Writer's Share

4 little letters. 1 Big Meaning.

I didnt know what to write here, so I decided to tell you a story. Short one though.

Love the four letter word she say. Not to her parents not to anyone. Since her father walked

out on her, and her previous boyfriends did her wrong, love just flew right out of her

vocabulary. Whenever someone would say it to her she said, "Me too," or "Same here", but

never 'I love you too'.

But one day, she was working,at 9:00pm and her bestest friend in the whole wide world,

came up to her and said,

"Say it." Liz said. Now this girl thought her friend had gone mental on her.

"Say what?" She asked.

"I love you, say it back to me." Liz demanded. But what happened there, is that the girl got up

and left, had no idea what to say, couldnt ever say that word ever. But while then, she

stormed out of work, she began running, far and fast, had no idea where. But then she ran

out into the middle of the road. The headlights of a car shined in her eyes, and then a sharp

pain afterwards. Then and there, she knew she had died. But then she woke up, in her bed,

at home, everyone she knew surrounding her bedside. She was greeted with, "We thought

we had lost you'' and "Dont ever do that again!" and then she got up and said, in front of


I LOVE YOU, You guys are my world, my life, and my soul, I LOVE YOU

From then on, that girl learned, Never to take you life, or your loved ones for granted.

That girl went on with her life, says I Love You everyday, and MEANS it. She is who she

wants to be, That girl was me.