Unicorn Turds

Lying here with no one near.

You must have seen her,
Dancing in the sand.

Looking on,
She sings the songs.
The words she knows the tune she hums.

Tiny dancer in my hand.

Alessandra’s p.o.v:

I watched as Willow swayed in circles, her shoes buried deep in the snow with a blissful smile on her porcelain-like face.

Her new Ravenclaw friend, Sophia, playfully threw snowballs at her and Willow laughed each time. They were playing around the snowman the three of us built earlier.

I decided to join Hermione and her friends when they showed up.

Sophia hid behind the snow covered oak as Willow threw some snow back at her. I didn’t mind Willow making more friends because I did the same.

Willow’s slim figure once again circled in the snow, her arms spread to the sides, dancing to the song that played inside her mind.

I then saw Draco Malfoy approach her and hug her waist from behind, slightly lifting her up. A wide smile spread across Willow’s face as she turned around to kiss her lover.

“How can he be so…affectionate?” Ginny, who was also watching the couple, asked.

“Why wouldn’t he be?” I asked her. I got to hang out with Willow and Draco a couple of times, and he actually seemed quite fine.

Ginny looked at me as if I was an alien, “Are you serious? Sandra, he’s the biggest scumbag in this school!” Ginny explained.

“I don’t know…he was pretty nice to me.” I shrugged.

“Do you think he’s with her just for…you know…” Ginny asked curiously.

“I don’t think so.” I bit my lip.

“Me neither, he seems to genuinely enjoy her company.” Luna said dreamily.

“You mean they haven’t-“ Ginny asked.

“I didn’t say anything.” I chuckled.

“I hate Malfoy, thinks he’s better than others because he’s pure blood.” Ron muttered. I gave him an admiring look, Ron was so sweet.

“I still think he took his father’s place as a death eater, and I’m positive that he’s the one who cursed Katie Bell!” Harry clutched his fists as he shot Draco Malfoy a loathing look.

“Harry…We already figured out that it can’t be possible McGonagall said that he was at detention that afternoon.” Hermione said in frustration, shutting her book.

Hermione’s words made me take my eyes away from the other students, “Are you serious? He was in Hogsmeade that day. I saw him, with Willow.” I told them.

“You see? Now I’m positive, Hermione! I have to tell Dumbledore.” Harry exclaimed and looked anxious.

“Sandra, are you going to Slughorn’s Christmas party tonight?” Hermione asked me, changing the subject.

“Oh yes, are you?” I asked excitedly.

“Sadly, I am. Cormac is taking me.” Hermione said and blushed.

“He looks good.” I winked. Ron looks tons better though.

And is dating Lavender Brown

“Harry, who are you taking?” I questioned.

“Luna and I are going together, aren’t we Luna?” Harry looked at her.

“Oh yes.” She smiled.

Normal p.o.v:

“Bitch! You better run for your life!” Willow shouted at Sophia after brushing the snow off her hair.

Sophia giggled as she escaped.

Willow ran around their enormous snow man as she threw huge snowballs at Sophia. “Ouch Soph! My legs are killing me!” Willow laughed when suddenly a familiar pair of arms snaked around her stomach.

“Hello.” Draco whispered in her ear and slightly lifted her off the ground.

Once she was on the ground again, Willow turned in his arms and pressed her lips against his in a sweet kiss, “Hi there.”

“Check out our snowman!” She laughed and pointed at her, Alessandra and Sophia’s masterpiece.

“It has a cock and balls.” Draco smirked.

“Yes! You get it? Snowballs!” Willow laughed and looked at Sophia over her shoulder, who winked at her and then joined her Ravenclaw friends.

Draco chuckled and cupped her face with his hands, “What are you doing today?” Draco he asked Willow, who looked at him with her beautiful turquoise dough eyes.

“Slug Club’s Christmas party.” She pouted, “Be my date?” She smiled and ran her palms up and down his forearms.

“I can’t tonight, I’m sorry.” Draco said apologetically. Willow looked down disappointedly.

“Hey,-“ He said and lifted her face up to look at him, ”I’ll make it up to you later.” He smiled.

“I feel like I can’t compete with your pride anymore, Draco.” Willow said seriously.

“No, No pride is involved in this, I promise.” Draco pecked her lips.

Willow nodded.

Willow's Room

“Ugh! Stupid Slug-Club.” Willow mumbled as she took off her towel and slipped into some black underwear.

Willow was sad about Draco not being able to accompany her. She was getting tired of him snaking around, disappearing and not telling her where he was going.

She quickly slipped into a simple black dress and a pair of matching platforms.

“Whatever…” Willow sighed as she stood infront of the mirror and pulled her hair into a messy, yet elegant updo.

She quickly did her makeup, grabbed her clutch bag and headed to the party.

Christmas Party

When she arrived at the party, she found put that not only students were invited, but a few teachers were there too.

Willow spotted her father in the corner and flushed him a small smile when no one was looking.

“Willow!” She heard Luna Lovegood’s faraway voice.

Luna’s outfit was well, ridiculou. But she still looked as adorable as ever, she was standing next to Harry Potter who was probably her date.

“Hi Harry.” Willow smiled.

“Your boyfriend decided not to come?” Harry said bitterly.

“That wasn’t nice Harry, and I don’t owe you any explanations.” Willow replied in the same derisive tone and walked away.

“Hi Soph, Hermione.” Willow said as she joined the girls near the food table.

“Have you seen Cormac?” Hermione asked suspiciously and nervously scanned the room.

“Oh please Hermione, he can’t be that bad…” Sophia claimed and took a sip from her firewhisky.

“He is horrible! He tried to cause Ron to fail in the Quidditch tryouts! You were there!” Hermione turned to Willow, who rolled her eyes.

“Yes, but you did the same to him.” Willow giggled.

The party was actually quite nice, the students were very outgoing though at first they kept distance from her and Blaise Zabini, as they were Slytherins.

“Blaise for example, is pretty hot.” Willow giggled as she and Sophia discussed almost each male in the rooms.

“Ew! Are you serious? He’s so arrogant and- Well, I guess he is kinda hot.” Sophia giggled.

Suddenly, Argus Filch burst into the room, clutching onto the arm of the one and only, Draco Malfoy.

“Professors, I found him wandering the halls; students shouldn’t be out of bed at this time of the night.” Filch barked.

“Tried to crash the party, didn’t you?” Filch asked Draco cunningly, Draco scowled.

“It’s ok professor Slughorn, he’s my date.” Willow defended Draco, but deep inside, she wasn’t satisfied.

What was he doing that was more important than coming here with me?”

The look on Professor Snape’s face wasn’t calm as well.

“Oh Argus, it’s Christmas! It’s alright Mr. Malfoy, you can stay. After all, I knew your grandfather.” Slughorn said cheerfully and grabbed another cup of butterbeer.

“What the fuck Draco?!” Willow hissed as she dragged him aside.

“I um-“ Draco stammered when their conversation was suddenly cut off.

“Mr. Malfoy, can I have a word with you?” Snape asked harshly and pulled him outside the room.

Willow wondered what was going in, and she wasn’t the only one as only 10 minutes later Harry Potter sneaked out of the class and followed them.

I wonder why he’s snooping around Willow pondered and decided to follow Harry.

“Ooops.” Willow chuckled as she bumped into her father when she walked through the door.

Severus Snape pointed at the corridor and Willow nodded, heading there.

She couldn’t hear any footsteps and assumed that Harry had already left.

She was still going to find Draco and get the explanation she deserved.

As she got closer and closer to the abandoned bathroom at the end of the hallway, she saw bright flashes of light and curses being yelled.

“The fuck…?” Willow murmured and quickened her pace, she could clearly see the silhouettes of Draco and Harry, battling in the bathroom.

As she approached, she saw Draco duck and then throw a curse at Harry.

Suddenly, she heard Harry yell “Sectumsempra!” and her eyes widened.

Draco’s body was thrown backwards and a scream escaped his lips as he landed limp on the floor.

Harry was terrified.

“Harry! You idiot! What have you done?!” Willow yelled at him and dropped her clutch bag to the floor and rushed to Draco’s side.

“Give me your robes!” She ordered and Harry, whose face was still frightened, threw his robed at her.

“Oh my.” She whispered as she tried stopping the blood from flowing out of his large wounds with the cloth.

What was the spell? Father taught me! Think! Think!

Willow’s eyes itched with tears.

She began softly reciting the incantation that sounded almost like song as she ran her wand over his body. Draco’s wounds seemed to shrink a little but he was still losing a lot of blood.

“I can’t do this properly.” Willow sobbed. “Don’t just stand there you moron! Get Snape! Get Snape as quick as you can.” She yelled at Harry, who obeyed.

How could he even know the curse? Willow reflected as she kept doing her best in healing Draco.

Two long minutes later, Willow heard footsteps and looked up to see her father standing in the doorway, his face like stone.

“It was the Sectumsempra professor, I didn-“ Harry began explaining but Snape silenced him and approached Draco’s limp body.

“I don’t remember the words!” Willow cried.

“I- I couldn’t do it well enough! Dad, I-I tried-“ Willow choked as Snape began whispering the same words Willow said earlier, only more accurately.

Draco’s wounds were gone but he was still unconscious. “We need to take him to the hospital wing. Potter! Follow me!” Snape hissed as he collected Draco in his arms and rushed out of the bathroom. Willow rushed behind them.

The hospital wing

“What happened to him?” Madam Pomfrey asked worriedly as Draco was placed on a bed.

“He lost a lot of blood and his scars need to be treated, give him the strongest potions you have.” Snape told her and she nodded.

“Willow, stay with him for awhile.” Snape whispered and Willow just turned her look to Draco and took a seat by his side.

“Potter! Out!” She heard her father yell and the two stormed out of the hospital wing.

“To my assessment, this lad was saved just in time.” Madam Pomfrey informed Willow, who just stared blankly at Draco’s face, which was even paler than usual.

“Dear?” Poppy Pomfrey asked Willow, who didn’t speak a word since she came. “Do you want something against shock?” She asked her, concerned.

“No, thank you.” Willow replied in a hoarse voice.

It was already dawn when Madam Pomfrey was done treating and nursing Draco.

“Are you sure you don’t want to go and get some rest?” The matron asked.

Willow shook her head in response.

As she sat on Draco’s bedside and watched his peaceful face, she let a few more tears escape.

She realized how much he meant to her, and losing him would break her.

Suddenly, Willow began humming the words to an old song, a song that soothed her and her soul.

Still, duringly cling I on to this heather, Dew-scented blossom; thou wast pristine.” She sang in her angelic voice.

The sweven of thee ne'er will I cede.
Drat this creature of memories ill,
Foolhardy and fey I may be, yet him I shall quell.
” Willow sang her lullaby.

“Your Early Modern English is beautiful, Dear.”

“Thank you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know I changed the time sequence, but I don't care beacuse I can. :P

Hope you enjoyed this one, and let me know what you think (:
