Status: not active

Summer Days, Love Daze

Ch 9: Discussions


Caroline's P.O.V.

Thoughts ran rapidly through my head. Will my parents be persuaded? What's going to happen if they say no?

I heard a knock on our front door. Well, time to face the music. It's now or never. I went down the stairs to find my mom looking out the window to see who it was.

"Mom, you can let them in. They're my friends," I said to her. She did so as I went to the door to greet them. Gustav, Bill, and their manager David stood in the door way. My parents allowed them in as they took seats on the couch. Me siting next to Gustav, then Bill, and David. My Parents sitting in the other.

They introduced themselves, hopefully to lessen the blow now that they know their names. "We wanted to talk about Caroline going on tour with us," David said awkwardly.

My dad got serious then. "Caroline, go to your room for a minute," he said sternly. And without a word i got up and head back up. Once in my room I listened intently on the conversation.

I heard my dad saying that he didn't want me going anywhere with older men they hardly knew. While David interjected saying I'll be fine and I'll be with a friend.

The conversation never seemed to end. All five of them saying things right after another.

As the yelling stopped I listened again. "How long will this tour last?" I heard my dad sigh out. I could tell he was stressed.

"Four months. But we promise that we would get her and her friend home exactly one week before school. Even two if you'd like," David said. By then I decided to stop listening. And after awhile I heard footsteps coming upstairs followed by a knock at my door.

When I opened it, Gustav stood in front of me with a slight smile coming to his lips.

"What did they say?" I asked him.

"They said you can come along. But your parents want to discuss some rules later on," he replied. I wrapped my arms around him to give him a hug.

"Thanks Gustav! Your the best," I said breaking my embrace.

"No problem. But we still have a few things to sort out," he reminded me.

Grabbing my bag we headed downstairs. "Bye guys I'm off to work," I called to my family, heading out the door.


Freddie's P.O.V.

My family had already said yes that I could go on tour with them. Sure they may not know them but they trust me enough that I'll make the right decisions. After all I am almost an adult now.

David, Bill, and Gustav gave us a ride to work today, since they had to talk with our boss'. This may be the hard part. We'll be gone for about three months. Who would fill in for us?

When we finally got there I started to feel a bit nervous. Bill went inside with me, while Gustav when with Caroline. David decided to just stay in the car.

We went over to his door and knocked, my heart pounding. The door swung open and a surprised look came to his face. Of course he probably knew who they were.

"Come take a seat," he said to us as we did so, "what can I do for you today?"

"Well, we wanted to discuss Freddie coming along with us on tour. It will be three months long, that's why we wanted to talk to you about it," Bill answered.

"Go on," he encouraged.

"We know this may be taking time out of the vacation time she'll have. And that you'll have to find a replacement. What I'm saying is that if she goes with us will she be able to have her job when she returns?" Bill answered.

"Yes this will be time out of her vacation. And I think we may have enough people to cover up for her. She really is a hard worker, how can I not keep her?" My boss, Mr. Vann Daan said.

"So, is it alright if I go?..." I asked unsure.

"Yes. But you may be asked to do some make up work," he said. He's a really nice guy.

"Thank you Mr. Vann Daan!" I said, giving him a light hug. And giving Bill and even bigger one.

"Danke Bill," I murmured against him.

"You welcome," he sweetly mummers back.

"Well I should start getting to work now. I'll talk to you later."

"See you soon," he said as he left.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dedicated to Bill und Tom, they're 20 now!
Sorry if it sucked cuz I know it did. =s