Unicorn Turds

After all, she has nothing inside.

The ghostly haze faded and a pitch black lake was revealed, its waters glistened under the moonlight. A light, ice cold winds blew on the tops of the thin trees and they bent slightly.

Strangely the water of the lake did not shift under the northern wind and remained as still as stone.

The moon was full and it out-shined the stars around it. However the Milky Way's spirals were clearly visible in the black skies.

Willow's cloak fluttered in the wind as she looked up, watching the stars, the fall of a blue star made her turn her gaze back to the lake, which was no longer empty.

A thin white boat now floated by the crumpled bay and in the blink of an eye, Willow found herself crouched over it.

A cloaked figure set still on the rocking boat and deep rustling that came from a large cage at the boat's floors pierced Willow's ears.

One slim and pale hand reached the hood of the black cloak and pulled it off the persons head. As light as the moon, the figure's mane of hair cascaded all the way down to the seat of the boat.

The lean maiden turned her gaze to meet Willow's and it was like looking into a mirror. The identical pairs of round turquoise eyes met and stared deep into each other.

To a stranger, it would seem as if the sisters talked with their eyes and there was no need for words.

Do you have it?” Willow whispered, her hands clutching the wet platform.

Her sister nodded and knelt by the side of the cage that was at her feet. Willow could hear the door squeak.

The creature inside screamed in protest and then suddenly silenced as Mika locked the door of the cell.

Mika handed Willow a tiny package which smelled like a mix of ice and chopped grass. Willow quickly stuffed the white parcel into the pocket of her wet robes.

She could hear the creature scrape the coating of the cages floor with its nails. “Let her go.” Willow said softly.

As soon as Mika opened the cage, the large black creature flew out into the night, its membranous set of wings blocking the moonlight.

Remaining silent, Mika’s hands reached the key pendant on her neck and ripped it off. Suddenly, the ancient object turned into a palm sized stake and she pierced the edge of her finger with it.

She ran her crimson finger down the matching pendant around Willow’s neck, and it absorbed the blood.

It’s too early.” Willow said.

Mika brought her finger to her lips and sucked the blood off, making the cut disappear. Willow watched as her sister pulled a crystal tube out of her cloak and filled it with the lakes dark water and stashed it back in her pocket.

Björn said his headmaster fled.” Mika finally spoke, her voice thin and distant. Willow’s only response was an understanding nod.

Mika then looked up at the sky, wearing the same dreamy look as her sister did every time she examined the stars. “Again.” Mika whispered.

Willow’s head also shot up and she could see what her sister meant, “Extraordinary.” Willow commented.

Dark clouds hid the stars and the girls eyes met. Mika’s cold hands cupped Willow’s face, “We will meet soon.” She whispered.

Willow’s eyes closed and she felt her sister’s lips close on hers, and the pictures behind her closed eyes were again taken over by the dark haze.

She felt like she was falling into cold chasm, her body numb.

A hand shook Willow’s thighs and she snapped her eyes open, “Miss Prince, this had never happened in my class for thirty years! You should be ashamed!” Professor Flitwick called, hovering over Willow’s desk.

“Falling asleep?! In Charms class?! 25 points from Slytherin Missy!” He punished.

Willow could barely make out what he was saying. Her head pounded and her upper back was burning, she could feel the pendant ice cold on her neck.

“Are you Ok?” Roxanne asked, looking concerned. “Three seconds ago you were alert and awake, what happened?” She mouthed.

“I guess I dozed off…” Willow mumbled and secretly snaked her hand into the pocket of her uniform, she could feet the wet package under her fingers.

Roxanne looked Willow with suspicion in her eyes, “Well that happens to you quite often, doesn't it?” She bit her lip.

Willow shrugged and pushed her books into her black bag and stormed out of the class right when the bell rang.

She could hear professor Flitwick yell something that included the word “Detention” after her, but she could care less.

Willow sped out of the classroom and ran down the stairs the connected the third and the first floor. She could feel the cloth in her pocket begin to leak and quickened her pace.

As soon as she reached the bottom on the staircase she ran down the hall and disappeared behind the statute of an old monster.

Crabbe and Goyle stepped aside to make room for Willow as she ran into the Slytherin common room. Her heels crashed on the marble floor as she tried to reach her room as soon as possible.

Once inside, she locked the door and entered the bathroom. Willow fell to her knees by her tub and took her wand out.

She whispered a non verbal charm and two large marble plates disconnected from the floor, revealing a hideout.

She reached inside the hole and could feel her hand push through the magic, it was resistant and viscous.

Her fingers finally closed around an antique chest and she carefully took it out. The case was white and had a large golden key engraved on the top.

Willow's hand reached the pendant on her neck and she yanked it off, feeling its chain cut into her neck. She then carefully placed it on its stone twin and pushed it hard into the material, feeling it sink in.

Ophelia.” Willow whispered and then the key turned golden and the chest slowly opened.

The inside of the chest was divided to 10 sections, each padded with black velvet cloth. On the bottom of each section a foreign symbol was embroidered, only three sections were still empty.

There was a cache of odd objects inside the small chest. A shiny silver atone which shone weakly lay next to a rotten fang of a mysterious predator.

Willow reached for the package in her pocket and untied the white rope. She then spilled its content to the smallest section of the tomb.

The green substance started spinning in incredible speed until it reached the shape of a green crystal. “Finally.” Willow sighed as she closed the chest.

She pulled the key out by its chain and made sure the box was locked by spells. She returned it to the hole in the floor and witched it too.

Willow locked the necklace and felt the cold key once again against her collar bone. She took off her wet robes and tossed them into the laundry basket.

Willow stood in front of her mirror, examining her back over her shoulder. She sighed and shook her hair, making it to cover the dark patch on her shoulder blade.

She lazily pulled on tight black jeans and a corset top. She then slipped into a pair of heels and headed out of the common room.

She knows the voices in her mind, they tell her, to leave,” Willow sang softly as she walked the corridor.

Until silence becomes very silently, a noise in her mind…” She hummed and watched the students pass by. The day was almost over and everybody was heading to the common rooms or dinner.

BOOH!” Alessandra’s hands clutched Willow’s shoulders and made Willow jumped.

“You b-Witch!” Willow laughed as Professor Vector went by. Cursing wasn’t allowed in the halls.

“Nice save.” Alessandra smirked and rubbed her freckled nose.

The girls sat down on the stairs in the Entrance Hall and could finally relax after the tiring week.

“I'm soooo happy the weekend’s here! I'm going to Hogsmeade with the Gryffindors and Luna!” Alessandra said happily.

“Goodbye Arithmancy homework!” She sighed in relief and stretched her arms.

“Come on you shouldn't focus on it so much, you don’t really need it if you want to be a Healer.” Willow pointed out and played with her white nails.

“So what? It is still a good thing to know-,” Alessandra pointed out when she saw Ron Weasley exit a classroom. “Hi Ron!!! How are you feeling?” She smiled sweetly and Ron approached them.

“Much better, thanks. Listen, are you positive that you're coming with us tomorrow?” He asked.

“Of course, gave you my word, remember?” Alessandra winked and Willow bit her lip.

“You'll be coming alone…right?” Ron asked uneasily and looked at Willow for a brief moment.

“Yes Weasley I won't be there to ruin your little gathering, if that's what's bothering you.” Willow snapped.

Ron eyed her up and down in revulsion and walked away, saying good bye to Alessandra.

“Willow, what was that for?!” Alessandra whined.

Willow crooked one eyebrow, “Have you heard the way he spoke to me?”

“Of course I did but you know very well what they feel about you.” Alessandra ststed.

“Then you shouldn't have called him over. And anyhow, ‘how are you feeling?! the redhead was poisoned like…two months ago.” Willow rolled her eyes.

“Wow! Someone's wayyyy too moody today! Let me know when you're done PMSing.” Alessandra smirked.

“I'm not PMSing, I just don't like to hang out with people who don’t like me.” Willow pushed Alessandra playfully.

Alessandra stood up and wiped the dust off her pants, “Fine, I'm going to change so I guess I'll see you on Sunday.” Alessandra said as she kissed Willow's cheek and headed for the Grand Staircase.

Willow also stood up and looked around the hall and saw no one familiar. “Where’s Draco?” She rolled her eyes and took the stairs to the seventh floor.

She knows the noises in her mind,
Nothing’s left but,
Screaming silence.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, I like shoes XD

I hope you like how the story's progressing :) Let me know what you think!

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