Writer's Share


The rain pours harder.
But I can’t leave.
It is my shelter, hiding my tears.
I am numb and my body is cold.
But still I can’t leave.
The feeling of raindrops against my skin reminds me
There will always be coldness.

The thunder rolls louder.
But I can’t leave.
The earth shakes with it as the sobs rack through me.
My body aches
But still I can’t leave.
The crack of thunder wakes me from the thoughts that trap me.

The sky is lit brighter.
But still I can’t leave.
The flash shows me that there will always be light,
Even in the most chaotic and hazardous situations.
The light blinds me.
But still I can’t leave.
The flicker shows me that hope will never stop fighting.

The storm rages,
A war that is never finished.
But still I can’t leave.
Because as it clears and the rainbow shows
I am taught that after every breakdown
There is beauty.
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