Status: not active

Summer Days, Love Daze

Ch 7: Out and About


Bill's P.O.V.

"Yay!" Freddie exclaimed as the timer hit zero.

"That was a really good game," I said smiling at her.

"Really good," she responded, beaming back.

Then came a soft stomach growl. Which happened to be coming from Gustav. Everyone gave out a small laugh, while Gustav blushed light red.

"Well I guess we should go get some lunch!" Tom announced. If you ask me I think it's a little to early for lunch. Then again we missed breakfast.

Off we went to find a place to eat, bringing our ever so wonderful guard, Tobi. Just in case we get mobbed again, you never know what might happen.

Anyways, we finally found some place. Although I had my eyes on this ice cream place we saw awhile ago, but everyone said it was too early for it. But come on, today is pretty hot! Like one of those days you just wish it was winter.

As we opened the door a burst of cool air blew, at least it's air conditioned.
Then came a waitress with a big smile on her face. Must be one of our lovely fans.

"Wie viele Personen?" She asked. I could sense she was a little nervous.

"Sieben," I said gladly.

"Hier entlang, bitte," she answered grabbing a few menues. She lead us to our table and said she would be back in awhile. And with that she left.


"Oh mein gott, the look on her face was just priceless!" Tom laughed. We had left a paper with all our signatures on it, and we stayed to watch her reaction.

"She looked like she was going to faint any second," Georg said, equally amused.

In the corner of my eye I saw Freddie check the time on her cell. I wasn't really looking forward to her leaving. There was still so much I wanted to know about her.

"Sorry guys but as much as we'd love to stay, we got to get going to work," she said putting her phone away.

"Aww," I said sadly. "We'll hang out some other day, right?" Both girls smiled.

"Of course Bill," Freddie said. They both said their good-byes, heading in one direction as we headed in the other towards the hotel.

"Do we have to go back to the hotel? There's nothing to do there!" I announced, causing all of us to stop in our tracks.

"Well what do you have in mind?" Tom asked curiously.

"Uhm...well we could go to our favorite music store. I heard they had new guitars.." I said, throwing in the "new guitar" bit knowing Tom would go crazy over that. But he has like a hundred already.

"Alright I'm in!" Tom burst out. I know him all too well.

After Gustav and Georg agreed we headed to one of our favorite music stores here.


"I'll catch up with you guess in a minute, I want to check out the book store," Gustav said once we were there. As Gustav went his own way we went inside.

I went over to look at CD's, curious to see if there were any new Nena albums. That's when I heard her sweet voice.

"Danke for shopping here, have a nice day."

"Freddie?" I said surprised, looking up from the collection of music.

"Bill? What are you doing here?" She asked, equally shocked.

"Well we all decided to come and hang at our favorite music shop. I didn't know you worked here!" I answered, walked to the counter were she stood.

"Well, now ya do!" She looked around, I guess to see where the others were. "Hey where's Gustav? Did you leave him behind at the hotel?" She asked, looking back at me with her stunning light blue eyes.

"Nein. He wanted to check out the book store next door," I stated. She smiled and gave out a small giggle. "What?" I asked.

"Caroline works there!" She answered beaming.

"Oh now I see! Man is he in for a surprise. you two have any plans this Saturday?" I asked.

"Not really..why? " She responded.

"Well, the guys and I were planning to go to the mall for awhile and we were wondering if you'd like to come."

"Alright. I'll just see if Caroline is free that day and we'll be ready to go." She replied.

Caroline's P.O.V.

After telling Robyn all that happened last night I decided to read some more of Twilight. My friend back in California suggested it to me.

"Hey what part are you on now?" Robyn asked. I quickly flipped a few pages to the beginning of the chapter.

"I'm on part two," I answered, continuing to read.

"Chapter two?" She then asked.


"Ok then could you say that my brain is slow."

"But you asked me what part I was on!" I retorted.

"Oh. Damn I hate it when you out smart me," she answered. With that someone came in. Looking up out of curiosity I saw who it was. And to my surprise I saw none other than Gustav walking toward me.

"Well long time no see, huh?" Gustav teased.

"Oh yeah I haven't seen you in years," I said, deciding to playing along. He laughed at that.

"Well I'm going to leave you two alone," Robyn said, walking away.

"So what brings you here?" I asked him.

"I wanted to see if there was anything interesting to read," he responded.

"Well you came to the right place. What type of books are you into?"

"I'm not really sure..." He looked around for some help, his eyes then fell to the book I was reading. "What's that one about?" He asked pointing at the closed object.

"It's about a vampire falling in love with a human," I simply said. "It's a hit back in America."

"Then I guess I'll get that," he responded.

"Alrighty then," I said, searching around for it.

German Dictionary
Wie viele Personen?=How Many People?
Hier entlang, bitte=Right this way, please
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay ch 7! lol
Anyways sorry for the delay. Been having writer's block
And I've been coughing for a few days now >.>
Anyway's hoped ya liked it :P