Unicorn Turds

It's been far too long.

Willow climbed the spiral stairs of the tower that lead to the Room of Requirement. “This is a hell of a workout…” She mumbled as she felt the muscles of her thighs cramp.

It was nighttime and classes were long over. Being outside the castle was prohibited and the students crowded the common rooms and great hall. However, there was no one to be seen on the higher floors.

Willow was about to take the turn when she noticed the person she was looking for. Draco was leaning against the rail of the broad deck and observed the castle’s grounds.

His body language reflected that he wasn’t quite clam, more bothered than he usually was. Draco’s broad shoulders were clad by the elegant material of his black suit and Willow could see that his breath was deep.

She walked up behind him and wrapped her bare arms around his middle, resting her cheek on his back. Willow was very short in comparison to Draco, and his collar was as high as the crown of her head reached.

Draco remained indifferent to her actions, and she gave him time. “Is it going bad?” Willow asked, tightening her grip.

Draco didn’t respond, and only focused on a small are of land. He didn’t touch her back nor spoke to her, and she was annoyed by that.

“Mmmm?” She mumbled and squeezed his middle. His satin shirt was smooth and Willow’s fingertips ran up and down the fabric. She could feel Draco’s stiff body underneath the cloth.

“Willow, I’m trying to think, can’t you see?” Draco hissed and shook her off. Willow fliched and took a couple of steps backwards.

Willow's lips tightened and her eyebrows rose in shock.

She grabbed him by the shoulder and sharply turned him to face her, he was shocked by her actions. “Now listen to me,-“ She spoke coldly and very clearly.

“I haven’t seen you in days, you became a complete loner. I know that you are in deep shit, I’m not a retard. Though you sure are for turning down help.” Willow snapped, looking right into his eyes.

Draco shrugged Willow’s hand off his shoulder and straightened his back. “He chose me. I need to fulfill his task, show him I’m worthy.” Draco said, determination and pride in his voice.

Willow did not buy that fake image.

“Worthy of what?! Can’t you understand? He’ll throw you to the werewolves when he’s done with you.” Willow said through gritted teeth.

“You are scared to death, I can see that. Why won’t you let my father help you? He is for more experienced in dark magic than you are! Let me help you.” Willow whispered in a desperate plea.

We can do it together!” She looked around, making sure no one was eavesdropping.

Draco took a hold of her arms, holding her tight. “I can’t have you around, you are distracting me.” He told her in the same stern whisper, turning his gaze away when he finished.

Draco looked around the porch; he couldn’t bare looking into Willow’s eyes after what he had said.

“Bullshit! Why shut me off? Do you really think you can fix it on your own? Your damn birds just keep dying; it’s not going to get you anywhere.” Willow crossed her arms over her chest, not wishing to look at him.

“I know what I’m doing! Just because you’re a walking bloody spell book doesn’t mean you know better than I do!” Draco scoffed.

“Are you listening to yourself? I’m giving my principles up for you and you use it against me. What have you become?” Willow snapped in disbelief.

Shivers ran down Willow’s spine as the cold wind hit her bare shoulders.

Draco turned his back to her, his hands clutching the rail. “I don’t need anyone’s help, Willow. I will complete his task, I will make him proud.

“And he will do what? Postpone the death of your family in one hour?! Draco you can’t be that timid. Your efforts are all vain. I know what happened to your father; can’t you see it's vengeance?” Willow spoke.

“Willow, don’t lecture me on the Dark Lords intentions. I am one of them now, and don’t tell me what I ought to be, you are not my master.” Draco said impatiently. In the corner of her eye, Willow could see Draco’s hand gently touch the hem of his left sleeve, and she felt nauseous.

Willow looked at the grounds as well, she could see Hagrids’s large figure leaning over a corpse of what seemed like a giant spider.

“I’m not blind, you are going to snap any moment, and where will that get you?
If I’m such a burden, I will let you be. Just know that you’re getting yourself killed and you need to learn when to let your guard down.” Willow left his side.

Draco turned around to face her, “Willow, don’t get like that…” He said, the anger in his voice gone.

“You are the one acting like a complete idiot.” She snapped back.

Draco’s hand reached for the side of her neck and Willow could feel the cold of his snake ring on her neck.

“Don’t touch me.” She slapped his hand away.

“You are no murderer; you are a good person, a good person who makes wrong choices though. Don’t give up on your life like that.” She said blankly.

Draco looked from the floor to her eyes, his pupils large and penetrating.

“It’s not worth the tears, can’t you see?” Willow said softly and turned on her heels, walking away.

She never once looked back.

“Idiot.” Willow mumbled as she walked down the stairs, her steps echoing on the tower's walls.

Suddenly, a brilliant idea crossed her mind. Willow sat down on the stone stairs and took her stilettos off.

She held them by the straps as she walked back up the stairs on the tips of her toes. Willow looked over the corner at the porch where Draco and her stood minutes ago.

Willow sighed in disappointment when she saw the Draco was no longer there. “Dammit!” She muttered and was about to head back to the common room where she heard familiar footsteps.

Draco’s quick steps sounded more and more distant each second and Willow quickly followed the rustle.

The floor was freezing against Willow’s bare feet but she could care less, she was used to the cold.

Willow followed as fast as she could, making sure she was not heard. After 4 minutes of close following she peeped around the corner.

She saw Draco’s profile, he was facing the familiar stone wall which hid the Room of Requirement. She ducked and stood on all fours, watching Draco’s actions.

His pale eyes looked around and not a second later, he disappeared behind the stone.

Pressing her back against the wall, Willow was in a rush to enter the room before the gate closed. She quickly slipped into the archway which was now exactly her size.

With a loud bang, Willow’s shoe hit the wall and the sound echoed in the never ending space. She quickly hid behind a cloth covered mirror and held her breath. Scared of Draco finding her.

She felt something hard under her bare foot. She looked closely and discovered that it was an old and shabby copy of “Advanced Potion Making.”. Willow shrugged and pushed the book away.

When the danger passed, Willow crept from behind the mirror and looked for Draco.

Thanks to her perfect memory, she quickly located the spot where Draco’s cabinet was hidden. Willow passed the doll on whose wig lay an old diadem.

The tiara’s ancient writing shined in the moonlight and Willow could once again read the scription.

Wit beyond measure is a man's greatest treasure.

Willow sighed and passed the mannequin. She found a cozy spot in a pile of old robes and sat down, covering herself with an old velvet coat.

She had a perfect view of Draco and she absorbed quietly, hugging her trembling knees.

The vision absolutely broke her heart.

She saw Draco’s hand reach into the cabinet an pool out what seemed like the carcass of a small bird. She watched Draco toss the feathery ball aside and run his hands down his face in desperation.

For two long hours, Draco’s body was half hidden inside the cabinet which kept making buzzing and screeching notices.

Willow didn’t know if any good came out of Draco’s endless efforts. She could see that he was trying to cast a certain spell, but he kept failing.

Tears formed in Willow’s eyes and fell to her cheeks when she saw Draco slide to the floor, his hands buried in his hands.

She could swear she heard his muffled sobbing and unsteady breath. There was nothing that she wanted more than to join him and hold him.

Draco showed great determination when he wiped his face with his sleeve stood up, combing his hair back and out of his face.

She could hear him sniff and watched him take off his jacket and vest, until all he was wearing was a black button-up shirt.

Draco loosened his tie and went back to work, this time more focused.

Willow could fee a pressure in her lower stomach.

Great, I need to go to the loo.” Willow mumbled, trying her best not to shift and uncover herself.

Something did shift, but it surely wasn’t Willow. The moth-eaten blanket that she sat on suddenly felt stiffer and something poked Willow hip.

She gently turned the side of the cloth and her jaw dropped in shock.

Come on!” Willow whispered in disbelief to the sight of a night pot that appeared under the blanket.

Willow turned her gaze back to Draco, who was now searching his bag. He pulled out a fruit and placed it inside the cabinet and shut the heavy door.

Draco closed his eyes and whispered some sort of spell, or a password. A few long minute later

He re-examined the inside of the vanishing cabinet and smiled in triumph.

Willow watched him try to cast the spell he failed to cast an hour before, he didn’t manage this time either.

Draco took a long breath and grabbed the dark black material that he used to cover the cabinet.

Willow curled into a ball when he walked past her and she held her breath. When she couldn’t hear Draco’s steps anymore she stood up, stretching.

She paced slowly towards the dark object.

It's door felt extremely hot against her fingers when she touched it. Willow closed her eyes and concentrated. She could feel the dense threads of magic surrounding the wood.

She ran her fingers over the unseen material and suddenly felt a tear in the magic. With her free hand, she reached for the wand inside her back pocket and guided it to the imperfection in the web of spells.

Willow pressed her lips to the tip of her wand and whispered an old charm. She then brought her want to the hole and pierced the magic as deep as she could.

An extreme pressure escaped the tip of Willow’s wand and she felt like it was sucking the strings of the spells.

She then whispered the counter spell and the pressure was gone. Willow felt the side of the cabinet once again and the hole was gone.

Willow sadly examined what she had done and sighed as she grabbed her shoes and walked out of the Room of Requirement.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woohhooo :D

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By the way, how's the new layout and cover? *-*