Unicorn Turds

I found you here,


“You came back pretty riled up yesterday, what was it all about?” Roxy asked and chewed on a piece of toast.

“Oh it was nothing.” Willow answered as she flipped through Roxy’s ‘Daily Prophet.’

Willow wasn’t sure about her father’s position in this battle and never dared to ask. And even if she had the courage to, and did ask him, she would probably not get an answer.

She sighed and looked around, her eyes seeking for Draco, who was nowhere to be seen.

Willow wasn’t mad at him, but she was indeed hurt by his actions. She knew he meant no harm and still, Draco thinking that she would come to him that easily made her feel belittled.

“Maybe he’s asleep.” Willow wondered. It was a cool Saturday morning so he could have been sleeping.

Willow spotted Alessandra chatting with her friends around the Gryffindor table and decided to join them.

“Morning.” Willow smiled as she wrapped her arms around Alessandra’s shoulders and kissed her cheek.

“Oh, hi! Guys, this is Willow.” Alessandra introduced Willow to her friends.

“Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Luna.”

“Hi everyone, it’s nice to meet you all officially.” Willow said warmly as she sat next to Alessia and across from Ginny Weasley, who had a rather stern look on her face.

“Well, you are quiet cheerful aren’t you?” Ginny questioned and quickly added, “For a Slytherin.”

“Excuse me?” Willow was dumbfounded.

“You see Willow, it’s just that you hang out with Malfoy and we are obviously not his biggest fans.” Harry Potter stated.

“So you are judging me according to who I decide to spend my time with?” Willow raised her brows.

“You know Harry, for someone who keeps telling everyone how much he doesn’t want to be judged, you are pretty judgmental.” Willow told him.

“She has a point.” Ron mumbled. Willow saw Hermione shoot him an urging look and his glance quickly turned back to Willow.

“So tell us, how come you are so good at school even though you are new?” Ron asked and Hermione gave Willow her full attention.

“Um, no particular reason actually. I guess that in Finland, where I come from they put extra stress on charms, potions and transfiguration. I’m actually pretty bad at Divination.” Willow smirked.

“Lucky I don’t have any this year, I take other advanced classes.” She smiled.

“How’s Christopher doing?” Willow turned to Alessia.

“Who’s Christopher?” Ron asked as he took another spoon of ice cream.

“It’s my cat...” Alessia mumbled.

“Your bald cat you mean.” Willow elbowed her in the ribs.

“He and Crookshanks get along quiet well actually.” Hermione smiled, who seemed to loosen up around Willow.

“So what are all doing today?” Willow asked the bunch.

“We have Quidditch tryouts in the afternoon-“Harry said but was cut off by Ron.

“And wayyy too much Defense against the Dark Arts homework.” Ron said in frustration.

“You mean about the Inferius?” Willow asked simply, she had finished her homework so fast, with the help of her father of course.

“Yes, the task is so complicated!” Ron whined.

“Don’t be silly Ron, it wasn’t that hard…” Hermione glared.

“I hate Snape, he gives us way too much homework just for fun, it’s like he’s watching our every move!” Harry claimed.

“Yes, and did you hear the way he talks about dark arts? He worships them!” Ginny hissed.

Willow began feeling uncomfortable; she couldn’t tell them that Professor Snape was her father. After all, he indeed wasn’t the Gryffindor’s favorite teacher.

She decided not to comment on the topic.

“Are the tryouts only for Gryffindor?”

“No, all the houses are going to be there, only at different times. I think Huffelpuff is out there right now.” Harry replied.

“You can come and watch if you want.” Gunny suggested. She also seemed to open up to Willow a bit more.

“Are you trying out?” Willow asked.

“She doesn’t need to. I’ve been watching her play for 5 years and she’s fantastic.” Harry informed them, which made Ginny blush.

“Rubbish Harry, I’ll try out like everyone else.” Ginny stated.

Harry shrugged.

“Do you think Malfoy is going to try out?” Ron asked Luna, but then squinted towards Willow.

“I don’t know, we haven’t talked about it.”

The Quidditch Pitch

“Wow, Ron’s pretty good!” Willow told Hermione as the two of them watched from the spectator’s seats.

“He is, but Cormac McLaggen seems to be almost as good.” She said and muttered something, when suddenly Cormac’s broom was pushed aside and he missed.

“Nice Confundus.” Willow chuckled and Hermione’s face turned scarlet.

When Gryffindor was done, it was Slytherin’s turn.

“Willow, you coming?” Alessandra asked, and Willow shook her head.

She wanted to stay in the fresh air.

A few minutes after everyone left, she saw the Slytherin team and a group of students make their way to the Quidditch pitch.

She watched their practice, which wasn’t as amusing as Gryffindor’s.

A group of enthusiastic 3rd year girls sat a few rows below Willow and kept giggling and smiling as they watched Slytherin’s most athletic guys play.

Willow suddenly heard someone whisper her name and looked towards the voice’s direction, only to see Draco standing at the very top and distant corner.

She sighed as he signed for her to come up, something about his expression seemed suspicious.

“What?” She asked as she tightened her scarf around her cold neck.

“Let’s sit.” Draco said and led her to an even more distant set of seats.

He sat down, but she remained standing.

“C’mon Willow, sit down.” He said simply, but Willow didn’t obey.

“Why weren’t you at breakfast?” she asked.

“It doesn’t matter.” He said, and Willow sighed, looking away.

“Are you mad at me?” He mumbled and took her cold hands in his surprisingly warm ones.

His soft and warm hands soothed her fingers and made them warmer. “There’s nothing to be mad about, I’m just disappointed.” She explained as she looked down at him.

“Offending you wasn’t my purpose.” He whispered ad his fingers now played with the silver ring on her finger.

“Getting in my pants was your purpose.” Willow snapped.

Draco sighed, “You don’t get it do you?” He asked her.

“Get what, exactly?” She continued in the same pissed off manner.

“That-,” He said and gently pulled her down towards him, until she was seated on his lap. “That I like being with you.” He said and his arms hugged her lower back.

Willow liked sitting with him like that, but a sweet little cuddle just couldn’t take away what she felt, “I’ve noticed.”

“Willow…I don’t mean it like that, don’t be so stubborn.” Draco asked and hugged her tighter.

Willow gave him a questioning look.

“I don’t usually say things like that but, can’t you see? I’m crazy about you.” He confessed.

“Then let me in Draco, tell me where you go when you’re absent, stop being so mysterious.” Willow pleaded as she touched his chest with her fingertips.

Draco exhaled, his hot breath steaming the cold air. “I’ll tell you when the time comes, just not right now. I promise you I will.”

“Fine…” She exhaled.

“Draco?” Willow asked and rested her head on his broad shoulder, she soon heard him murmur against her hair.

“Stay with me for awhile, I like it when you’re around.” She whispered and clutched onto his coat.

“I’m not going anywhere.” He said and his palm reached for her chin, bringing her face to look at him.

“Dray?” Willow mumbled against his lips and her nose rubbed against his. His gently nipped at her bottom lip.

“Please tell me what we have is real.” She said softly. Willow didn’t want to feel like she was wasting her time. She truly wanted Draco and wanted it to be mutual.

She soon felt his lips lovingly press against hers and his strong arms envelop her tiny figure in his warm embrace.

He kissed her passionately and yet, with certain softness that gave a different meaning to the kiss, as if he never wanted to let go of her.

A few minutes later they slowly parted, foreheads pressed against each other.

“You’re the only thing that keeps me sane, don’t give up on me.” He said.

“Please tell me.” Willow begged, wanting him to trust her completely.

“Not now.” Draco once protested.

Willow decided to change the topic, “You know, many of the students here describe you as a jerk and a scum.” Willow giggled.

“I know.” Draco said proudly.

“There’s nothing to be proud of ,you moron! It’s not who you are.” She playfully smacked his muscular chest.

“How do you know?” Draco ran his fingers through her cold hair.

“I just do, the person sitting next to me is Draco Malfoy, the way you treat others doesn’t reflect the person you truly are.” Willow said simply she took a hold of the hand that was stroking her hair.

“You should feel very special then.” Draco said and lightly sprung her up in his lap.

“I already do.” Willow whispered and leant in for another tender kiss.
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