Unicorn Turds


Hospital Wing

"Draco?" Willow asked softly as she hovered over his sleeping body. She gently moved his blonde hair away from his forehead and waited for him to recover.

She had stayed with him all night long, which gave her a lot of time to think their relationship over. During that process, Willow came to new and very interesting conclusions.

She didn't care what his secret was anymore, and suddenly felt selfish about questioning him so much.

Draco's eyes opened to narrow slits and a frustrated groan escaped him lips. Willow watched patiently.

When wide awake, Draco smiled uneasily.

''Is it getting better? Do you feel the same'' Willow asked as she hugged her knees, het feet resting on the chair she saw sitting on.

''Yea'' Draco groaned and his hand reached for hers, softly hooking his fingers around hers.

''You look beautiful'' He pointed out.

''Does it matter? Who cares?'' She said sadly as she stared into his eyes, and suddenly began spilling her heart out to him.

''I was so worried, I just couldn't leave, Draco.'' Willow confessed. Draco opened him mouth to say something, but Willow just raised her hand up, shushing him.

''Seeing you like that, made me realize how I really feel. I finally know just what it means to let someone in'' The words left her mouth so freely.

''I never thought 'd let someone see this side of me Draco, my soul's inside out right now.
And I want to know all there's to know about you.'' Willow finished and gave him a hopeful look, anticipating his reaction.

Draco seemed much moved by her words, he scooted to the side of his bed, ''Cmere'' He smiled and lifted his blanket up, asking Willow to join him.

Willow stood up and closed the curtain that surrounded his bed. She then kicked off her shoes and crawled to bed with him.

She lay on her side, watching Draco. ''Scoot over.'' Draco said and hugged her shoulder, lying her down on his chest.

''Are you sure it doesn't hurt?'' Willow looked up at him, and he just hugged her closer to his body, his fingers running through her hair.

His slim fingers slowly released her hair from the pins that held it up and combed her long, blonde locks.

She felt so comfortable being lost in his embrace, his fingers stroking her hair as her head rested on his broad chest.

''When I see your face my heart bursts into fire.'' Willow bit her lip as she said the words she wanted to tell him for way to long.

''Same here.'' She heard Draco chuckle and she smiled. Willow's fingers traced his shirt and she began slowly unbuttoning it.

Once his chest was exposed, Willow slid her hand over his chest and gently scratched his skin.

Gryffindor Common Room, Alessandra's p.o.v

''Are you absolutely sure that it's what she said?'' Hermione asked Harry wide eyed.

''Positive, she said Dad, I tried.'' Harry said in the million time.

''How can she be Snape's daughter? Her hair is so...shampooed!'' Ginny questioned just as confused as the others.

''I was sure that he just has some creepy crush on her,'' Ron admitted. ''He always helps her and gives her extra pointes, you guys see it.'' He pointed out.

''Is it true? Willow Prince is Professor Snape's daughter?'' Neville asked after he overheard their conversation, Harry just shrugged in response.

''What a shame, she is so nice and attractive.'' Neville sighed and went on scribbling on his parchment.

''It sounds like a very horrible joke; I wonder who her mom is.'' Ginny remarked.

“Yes! I bet he gave her mother love potion or something, because there is no way that someone as beautiful as Willow would even come near Snape.” Harry laughed, which made Ginny scowl.

“Who knows…But you know, when you think about it, she is brilliant in DADA, Potions and Charms. I think there is also a reason she’s in Slytherin and is knows so many complicated curses.” Hermione reflected.

“Wait a second…Alessandra! You are her best friend! How come you never told us that she was his daughter?” Ron asked me in a suspicious manner.

“You never asked, the four of you were busy talking about how Draco is a death eater and how can Willow date him and blah blah blah.” I yawned.

“You should have told us!” Harry stated.

“With all the respect guys, I’m much closet to Willow than I’m to you and the fact that the three of you keep sticking your nose into other people’s business doesn’t mean that I have to tell you my friend’s secrets.” I snapped.

“And she does resemble him.” I added.

“Who knows, maybe Snape is hot in his own weird way.” Ron laughed.

“No way.” Hermione giggled.

Slytherin Common Room

After leaving the hospital wing, Willow and Draco went to the Slytherin common room.

“C’mon, let’s get you changed.” Willow smiled as she and Draco went up the stairs to his room.

“Out.” Draco ordered and Crabbe and Goyle quickly left the room. Willow smirked.

Draco sat down on his bed and Willow undid his tie as she stood in front of him. “You need to sleep.” She mumbled as she threw the tie aside.

“But I don’t wanna sleep.” Draco smirked as he pulled her down towards his lap and Willow straddled him.

His hands ran up and down the back of her thighs underneath her black dress. Willow held onto his shoulders with her hands, her manicured nails digging into his shirt.

“I want you” Draco groaned and bit on her neck making Willow gasp.

Willow was caught up in the moment and grabbed a handful of his hair, leaned down and pushed her lips against his in a heated kiss.

Draco quickly wrapped her in his arms and flipped her over, kissing her with force and huger.

A wave of dominance overtook Willow as she harshly ripped his shirt open and slid it off his broad shoulders, her hands eagerly roaming his torso.

She clawed down his back as his tongue battled with hers. Draco’s hands once again slipped underneath her dress and he lustfully caressed her inner and upper thighs, making her hook her leg around his lower back.

Willow bit down on his bottom lip and let a small moan escape her lips when his left hand reached for her and began slipping the dress’s straps of her shoulders.

She slowly opened her eyes, and noticed something that she wasn’t expecting at all.

Willow quickly pushed Draco off and drew backwards. “What is it!?” She yelled at him, pointing to the skull that was conjured on his left forearm.

“Willow, I-“ Draco’s expression turned guilty.

“Since when?! When did they strike it?” She asked, boiling with anger.

“Willow there was nothing I could do, He has a mission for me-” Draco began explaining but was once again cut off by Willow.

“You know Draco, as you sit here, trying to think of things to say, someone’s heart stops beating in a street somewhere, because of him!” Willow continued in the same stern tone of voice.

“Someone’s son lies dead in a gutter somewhe-“ She started yelling once again, but this time it was Draco’s turn to cut her off.

“And I don’t wanna be that son Willow! I have only got one life and I got to do what I should.” Draco snapped.

“Is that why you have been sneaking around lately? What are you plotting?” She hissed.

“I didn’t tell you anything because I wanted to protect you dammit! We will be free when this ends Willow.” Draco told her, just as angry as her.

“I’m sorry Draco, but I can’t keep myself and still keep you too.” Willow said cynically.

“You are the one who said ‘I want to know all there’s to know about you.’. So here you go, Now you know.” The coldness of his words cut through Willow like a knife.

“You really are a piece of shit, you know that?” She asked and felt like crying, Draco remained silent.

The message in his silence said it all.

“I know you think you got me all wrong-“ Draco spoke up again.

“Save it.” Willow snapped as she slipped back into her shoes.

“What’s up with you? Your dad has one too!” Draco lost his temper, hurting Willow even more.

“You are unbelievable.” Willow said venomously and rushed out of his room.

The minute she left the Slytherin common room, she burst into tears.

Willow headed towards the secret passage that led to the grounds and soon found herself out in the open air.

Running in her shoes was so painful but nothing hurt as much as her heart did. She needed to get away from it all.

The students stared as she ran towards the hills, tears streaming down her face.

Suddenly’ she bumped into someone and their arms hugged her tightly, Willow looked up only to meet Sophia’s beautiful brown eyes, and Willow flung her arms around her neck.

“Oh Soph, I feel so- s-so” Willow choked as she clenched into Sophia’s robes as wept on her shoulder.

Willow slowly slid to the grass and fell apart, burying her face in her lap and crying her heart out. “What happened?” Sophia asked softly as she hugged her.

“I was about to tell him that I-I- I was going to let him-“ Willow couldn’t speak, she felt choked. She could also smell Draco on her skin.

“He told me that-“ She tried speaking but failed again. Her mascara was running down her porcelain cheeks and her pretty lips trembled.

“I wish a I could tell you…” Willow whispered, but she could never share what she found out with anyone.

“Did you and Malfoy…break up?” Sophia asked uneasily.

“I don’t know, but I don’t want to let go.”

Why does faith make us suffer?
♠ ♠ ♠
A bit short, I know :(

Love you guys <3