Unicorn Turds

I'm curious for you.

Willow stepped down the hall after Arithmancy class which she spent most of drawing constellations on the back of her thick textbook. Willow’s reluctance earned her a few nasty snaps from Professor Vector.

Septima Vector wasn’t the only teacher who had changed her attitude towards Willow. Professor McGonagall and Flitwick both seemed to be praising Willow less even though her performance in class hadn’t changed at all.

Even Professor Slughorn gave her perfect potions brief nods instead of the loud, cheerful words of praising.

But Willow knew very well that the reason for her being disliked was the little dark trick she pulled off a few weeks before. There was no one to bump into in the halls as everyone kept their distance from Willow and her popularity level sank drastically.

Even fellow Slytherins seemed to treat Willow differently, though a few of them had found her skills amusing and admirable.

On top of that, the news of her being Severus Snape’s daughter spread at top speed and led to a long chain of offensive storied and tales.

When it came to Willow, she was just grateful that Dumbledore hadn’t expelled her, he didn’t even punish her.

Her hand adjusted the silver headband on her head and then combed the high ponytail she had that day, which caused a group of first year students to flinch.

Can’t raise you own hand around here anymore?” Willow mumbled as she took the passage that lead to the courtyard, where she spotted a familiar figure.

“Hi Sof,” Willow said softly to Sofia who stood up to face Willow and looked over her shoulder at two girls who were sitting behind her.

“Oh hi Scarlet, Hi Fae.” Willow smiled and lightly waved as she greeted Sofia’s younger sisters. However, the girls only looked her in the eyes, gulped and turned back to witching the chocolate frogs they were holding.

“You really scared them.” Sofia said sternly and Willow sniffed.

“I know,” She replied.

“What was that all about?” Sofia began questioning Willow about the ‘Fiendfyre Mishap’ and handed her a chocolate frog.

“The Gryffindor trio decried Draco and I, and Ginny she-“ Willow began complaining as she unwrapped her chocolate card and observed the card.

Great,” She sighed and looked at the other side of her Famous Card.

Salazar Slytherin,

Salazar Slytherin was a great wizard of Medieval times.
Slytherin was one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
He was a parselmouth (a wizard with the rare ability to speak with snakes)
Salazar was skilled at Legilimency-

Willow threw the card aside before she read the rest of it.

“So basically, you and Draco got your massive egos punched.” Sofia smirked as she crossed her arms.

“Well…Yeah” Willow answered.

“So you conjured Fiendfyre to avenge them?” Sofia continued in the same interrogating tone.

“Yes…” Willow was getting impatient, she didn’t like being judged.


“Well great job.” Sofia said sarcastically and Willow rolled her eyes.

“What? Why are you giving me such a hard time?” Willow demanded to know, her eyes sparkling.

“Because,” Sofia hissed, “everyone seeks protection at Hogwarts! We want to know that we are safe! But six year students unleashing Fiendfyre in the presence of 50 other students isn’t a very safe business.”

“What’s done is done…” Willow sighed and walked away from Sofia, heading to the library on the fourth floor.

Hogwart’s Library

Harry Potter entered the library and entered the Restricted Section, searching for the books that could give him the slights hint regarding the mission he was given by Dumbledore.

As he turned to another bookcase, he saw a familiar figure of a petite blonde, dressed in her school shirt and black jeans, sunken in conversation with the librarian Madam Irma Pince.

He hadn’t forgotten Willow’s attempt to burn him alive a few weeks earlier, but as he and his friends concluded, her knowledge couldn’t be underestimated.

Hesitantly, he dropped a heavy book to the floor and it landed with a loud bang, causing Madam Pince’s finch eyes to immediately burn into him.

He mumbled an apology but then quickly signed for Willow to come over, and she did so with great reluctance.

“Are you gonna tell me off too?” She snapped and pulled at the end of her Slytherin tie.

“No.” Harry replied with certain sourness in his voice and stepped behind a bookcase, and Willow followed him.

Harry looked around suspiciously and then turned to Willow, “You know…Dark Magic, right?” He asked slowly and Willow rolled her eyes in response, turning on her heels to walk away.

“Wait!” Harry whispered and grabbed her arm with his hands, making her turn back around.

“So what?!” Willow hissed venomously.

“I…I need your help.” He finally confessed and Willow raised her brows in curiosity.

“What do you know…about Horcruxes?” Harry asked and Willow’s eyes widened.

“Why would you want to know anything about that.” Willow said with a hint on disgust.

“I just came across it somewhere…” Harry said quickly.

“Then you should check that source again!” Willow told him and Harry sighed.

“Just tell me,” He sort of asked.

“I don’t want to discuss this with you…” Willow said uneasily, she was surprised by the fact that Harry was interested in that matter and even more surprised that he had turned to her.

“Willow, I need to know.” Harry sounded almost desperate.

“Do I look like Secrets of the Darkest Art to you?” Willow mumbled. “It’s a book.” She added when she saw Harry’s confused look.

Harry’s green eyes stared into Willow’s more blue ones and she sighed, giving up.

“It makes you immortal…in the most horrible way.” She said shakily and began walking away.

“But how?!” Harry called after her but she was already out of sight. Madam Pince was however walking towards him, and he assumed that it would be a good time to get out of the library.


“Watch where you’re going you, sack of Doxy dung-“ Willow cursed the person she bumped into on her way out of the library but stopped when she looked up.

“Oh it’s you.” She chuckled and her eyes looked into Draco’s cold ones.

“Someone’s moody today.” Draco smirked, it looked like he just left the staircase which lead to the seventh floor.

“Shocker, huh?” Willow sniffed and let Draco envelop her in his arms, and she rested her face against his strong chest, feeling slightly vulnerable.

She fought a strong urge to cry, and didn’t let the tears escape merely because she felt like such a crybaby lately and though it was a sigh of weakness.

"Fools who wear their hearts proudly on their sleeves, who cannot control their emotions, who wallow in sad memories and allow themselves to be provoked this easily – weak people” her father’s voice echoed inside her mind and she shut her eyes tightly.

Willow hugged Draco’s stomach and looked up at him, and his hands soon reached her face, running down her silky ponytail.

“I like your hair today,” He told her “Shows more of the pretty face of yours.” Draco complemented and looked around the corridor, which was occupied by a few second year students.

Willow mumbled a thank you and then stood on the tips of her toes, high enough that her lips could capture Draco’s.

With all the nasty buzz around her, Draco was one of the fewer people who stood by her side and didn’t judge her actions.

”I think it was badass!” was what he had said about Willow’s Chimera.

She loved the way her touched her, the way he kissed her…she loved him.

Willow parted her lips further and felt Draco’s tongue caress hers and his hands slide down her back, her butt and to the back of her thighs.

Her left leg bet against his hips and Draco’s arm hooked around it, wrapping it around his waist. His other hand went to her nape and held it.

Willow giggled against his lips and kissed him with more force, her lips sucking his bottom lip while her arms hugged his neck tighter.
Being with Draco was Willow’s escape, the fragile light during those dark times.

Draco pulled away from their kiss and rested his forehead against Willow’s his fingers caressing the back of the thigh that was hooked around him.

Willow smiled slyly and her hands slid from his neck to his chest, slowly running her fingertips over the fabric of his shirt.

“You know what you need?” Draco asked cunningly.

“Mhmm?” Willow hummer as she player with his collar.

A treat.” Draco smiled and Willow giggled.

“I’m afraid I’m not in the mood…” She chuckled.

“No, not that kind of treat, unless-“ Draco smirked and Willow cut him off by punching his chest.

“Let’s go,” He said enthusiastically, taking Willow by the hand and down to the basements.

“What are you doing?” Willow asked puzzled as Draco tickled a pear on a large fruit portrait, which suddenly turned into a door knob.

Draco winked and then entered the room behind the portrait.

Willow founf herself in an enormous, high-ceilinged room, large as the Great Hall above it, with mounds of glittering brass pots and pans heaped around the stone walls, and a great brick fireplace at the other end.

The kitchens contained tables identical to those in the Great Hall and are directly below them.

“Oh wow.” Willow mumbled and followed Draco to a distant table and Willow soon saw tens of house elves, cleaning pots and polishing the silver cups left from the dinner that she did not attend.

The elves’ tiny hands took the plates from the tables and they began to scrub themselves. “So they simply place the food on the tables in the kitchens, and it magically appears in the Great Hall?” Willow questioned and Draco nodded briefly.

A tiny house elf, dressed in a light blue toga approached them and stared at the couple with it’s large brown eyes.

“What can I get for the lovely Sir and Maiden?” He squeaked and Draco smirked.

Willow slightly giggled as she was amused by the sight before her.

“Shrimps...with butter and garlic.” Draco said and the elf bowed and then sped off.

“Wha-how’d you know!?” Willow was stunned by Draco’s choice of her favorite food.

“I know you better than anyone around here does.” He smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jusr a small filler for you guys <3

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