most loyal servant and I was given a mission.”

“He sent me to the north, to see this seer and make her foresee.” He explained as the memories of his past washed over him.

“When I found her, I couldn’t believe my eyes! She was so graceful and young, unlike the old and wrinkly women I expected to see.” Snape said I a low voice.

“We set up meeting at an inn and talked and then-“ Severus stopped and took a deep breath, “I spent the night.” He sighed.

“A year later I found out about Willow, and spent the next 6 months looking for other seers under the Dark Lord’s command.”

“I located Sybill Trelawney and she was with you and-“

“-You know the rest.” Snape finished what he had to say.

“And the lady’s name?” Dumbledore questioned simply as he stood up.

“Ophelia, Ophelia Astrid.” Snape said blankly.

He didn’t love her, he never did, however; he was grateful for what she had given him, she gave him his daughter….his only legacy.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope it was worth the long wait.

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