Unicorn Turds

The truth at the end of time

“Soph? What are you doing here? It’s like…midnight.” Willow questioned after she ran into her friend.

Sophia covered a yawn with her palm, “Emergency choir practice.” She answered and pointed at a distant classroom at the end of the hall.

“Since when are you in the choir?” Asked Willow and raised her brow.

Sophia looked at Willow in disbelief, “Hello? I’m the one holding the frog?!” She rolled her eyes, stating the obvious.

Willow’s jaw dropped in shock, “You are the frog girl!?”

Sophia nodded enthusiastically, “Professor Flitwick says I have a very promising voice, one of the best he had ever heard.” She said proudly.

“Really?” Willow chuckled.

“Yes Willow, really. I think that’s one of the reasons Slughorn has taken me into his club, he’s very fond of music you know…” Sophia stated and looked nervously over her shoulder.

“Oh,” Willow bit her lip. “Well, I’m sure you’ll make it to The Shelf, pumpkin.” Willow said in a fake spooky tone.

“Oh shut up!” Sophia rolled her eyes and smacked Willow’s shoulder.

Willow giggled and hugged Sophia tightly, “You know that I love you, right?” She smiled, her head on Sophia’s chest.

“Sure.” Sophia said cunningly.

“Miss Prince! What a lovely surprise!” Professor Flitwick exclaimed as he walked out of the classroom.

Dragon Bogies” Willow muttered and shifted uncomfortably in her spot, digging her hill into the marble floor.

“Why are you wandering the halls so late at night?” Flitwick squeaked.

“Um- I was at my father’s office….-“ She lied and then Flitwick cut her off.

“I don’t recall the dungeons being of the Seventh floor Miss Prince. Don’t think I forgot the punishment you earned two lessons ago!” He warned, his small finger in her face.

Willow sighed and just looked at him, waiting for him to go on and just punish her.

“First of all, 15 points from Slytherin for wandering the halls at night.” He frowned and Willow’s stomach twisted, she knew how important it was for her father to win the house cup.

“As you might know, there’s a Ravenclaw Quidditch game tomorrow,” He began and Willow sighed.

Great! Am I going to be giving out scarves or something!? She thought in frustration.

“Unfortunately, Miss Lovegood lost her voice and she won’t be able to commentate so the only replacement I can find on such a short notice is you.” He said.

“Oh.” Willow said softly, it wasn’t nearly as bad as she had expected it to be.

“I need you to be at the Quidditch pitch at 4 pm. You’re not allowed to wear spectator’s cloths, come in something neutral.” He warned her.

“Ok, thank you.” Willow nodded; she was glad that it wasn’t much of a punishment.

“Now, off to bed!” Flitwick ordered and pointed in the direction of the grand staircase.

“I will be speaking to your father!” Willow was halfway down the hall when she heard him call and shrugged.

Slytherin Common Room

Willow entered the green, gloomy room and looked around.

She could see a couple, probably in their 7th year having some alone time on one of the distant couches and she sighed, heading in the direction of her room.

Suddenly a thin and boney figure bumped into her, “Ouch!” Willow hissed and looked at the person’s face.

“Watch where you’re going, Winona!” Pansy teased and Willow rolled her eyes in intolerance.

“Give me a break Pansy,” Willow snapped and pushed her aside.

Pansy scowled and then looked over Willow’s shoulder, her cocky smile dropping.

“Jealous much?” Willow said venomously, she knew Pansy was looking at the couple.

Pansy clenched her fists and ran down the stairs.

“Stupid bitch.” Willow chuckled and walked into her dorm.

She saw Roxanne practicing a spell on an apple. “Decided to drop by?” Willow smiled and set down on her bed, taking her shoes off.

“Long time no see, huh?” Roxy smiled weakly and suddenly her apple caught green fire, and turned into glass.

“Wow that was nice!” Willow complemented and slipped into a pair of shorts and a tank top which had bats on it.

“Yes but it’s supposed to turn into diamond, not glass.” Roxy sighed in frustration and made a note in her notepad.

“Your own?” Willow asked and began pulling her hair into a tight bun on the crown of her head.

“Yeah.” Roxanne smiled and tried the spell again. Unfortunately, the apple turned into glass once again.

Willow crept under her cold sheets and turned her back to Roxanne, preparing to fall asleep.

“Maybe it’s the way you flick your wand.” She mumbled tiredly and drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

Next Day

Willow got dressed in a stripped dress and black converse.

She wasn’t in the mood for Quidditch, but she had to serve her punishment.

Willow knew she wasn’t going to run into Draco as he was always busy with the cabinet. To be honest, she didn’t even want to see him.

As he had said, she was a distraction.

When she stepped into the common room she was amazed by the amount of the Slytherin Quidditch fans.

Everyone was dressed in black green and silver, shouting their team’s songs. Silver serpents floated in the air and blasted into green jewels, showering the Slytherins.

Suddenly tens of pairs on hands grabbed Willow and the students jumped up and down, "Bring us Victory!' They shouted in her ear.

"You know what to do Willow! Remember your house! Make Slytherin proud!" They lifted her in the air and Willow squeaked and kicked against Blaise's back.

"Alright alright!!! Just put me down!" She laughed and jumped as soon as her feet touched ground.

"Slytherin!" Willow yelled and raised her wand high in the air, a poison green mist leaked out of the tip of her wand and formed the house's talisman above the student's heads and they roared.

"Ravenclaw's doomed!" Nott yelled and his classmates bellowed.

Willow chuckled and squeezed her way through the crowed, trying not to be late.

Suddenly, she found herself facing Draco. Her breath coughed in her throat.

He looked into her eyes just as calmly as she looked into his. Willow blinked blankly and stared back into the cold grey.

They just stood there, students passing by and nothing interrupted the silence.

Draco’s mouth opened slightly to say something but then closed. Willow turned her gaze away and walked past him, her body brushing against his arm.

She could swear that she felt his fingers trying to close around her hand, but she drew her hand away as fast as she could.

Quidditch Pitch

Willow walked the wooden stairs to the Faculty Tower, the soft wind hit her face and fluttered her hair.

“Willow, what are you doing here?” Snape asked Willow as she took a seat on the bench in front of the megaphone.

“Commentating.” She smiled and them Professor McGonagall took a seat next to her.

Snape looked at Willow, slightly amused and then set back down next to Horace Slughorn.

Half an hour later all the spectators took their seats and the Quidditch pitch was as noisy as a Weird Sister's concert.

"Good afternoon Hogwarts! I'm Willow Prince and I will be your commentator for this fine night." Willow spoke in her soft voice, which echoed the pitch.

"So give it up for the Slytherin team! Bulky guys aren’t they?" She chuckled as she introduced the team.

"Vaisey, Warrington, Goyle, Crabbe, the new seeker Harper all followed by The team's captain, Urquhart!"

"Hey is this just me or is Vaisey's hair much longer?" She mumbled and heard the Slytherins laugh.

"Duncan Inglebee just shot a very angry bludger in Crabbe's direction! Oh and look! It hit his own teammate! Wow I'm sure Samuels will be using Skele-Grow as his mouth wash for at least a week! And yet, he's not much of a looker is he?" Willow laughed.

"Miss Prince!" Professor McGonagall gasped.

"Oh sorry-And yet another goal for Slytherin, predictable…" Willow murmured and saw the talisman she summoned floating over the Slytherin Tower.

"And what a Victory for Slytherin! A piece of Pumpkin Pie may I say. Thank you Hogwarts and I'm off to Slug-Club to partyyyyyy!" Willow squeaked and ditched her post.

"Willow you sucked!" Sophia shook her head when the two met in the entrance to the Great Hall.

"Did not! You're just sad cause your team lost…" Willow batted her lashes.

"Oh shush." Sophia frowned.

"Cool, I'll see you in an hour in Slug Club." Willow smiled and ran off to the dungeouns.

The Castle

Willow dried off her body with a large back towel and wrapped it around her body.

She faced her Mirror and flicked her white wand over her wet hair and it dried instantly, loose curls forming on its ends.

Willow took the dress that lay on her bed and pulled it on, lacing the corset tight with a slight lift of her wand.

She closed a pendant around her neck and painted her lips blood red. The final thing Willow did was slip into her shoes.

She eyed her perfect reflection and a small sigh escaped her slightly parted lips.

Willow once again walked into the common room of ecstatic Slytherins. “Slug Club?” Blaise mouthed and Willow returned a brief nod as she blended into the crowd. Her red dress a perfect contrast to the Slytherin green and grey.

“Hey, wait!” Blaise caughed up with her and his dark hand closed on her slender arm. “Are you going alone?” He asked and eyed her up and down, his eyes piercing her body.

“Blaise I-“ Willow said desperately and pulled her arm out of his grip. “I’m sorry.” She said softly and ran away from him, feeling her stomach twist.

She ran. Ran after towards the sound of soft music and student’s laugh. The stairs seemed to take her faster to her destination.

She could see the golden light at the end of the hall and the sounds of glass clinking. Willow soon found herself entering Slug Club.

Thin and fragile golden fabric fell from the ceiling and created a clam atmosphere. The room was more packed than ever, new guests and club members took every vacant seat and were sunken in deep conversation.

She could see Slytherins and Ravenclaw’s wearing their colors proudly, while others spotted dress robes, dresses and suites.

She could see a magnificent cake towering above the round food table, it was the shape of Hogwarts and there were birds and Dragons flying above the highest towers, singing and emitting pearly white fire.

Willow smiled as she looked around, there was a band standing on a large black platform. Their instruments prestigious and their lady Singer seemed like a very respectable witch.

“Miss Prince! You look lovely tonight!” Willow turned to the sound of Slughorn’s jolly laugh and he stroked his large belly.

“Good evening Professor.” Willow smiled politely.

“Have you met Larkovitch? He is very eager to meet brainy ladies.” Slughorn Laughed as he pulled a tall lad by his sleeve, forcing him to join the conversation.

The boy was very tall, and had neatly trimmed facial hair, he reminded Willow of a young pirate. “Dawn.” He smirked and held out his large hand for Willow to shake.

“Willow.” She smiled and shook his hand faintly.

“Yes I know who you are, I heard you today at Quidditch. To be honest, I’d bang your head on the wall if I were a Ravenclaw.” Dawn raised his brows warningly and Willow laughed sarcastically.

“Why thank you.” She faked a sweet smile and waved her hand at him, as if she was trying to get rid of a fly.

“Professor, I wanted to meet Granger! Not Slyth-“ She heard Dawn Larkovitch mutter as he caught up with Slughorn.

Tingles ran down her spine as she heard the band start playing, soft, cold and romantic music.

Willow could see Hermione, Ginny and Luna laughing by the food table, with Harry and Ron close by. She also spotted Dawn’s gaze burning into Hermione from the other side of the table.

“Wow you look stunning!” came Roxy’sIrish accent from behind Willow and the girls hugged.

“You’re not too bad yourself!” Willow smiled as she admired Roxy’s mini dress and boots.

Roxy handed Willow a lime green drink and Willow took a sip, it tasted foreign and yet, when it went down her throat a temporary euphoria took over Willow.

“Wow that’s nice!” Willow said, slightly shocked and Roxanne nodded vigorously.

“I liked your commentating!” Roxy winked and her eyes focused on something that was taking place behind Willow, but Roxy soon focused her eyes back on Willow. “It was quite amusing.” She added.

Willow felt familiar warmth on her waist and she closed her eyes, and let the hands on her waist turn her around.

For my dreams I hold my life, for wishes I behold my nights

Willow felt Draco lace her fingers with his and his other hand rested on her lower back, holding the slippery fabric of her dress.

Willow laid her head on his chest and inhaled his scent, feeling him pull her closer.

“I’m sorry.” She heard him whisper in her ear and she looked up at him, her back arching and her light hair falling down to her waist, tickling her shoulder blades.

Oh how I wish to go down with the sun

Willow’s cold hand reached his face, her black nails dark against his light skin. “I understand.” She whispered.

Her fingers left his and her hands crept up his chest, until they closed behind his neck. “You’re not a distraction; you’re what keeps me sane.” Draco confessed, his lips barely moving.

They moved further on the dance floor, their steps slow and gentle as they glided on the stone floor.


Willow smiled, her pearly teeth peering through the frame of her crimson lips. She took a step closer to Draco, her heels beating with the rhythm of the band’s drum.

Her lids closed, the dark lashes covering the large turquoise orbs as she leant in, her velvety lips pressing against Draco’s.

He held her tighter than ever, almost lifting her feet off the ground, and she held onto his neck for dear life.


Draco’s hand left Willow’s back and his fingers buried themselves in her soft hair, tilting her head to deepen the kiss.

The touch of his mouth against hers was perfect and she let his warmth spread all over her body. She missed him too much to stay mad at him.

She felt the kiss weaken and his lips softly disconnected from hers. Willow eyes slowly opened and she could sense the smell of Draco’s aftershave.

Her fingers tangled in his hair and she felt his lips kiss their way to her jaw line, they moved to her neck only after she heard Draco whisper a faint “I love you.” next to her ear.

With You
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait :[

Please Comment <3

I love you my magical readers :D

Oh and Happy Birthday Draco Malfoy!!!!!!!