Writer's Share

Not the Same

You're a stick in the mud in the Hollywood Hills
But quite the contrary here
You know you don’t belong here
Nothing’s what it seems anymore
All I want is something to hold onto
Something that’s no longer there

We caught on fire, I taste the flames
Realization hit me like a ton of bricks
I’m beat-up, and you’re made-up
I know who you are now
You've gotta show it to the world
'Cause I'm done listening

Worthless Belief, good-for-nothing Awareness
Stand up, stand up
Worthless pleasing is your specialty
Your life no longer wants me
For you can’t take my mind

Is it better to be sick of myself and love my life?
Or love myself and be sick of my life?
Look at me and say, “I don’t care”
What they say won't upset me half as much as you did

Sick of people crushing dreams with words like “impossible”
Sick of close-minded societies and highly educated dreams
If standing up for what is right kills me in the end
I was born ready to take that chance

And all that's left is a bittersweet memory
Dust it off and try it out again
But everything has changed
We’re not the same
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't even know if this makes sense... honestly, all I did was throw a bunch of my old writings together using my trusty copy and paste tool, and add some random things here n' there.
Regardless, I think I like it. <3