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Ghost Town

Do Nothing

The pain and agony in her face was unbearable, even to me and I couldn't help but be jealous. She'd been touched by Matt. No! Angel, you are Jason's mate, not Matt's get over him! You hate him! My mind threatened. I shook the thought from my head, my throat burning at the scent of over a hundred humans standing in front of me. "VAL!" Matt's voice screamed, making the four of us immortals jump. "Matt! Oh my God Matt!" She cried, running to him. "No!" I shrieked, yanking her away from him. I realized what I'd done, looking back to Jason. He looked hurt. Betrayed.

"He'll kill you!" I covered for myself. Which wasn't a lie. To a newly turned vampire, blood is like water to a man lost in the desert. You need it. "No he won't he's my husband! He could never hurt me!" She cried, kicking me in the gut. I coughed, falling to my knees. "Angel!" Jason's voice was suddenly in my ears, his strong hands pulling me up.

A blood curdling scream escaped "Val", making us all jump. He was sucking her dry. "Matt! Stop it!" I screamed, but couldn't move. My legs were locked, and deep down, something was telling me this was supposed to happen. Matt's eyes locked with mine, his fangs still buried deep in his wife's neck. I shook my head, backing away. I couldn't go toward him. I couldn't stop him. I had to watch. And we both knew it.

Finally her lifeless body fell to the ground, sobs breaking through his lips. He fell to his knees, picking her up. "I'm so sorry." He whispered, kissing his forehead. Then I smelled it. A little boy, maybe 9, at the back of the group fell, trying to run away, and cut his knee. The fresh blood caught in my nostrils, the smell driving me overboard. I ran after him.
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that would suck! (lol vampires suck. XD lol. sorry.) God. I love Valary! She's like AMAZING! That was terrible to write. XD