Status: not active

Summer Days, Love Daze

Ch 11: Weightless Dreams


It was still very early in the morning. Yet all of these friends were wide awake, waiting for the day ahead.

Freddie put her hand over the necklace Bill had gotten for her. She's worn it ever since he gave it to her. She looked over at the suitcases. They were leaving today. It all happened so fast. First they meet them and now going on tour with them? It felt so unreal. Was this just a simple dream?

She just laid there on her bed, her brown hair spread about. Thinking of what was to come, feelings of excitement and nervousness mixed. Her heart raced as time ticked by.

Caroline had felt and thought the same way. Though she was a lot more nervous. She had never been away from home for such a long period of time.

She curled up under the blankets, all dressed and ready to go. She felt sick and her heart raced rapidly. She thought of her friends in hope to ease her beating heart. It helped a bit.

"Why am I so afraid?" She thought. "I've been dying to get out of the house for so long!"


The TH boys are loading up the bus with their many bags of luggage. Little Billa Kaulitz possibly having the most.

Bill looked into the dark sky. It was cool and still. The soon fading stars shimmered up above and the moon was full. He blocked out the sound of the bustling suitcases. He just stood there in the quiet. This was possibly one of the only times he'll be able to relax. One of the only times they all will be able to relax.

Tom came and waved a hand in front of his dazed twin. "Earth to Bill?"

He shook his head lightly and turned to his puzzled brother, giving him one of his ever so sweet smiles. "We ready to go?"

Tom gave a playful smirk. "As ready as we'll ever be." The two walked together, their steps in complete unison. They meet up with Georg and Gustav who were waiting inside the bus, ready to start this kick ass tour.

They met up with the two girls at the airport, were they would take a private plane. Bill could see the girls were excited. But as for Gustav, he could see through Caroline's happy veneer. He knew she was nervous, possibly even scared.

They said their good-byes to their families. They walked to their designated plane, Caroline took one small glance back then faced forward. This was it.

They quickly settled into their seats. Freddie sat down next to the window, then Bill sat right next to her. She was a bit surprised, but happy. Caroline went into the seat behind and just stared out the window. Gustav sat beside her. She didn't really notice... until he lightly coughed and startled her.

Tom and Georg took seats in front off Bill and Freddie who were happily conversing. Ideas and schemes ran though Bill's mind. What could he do to Georg first?

The plane began rolling down the runway, ready for take off.


Once in the air things got a little more quiet. Freddie had already fallen asleep on Bill's shoulder. He laid his head gently on top of hers. Caroline just laid back with her eyes closed, hoping the songs on her ipod would lull her to sleep. From time to time Gustav would look at her.

A few hours went by when they finally came back to reality. Freddie still pondered on the dream she had. She and Bill were a couple, holding hands and walking to an undecided destination. Because all they did was walk and discuss random things to each other. But most importantly, they enjoyed each others company.

Freddie tried to hold in her laughter as Bill slipped skittles into the shirt of a still sleeping Georg. He put down one more, after he licked it of course. She put a hand over her mouth, trying to contain herself.

Bill on the other hand couldn't help but laugh a bit. Gustav asked what was going on, curious to why Bill was laughing so much.

"Don't tell me, you put chocolate down Georg's back again?" Gustav guessed as he and Caroline looked over their seats.

"I didn't have any so I used skittles!" That's when Freddie finally gave in and just laughed along with Bill.
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I tried doing a no point of view. Tell me what you think?

Enjoy and Happy Halloween~! :3,0&op_sharpen=1&resMode=bicub&op_usm=0.0,0.0,0,0&iccEmbed=0 <-- that's what the necklace looks like