Unicorn Turds


The excited Slytherins were still partying like crazy when Draco and Willow returned to the Slytherin common room. No one probably even noticed that they were gone.

“Bed time!” Willow said tiredly as she stretched her arms in the air and than ran a hand through her hair.

“Looks like you need it.” Draco chuckled as he followed her up the spiral stairs of the girls’ dorms.

“So…” Draco murmured as they stopped in front of Willow’s doorsill. Willow leaned against the cold wall and Draco soon rested his hand against the wall above her shoulder.

His silvery eyes once again burnt into her large turquoise ones, making her body tingle.

“Draco?” Willow said softly, so that only he could hear her.

“Mmmm?” He asked quietly as he studied her fair face.

“You made my day, really.” Willow confessed, biting her plump lower lip as she ran the back of her fingers down his shaven cheek.

When it came to showing emotions and affection, Willow had no problem with doing what her instincts urged her to, and this time was no exception.

Draco’s gaze turned even deeper as he searched for a proper response.

“I’m glad.” Draco smirked and moved some hair away from Willow’s forehead.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, alright?” He asked in the same soft, yet low voice.

Willow nodded and the corners of her mouth curved in a small smile, “Sure.” She said.

“Bye.” She said, giving Draco one last look before entering her room as she heard him say, “Goodbye.”

Willow pointed her wand towards her luggage and it immediately started unpacking itself.

The clothes began folding themselves and placing themselves in the large closet.

There was soon a long row of shoes on the bottom of the closet and her vanity table was loaded with Willow’s most precious things.

She quickly undressed and grabbed her underwear and pajamas. Her pajamas were short black girl boxers and a simple black shirt.

She took a quick shower and pulled her hair into a bun.

Willow was just sliding under her sheets when she heard a knock on her door.

“Urgh!” She growled and headed towards the door and opened it.

In the doorway stood a rather tall girl who seemed to be Willow’s age.

“Yes?” She asked the stranger.

The girl was actually very beautiful, her hair was coal black and cascaded down her shoulders and back in soft curls. She had sea blue eyes and slightly tanned skin, which made her look very exotic.

“Hi, I don’t even know how to say it, but the girls got new dorms this year and our room has only space for 3 girls instead of 4. So I was wondering if I could be your roommate.” She said shyly.

“Um, sure ,why not? I wouldn’t mind some company around here.” Willow smiled and let the girl in.

“I’m Roxanne by the way, you can call me Roxy.” Roxanne smiled as her leather suitcases landed on the spare bed.

“Willow.” Willow smiled and set on the edge of the bed.

“I know, I was sitting next to that horrible Parkinson during dinner, she was like about to explode from jealousy.” Roxanne giggled as she threw her robed on the armchair.

“What do you mean?” Willow questioned as she sat in a meditating position.

“Well you know…Draco paying more attention in an hour to a new girl than he paid to her in 6 years…” Roxanne answered as she began arranging her books on the shelves.

“I’ve known him since I’m 4.” Willow said in a matter of fact manner.

“Seriously?” Roxanne questioned, she seemed surprised.

Willow nodded briefly.

“He is such a jerk, but you can’t help but want him.” Roxanne said dreamily but quickly snapped out of it, “Not that I want him, I have a boyfriend back home in Ireland” She smiled.

“I don’t think he’s a jerk, he-“, Willow protested but then suddenly remembered what Draco told her about his reputation, “-He can be a real asshole sometimes.” Willow lied.

“Yeah, asshole.” Roxanne laughed. “So where are you from?” Roxanne asked again.

“Technically I’m from the UK, but I’ve been living in Finland for 8 years.” Willow yawned and hugged her pillow.

“Wow, all the way up there in the north, huh?”

“Yeah.” Willow answered sleepily.

Following Day

After a highly successful transfiguration class Willow was heading to her next period, Potions.

“Willow! Wait Up!” Willow suddenly heard Alessandra’s voice call behind her. She quickly turned around and waved happily to her friend.

“Alessia!” Willow squealed happily as the two embraced in a tight hug.

“How’s it going?” Alessandra asked as she pulled her long, auburn hair into a messy, yet chick ponytail.

Willow though for awhile before answering, should she tell her about Draco?

Maybe later.

“Pretty well so far, you have potions now too?” Willow chuckled as they followed the two groups of Slytherins and Gryffindors, heading towards the dungeons.

“It’s freezing in here! How the hell do you sleep?” Alessandra asked as she shivered. She soon tightened her robes around her slender body.

“Um, the dorms are heated actually.” Willow answered as the two of them entered the classroom.

“Alessandra!” A brunette girl who Willow has seen with Harry Potter and his friend called from the Gryffindor side of the class.

“See ya!” Alessia smiled and joined her Gryffindor friends.

Willow looked around the classroom, cauldrons, bottles and suppliance cabinets everywhere, nothing she has never seen before.

She searched for a seat but all of them seemed taken, Alessandra was sitting next to a table for 4 with the brunette and Roxanne chatted with a girl who had multicolored hair.

“Feeling lost, perhaps?” A familiar voice whispered in her ear and she turned around to face Draco.

“Shutup…” She sniffed and combed her hair backwards with her fingers.

Draco smirked and took a seat behind a table for 3 and Willow joined him.

“Why were you absent from Transfiguration?” Willow asked while taking out her Advanced Potion-Making by Libatius Borage textbook.

“It doesn’t matter-“ Draco answered just as the professor entered the gloomy classroom.

“Hello students, I am Professor Horace Slughorn, and I will be your potions master this year-“ Slughorn addressed the students in a very deep voice.

Professor Slughorn was a portly older gentleman with an ebullient manner, a large moustache and seemed very nice.

“Now, gather round everyone, we have a very interesting lesson today.” Professor Slughorn said excitedly.

“I have prepared several cauldrons of potions, can anyone identify them?” The professor said and Alessandra’s burette friend’s hand rose immediately.

“Yes miss…?”


“Veritaserum. It is also known as the ‘truth potion’ or ‘truth serum’. Only three drops of this potion is needed to force anyone to tell the true answer to any question.” She declaimed what was probably written in the textbook.

Suddenly, Harry Potter and his friend entered the class and apologized to Slughorn.

Willow found out that the broad shouldered boy’s name was Ron Weasley.

“And this thick one is Polyjuice Potion, the Polyjuice Potion allows the drinker to appear to be another person for a set time, most commonly an hour.” Granger continued.

“And the pink one-“She began again when Willow cut her off.

“Excuse me professor, but it doesn’t seem fair to me that one student will have the privilege to name these, I might say, common potions and be also awarded points for it.” Willow said pertinently.

Hermione Granger clenches her jaw and took a step back.

“Very well, Miss Sn-“

“Prince, it's Prince.” Willow was quick to correct.

“Miss Prince, could you name the last potion for us?” Professor Slughorn questioned.

“Of course,” Willow smiled with satisfaction as she approached a large cauldron with bubbling pearly pink potion in it.

“It is the Amortentia, the strongest love potion of them all. Amortentia causes the drinker to develop a powerful obsession and infatuation with the "giver" of the potion.” Willow explained.

“Also, it can be identified by its characteristic spirals of steam and its mother-of-pearl sheen.”, “The most special feature of the Amortentia is its aroma, which is unique to each person who consumes it, as it smells like whatever attracts each individual.” Willow said as the spiral of steam slowly penetrated her nostrils.

“I for example smell, lavender, washing powder and also…um…the night air. Oh and-“ Willow got excited.

“Nevermind.” She smiled and stepped back.

“Well done Prince, Granger, 25 points each.” Slughorn growled.

“You totally slew granger’s butt.” Draco smirked as he looked down at Willow.

“I didn’t mean to…”

“Professor, what’s that?” One of the students asked and pointed to a tiny bottle that was filled with golden substance.

Felix Felicis?’ Willow pondered.

“Felix Felicis,” Slughorn said, “Which is also called-“

“Liquid Luck.” Hermione and Willow said unanimously.

“Yes, and the student who compounds the Draught of Living Death best, will be awarded a bottle of liquid luck.”

“Sweet! Not that I can’t ask my father for some.” Willow chuckled.

Willow was perfect in potions; she knew every trick and had the skills to make any potion extraordinary.

The only problem was her cauldron, she has all the ingredients prepared and ready to go, but the cauldron refused to heat up.

“What the fuck…son of a banshee.” Willow muttered as she was losing precious time.

30 minutes later, her potion was almost perfect when suddenly she heard a voice call, “I’m done.”

Willow quickly turned around to see professor Slughorn hover over Harry Potter’s table, examining his potion.

“It’s perfect!” He said happily.

“Who else is done?” Slughorn asked and a few students, amongst who Willow was, raised their hand.

A few minutes later the professor approached Willow’s desk and looked at her potion.

“Oh My, you are just as brilliant as your father was when he was your age.” Slughorn informed her.

“However, Mr. Potter here will be awarded the liquid luck as he had finished earlier.”

Willow was about to protest and complain about her cauldron but soon found it to not be worth the try.

“Hermione?” Willow touched Hermione’s shoulder as the students exited the class.


“About earlier, I didn’t mean to embarrass you or anything, I hope you didn’t get it wrong.” Willow told her as she hung her bag over her shoulder.

“It’s fine, Willow.” She smiled.

Suddenly, Draco spoke up in a cunning tone of voice, “So Granger, feeling a little jealous that others can be better than you without even opening a bloody book?” he mocked.

“Shut up Malfoy.” Ron Weasley snapped at Draco.

“Don’t even speak to me you filthy little blood traitor.” Draco spat at Ron.

“This is getting way out of hand.” Willow interfered.

“C’mon Draco, leave them alone.” Willow said as she took hold of his torso and led him away from the bunch.

Draco shot Ron and Hermione one last dirty look and walked away, with Willow by his side.
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Hi guys, hope you enjoyed.