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Ghost Town

Wake Up Call

The sun shone brightly above the little village, birds flying high in the sky. Meaning no one was outside. And I do meanno one. Not even the mice. No one arises before nightfall, afraid they'll burn to a crisp with the sun. I watched the sun inch slowly toward the horizon, unable to sleep. And not only on this night, but all nights. Vampires don't sleep. Ever. And that was my curse, being the only vampire in town.

There was a canine like whine from behind me and I realized Jason was up. I turned to see him stretching, his large furry body expanded large and muscular. "Evenin'." He said, kissing my bare shoulder. I smiled, turning to face him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Evening." I smiled, my fangs poking my bottom lip. He leaned down, locking our lips. Every evening started like this. Filled with love and lust. "I've got to go..." I murmered, pushing away from my mate. He just smiled and nodded, walking away to put on some clothes. I did the same, pulling on a dress and boots. I gave him a final kiss, beginning my trek across the village.

The grave yard was filled with fog, Victoria's statue damp with the night air. I tapped lightly against the marble. "Evening." She said, floating out of the statue that still stood proud and tall. "C'mon. We've got to wake up Selene." She nodded and floated beside me. We walked over to Selene's grave. I rapped on it, knowing she was a hard sleeper. When she popped up, her jaw fell off. "Thit-" She said, reattaching it. "What?" Victoria giggled. "I said shit!" Selene said, throwing some dirt at Victoria, which of course flew right through her. "Off to Sally's! Selene announced, waving goodbye to her decaying father.

We walked to the giant's house, knowing Sally was going to be with their daughter like always. "Morning." Mrs. Giant said as she came out of the huge home. "Sally's asleep in the doll house if ya'll are looking for her." She said smiling. We nodded at her thankingly and continued in. We walked up to the huge doll house. I knocked lightly on the door, hearing Selene curse as yet another body part fell off. "Hey guys." Sally said, stepping out. "I'll see you later Jenny!" She hollered up to the child giant.

We continued to the farthest regions of the village, nearing Jackie's house. We didn't bother to knock now, just walked in. "Hey!" A voice called. "I'll stab you if you take anything!" She screamed, coming around the corner with a knife. "Oh. Hey guys." She smiled, tossing the knife aside. "Come on. We've got some scaring to do."
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I like this story already. ^^ fun to write. Comments get faster updates and boost my confidence! XD

--Sinderella Plague