All Nightmare Long

Chapter 4

“The nerve of them!” I thought angrily to myself. “Why the hell would I voluntarily become a werewolf?!”

I was all alone in the Slytherin common room, stretched out on one of the couches with my astronomy book open in my lap. The boys hadn’t come out of their dormitory since we’d spoken, and the rest of the people were either at dinner still or at Quidditch try-outs.

Well love, it’s not like you have anything better to do with your life.

I frowned. Where the hell did that thought come from? It wasn’t necessarily wrong, though. My parents don’t like me, my marks are rubbish, and I’ll be lucky if I make it to my seventh year without getting kicked out.

Join u- them. You know you want to. You know theyneed you to.

‘Hey, fuck you!’ I told the voice in my mind. Why am I trying to convince myself to join them? I only really met them this year. I’m not going to turn into a shape-shifter for people I’ve known for five hours.

If you’re not going to join them, then why are you even having this conversation with yourself right now?

I did have a good point. I closed my book, sat up, and sighed. What’s the worst that could happen? I’m a werewolf for five years, then back to normal. And maybe then my parents would start to appreciate me, if I begin to serve the Dark Lord. Maybe their offer isn’t as bad as I’m making it…

It isn’t. At least w- they asked if you’d be interested. They could have just taken you out into the forest and made you one without your consent.

I sighed once more and stood up. I found myself walking up the staircase to the boys’ dormitories, and knocked timidly on their door. They all swung it open with a grin, and Padge said, “We were wondering when you’d be coming back up.”

I rolled my eyes and pushed past them into the room. They watched me as I sat on the floor against Jay’s bed and looked up at them. “What do you do, exactly?”

They all sat in a circle around me. Matt began to explain, “We serve the Dark Lord. Well, the Death Eaters, really. We told you this before.”

“I know that,” I said. “I mean as wolves. Usually a werewolf isn’t something someone wants to be.”

They all shrugged collectively. “Do you know why that is?” Moose asked. “Cause we sure don’t. It’s not bad, it’s actually pretty fun. I mean yes, the transformation hurts the first few times, but you do get used to it. And you can run fast, climb trees, control who you turn and who you just wound, it’s great. Well, if we remember to take our Wolfsbane, that is. If not then yeah, it can pretty much suck.”

I shook my head. “This is absolutely crazy. I came to Hogwarts to learn, not to turn into a monster. I mean, how do you know I’m the person you want? Why don’t you ask someone who’s older or better than me or something?”

They all looked back and forth between each other until Matt decided to speak again. “The prophecy was made for Slytherin, was it not?”

I shrugged. “I guess, yes.”

Matt nodded. “Exactly why we think you’d be a good choice. When you were sorted last year, they didn’t even finish your bloody name before you were put here. If that’s not a true Slytherin, I don’t know what is.”

“I’m a true Slytherin, so bloody what!” I exclaimed. “I’m pretty sure everyone in this house is, otherwise they wouldn’t be in it.”

“Yeah, but you actually know about us,” Jay hissed. “And you actually believed us when we told you. Not many people would, you know. They’d thing we’re a bunch of nutters and push us around even more.”

“And you are more responsible than us,” Padge added.

I hugged my knees to my chest and looked to the ground. They have good reasons, I just don’t think I’d like being a werewolf. The Dark Forrest terrifies me when I just look at it, the last thing I want to do is run around in it at night. I looked up at them. “How would I explain it to the teachers?”

“You wouldn’t have to,” Jay said. “They know we’re werewolves already, we can tell them we lost control and attacked you or something. They’ll understand, they know we can’t remember anything about our human form if we don’t take Wolfsbane.”

I shook my head. They really have thought this through, I suppose. I had no reason to say no to them. “But… what if I don’t believe you after all?”

They simultaneously replied, “You do.”

“How do you-“

“We just do,” Matt said. “But, if you really don’t believe us then look out the window tonight at around nine. It’s the first day of the full moon. That’s why our runes were acting up in class today.”

I nodded, almost overcame. “Why did you do this to me?”

They all frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I mean why the hell did you get me involved with it?!” I exclaimed. “You didn’t have to explain it to me! You probably figured out that I can’t say no to anybody!”

“Hey, you involved yourself when you wouldn’t leave us alone, Keelan,” Moose said. “And you can say no to us anytime you want! You’re only freaking out because you know you want to join us, but you’re afraid to!”

“You didn’t have to explain it to me!” I repeated, standing up. “You could have told me to piss off and I would have! And you didn’t have to keep trying to persuade me to join! You have some pretty damn good arguments, you know. You didn’t have to try so hard to get me!”

I began to walk out, but Jay was instantly by my side, holding on to my arm to stop me from leaving. “Keelan, you don’t understand. We need someone, or we could get killed. That’s why we’re doing this to you. We choose you.

I stopped moving and hesitantly looked at all four of them. “You can get killed?”

They all nodded. “If the prophecy isn’t carried out, we will be destroyed.


I find myself being shaken awake. I’m laying on something soft, perhaps a bed. I open my eyes to find myself in the boys’ dormitory, Draco standing over me with tears streaming down his face. As I open my mouth to speak, he cuts me off by saying, “Why?”

I shake my head. “I don’t know. They needed me, Draco. They do need me.”

He breathes in and says, “They need you? What about me, Keelan? What about your boyfriend of a year that loves and cares about you? What if I need you, too?”

“You still have me, Draco,” I insist. “This isn’t going to change anything between us.”

“Like Hell it won’t!” he exclaims, standing up and pacing the room. “You willingly gave yourself up to a bloody werewolf! God Keelan, if that won’t change things I don’t know what will. And what will I tell my parents? ‘Oh Draco darling, how was your term?’ ‘Lovely mother, I made the house team and my girlfriend went behind my back with four boys and turned herself into a wild animal!’ What’s next Keelan, are you going to tell me you’re the heir of Slytherin or something?!”

I shake my head and manage to stand up on my own, despite the feeling of weakness spreading throughout my body. “You didn’t make anything, you bribed them with your father’s money. Excuse me.”

I walk out of the dormitory and throw myself face-first on the large sofa in the common room, allowing the built-up emotion to come pouring out.

Forget him, he doesn’t understand.

I look up, expecting to see Matt standing there, but then remember he’s running around in the woods right now. He must have been in my mind when Draco and I were fighting. I’m now wondering if I have psychic powers like they do.

You should. Give it a try.

Man, that is getting creepy. I really have no idea where to begin, though. I’ve never psychically invaded anyone’s mind before.

Well I can’t really explain it, it’s just kind of something you have to learn to do. Just… well, concentrate on getting into my thoughts. Think of swimming through the contents of my mind, then say something in your head. After a while, you’ll be able to read peoples’ thoughts and stuff. For now, try talking to me. Your first transformation will be tomorrow, so you might want to work on your communication with us.

I sigh and sit up on the couch. This seems crazy, but nonetheless I close my eyes and try to concentrate on Matt.

‘Can you hear me?’

Silence. I growl to myself and prop my head in my hands. This is never going to work.

Not with that attitude, it isn’t. Try again.

I sigh heavily and try again. ‘Can you hear me now?’

Nope. Man you’re bad at this, Jay and I got it on our first tries.

Fuck you, I’m trying..

I smile to myself as I realize what I just did. I actually communicated with someone psychically.

Very good. Just remember how you did that, and you should be fine.

Thanks, Matt.

He doesn’t reply, so I decide to lay back and relax on the sofa. Matt is right, Draco doesn’t understand about the responsibility I now face. He is never going to, either.

After drowning in my thoughts for a few minutes, I feel my eyelids begin to close, and fall into a sound slumber.

At breakfast the next morning, Draco and I were seated with Goyle and Crabbe, and the three of them were talking animatedly about the Quidditch try-outs. I was trying my best to look interested, but my mind was really on one thing. Marcus Flint walked up to our group and handed the three boys each a piece of folded-up parchment. Crabbe and Goyle looked disappointed after reading theirs, but Draco acquired the biggest grin on his face. “I made the team!”

He turned to face me and placed a kiss on my forehead. “Isn’t this great?!”

I smiled at him and gave him a side-hug. “Yeah babe, it’s great! I’m so proud of you.”

“You sound so enthralled about it,” he said with an air of sarcasm. “Are you okay?”

I nodded. “I’m only tired, I’m fine. Really Draco, great job. Now I’m going to tell everyone in my classes that I’m dating the school’s best Seeker.”

He smiled and kissed my nose. “Well you better.”

“Get a broom cupboard,” Goyle laughed, punching Draco playfully in the arm.

We all laughed and went back to eating our breakfast. We were disturbed, however, by Matt coming up behind me and tapping me on the shoulder. I turned around and said, “Yes?”

He glanced uneasily at Draco before saying, “Can we talk to you? Alone?”

I looked at a Skeptical Draco, before looking back at him and nodding. I kissed Draco and mumbled, “Be right back.”

Matt led me to the end of the table, where the rest of the boys were sitting eating toast. I sat between Padge and Moose and waited for someone to speak. Jay was first. “Have you decided?”

I looked down at the table and nodded. “Yeah, I decided. I’m…. I’m going to help you. I’ll become a wolf.”

When I looked up, they were all smiling enormously. “You have no idea how much this means to us, Keelan,” Moose said, leaning over to hug me.

I nodded. “It’s no problem. Can I wait, though? Can it not be immediately that you change me?”

They all nodded. “We have until the Christmas holiday. Is next month okay?”

I glanced over sadly at Draco, who was staring at me with a mixed look of concern and jealousy. I turned back and nodded. “Next month is… great.”


I wake up the next morning to the sounds of talking around me. Opening my eyes, I see the four boys standing about, talking between one another. At least it’s the weekend now. I groan and sit up, instantly shifting their attention to me. “Time?”

“Five in the evening,” Matt answers. “You passed out right good last night.”

I shrug. “It happens when I’m upset. Where’s Draco?”

“No idea,” Jay answers. “Not important right now. The sun is setting in about an hour, and you’re going to transform. We need to prepare you. We already explained to Professor Snape and Dumbledore about you, so you can come with us to the forest tonight.”

I nod and look toward the ground. I just know that I ruined my relationship with Draco, and I feel completely terrible.


I look up to see Matt handing a goblet over to me. I take it and look inside. It’s full of liquid, smelling not too appealing, yet not too gross. “It’s Wolfsbane,” he explains. “Drink it now, let it settle.”

I nod and timidly take a sip. It tastes almost as vile as being a werewolf sounds. “Drink it all.”

I close my eyes and tip the goblet all the way back, allowing the liquid to stream down my throat quickly. They all drink some as well and hide the cauldron and goblet under a table.

“Now we wait.”

The wait isn’t nearly as long as it should be. Before I realize what is about to happen, I’m being led out into the forest. I start to shake from within my veins, my pulse increasing rapidly. All too quickly, the moonlight begins to move high into the sky.

“Are you ready?”

I shake my head at Padge, but I know it doesn’t matter. The rune on my wrist begins to glow bright silver. The transformation begins.
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I'm not liking how unpopular this story is.

Anyway, since they'll all be communicating with each other in their minds, here's the color key for each of them:


Comment please? A banner would be really fucking awesome, too.