Thinking of You

***ed up Text Messages

"Zackkkkkyyyyyyy" I whined like a little five year old girl. "I wanna go home." I stood at the end of the table watching Zacky down yet another shot of Jack Daniels.

"Yeah, yeash, Lexsh. Just give me another minutes or so," he slurred at me, grabbing another shot of JD from Matt, who just poured it.

"No, Zack, now. Matt stop pouring him shots, please. I just wanna go fucking home. We've been here for hours," I said tapping my foot against the wood floor.

"Then go home Alexa, we'll make sure Zacky gets home," Matt's girlfriend Aly said from Matt's lap. I raised my eyebrow at her plainly giving her the look that said "Yeah fucking right."

Matt passed Zacky another shot and downed one himself, while I tapped my foot more impatiently.

"No thanks Als, I'm just gonna take my drunken boyfriend home. Thanks though. C'mon, Zack," I whined at him. Funny thing about my whining, it's kinda like sqealing. So Zacky hates it when he's sober, so when he's drunk he especially hates it and it's pretty funny to watch him squirm when I do it.

"Fine! Jesus fucking Christ, Alexys! I'm coming!" he yelled at me. He stood up, stumbled into me and lost his balance, causing him to fall to the dirty wood floor.

I rolled my eyes and held my hand out for him. He accepted it and pulled himself up. He dusted himself off and walked off towards the exit. I hollered by to all my friends and followed suit.

I got to my car and wondered where Zack had gotten to now. I figured he'd be in the front passenger seat dozing and out of consciousness, but he wasn't. So I stood by the side of my car and waited. I kept looking around hoping to maybe spot him and my eyes traveled passed the back window, that's when I spotted him. He was completely passed out, his head was still on the seat but only by like an inch or so and his legs and lower abdomen was on the floor. By the looks of it he climbed through the window instead of using the door. But what do I expect from a drunk?

I got in the drivers seat and started my car. I completely forgot about my cd player being on, so when Metallica's Sad But True song started I jumped. I turned it off and began to drive home.

I parked my car in the driveway and began to think. How the hell am I going to get his fat ass into the damn house? I could leave him passed out in the car for the night, but I highly doubt he'd appreciate that.

I made my way outta the car and to the back door. I sat down next to his head. I had an idea, I'm pretty sure would work.

"And to think, Mr. Baker, you were so gonna get laid tonight. Hmmm...I guess not now," I said with a smirk planted on my face. He jumped up and looked at me.

"I'm getting laid? Why are we just sitting here? Let's go," he said. He stumbled outta the car. He was still pretty buzzed, but sober enough to run up to the house.

I laughed. I knew my little plan would work. Anything to do with sex usually got his attention, drunk or sober.

I finally got to the front door and unlocked it. Zacky stumbled in and practically ran up to our room. I figured it would be a wise idea to warn the babysitter we were back, something that he won't do.

I saw the glow of the TV in the living room and figured that’s where the boy’s and Rachel must be. I stood in the doorway and looked around. Rachel was zoned out on the couch, with the boys, Adam and Evan, sprawled out, asleep on the floor. The coffee table was littered with soda cans and chips, a pizza box and all their plates. The X-Box360 and PlayStation 2 systems and their controllers where all over the floor and the cupboard they belong in. I rolled my eyes, looks like more cleaning for me.

I gently shook Rachel out of her stupor. “Hey, we’re home. Sorry we we’re gone for so long.” I gave her an apologetic smile.

She looked at me her eyes slightly glossy and stretched. “Oh that’s fine, Alexa. The boys were fine. We ordered pizza and played video games. They fell asleep about tenish, somewhere around there.” She stood up and headed outta the living room. She took the money I offered her and left.

I sighed, I don’t wanna leave the boys down here, to creepy and eerie, but I don’t wanna carry them either.

“Adam, Evan, come on guys gotta get up. Time to go upstairs,” I said shaking them awake. They didn’t move, I shook them again. “Boys, come on upstairs.” They finally stirred and headed up the stairs like zombies.

I followed both of them up the staircase and to their rooms. I looked in my room as I passed and was kinda shocked at what I saw. Zacky was naked, and passed out on our bed. Looks like he was excited about that sex I supposedly promised him. I tucked Adam in and went next door to tuck Evan in.

I went back down to my room and changed into sweatpants and one of Zacky’s Jack Daniel’s t-shirts. I crawled into the bed next to my moronic boyfriend’s naked form.
I rolled over so I was facing Zacky. To be honest I was actually kind of looking forward to the sex, but since Zacky is conked out it would be no fun.

I closed my eyes and dreamed of dirty things me and Zacky coulda done.
The next morning I was up sometime around 8:45 because the boys came in. Zacky was still asleep, you could tell by his snores.

I walked down to the kitchen to fix them breakfast like they asked. I made each of them a bowl of cereal and allowed them to eat it in the living room while watching SpongeBob.
I had to get laundry started otherwise nobody in the house would have clothes. I started with the boys’ room s first and made my way down to my room. I moved around quietly so not to wake up Zacky.

I began picking up his clothes and tossing them in the basket when his phone vibrated off the night stand on his side of the bed.

I flipped it open to see who texted him and the screen read Gena. I opened the message and was shocked by what it said. The message said how much she missed Zacky and when she was gonna see him again.

I was furious. I closed the phone and chucked it at his head, hitting him square on.
He jumped up and turned around to the direction the phone came from.

“What the fuck, Lex? There a particular reason you’re chucking…” he looked down to see what it was. “My phone at my head? Why do you have it?” He sat up and rubbed the back of his head.

“There a reason you have texts from Gena?” I asked. I waited for his answer but didn’t get one. “Hello? Are you gonna answer me or sit there like a fucking idiot?”

“Why do you care, baby, she sends them to me almost every day. I don’t see how this is a big deal,” he said, unprepared by my reaction.

I blew up. “What? Are you fucking serious? What if Brian started texting me saying he still loved me? Hmm what then punk ass?” I yelled.

Zacky looked puzzled. “What the fuck are you talking about? I don’t think Brian would ever say he loved you, you two can barely get along,” he said, still looking slightly confused.
“And why do you think that is, dumbass? We dated for almost a year.” Zacky raised his eyebrows at me. I guess this information surprised him. “Didn’t know that didja, Mr. Sunshine? But what would you do if Brian did that?” I wanted a straight answer. We can deal with the whole ‘you dated my best friend’ bullshit later. I just wanted to know why she keeps texting him.

“I would kick his ass. He had his chance with you and he fucked it up. Now it’s my turn and I’m not gonna fuck it up,” he said. He jumped off the bed and stood in front of me. His 5’10’’ frame seemed like a giant compared to my 5’4’’ frame.

“That’s how I feel Zack. She was the one who wanted a divorce; she was the one who didn’t wanna be a part of your family. I do, and I don’t want some artificial blonde coming between us. Am I making sense?” I asked, trying to detect any confusion in his eyes. There didn’t seem to be any.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and nodded. “Yeah Lex. You’re making complete sense. On the other hand, you dated Brian? I didn’t know this.”

“Yeah we dated, he asked me out. That’s why we don’t get along. Too many painful memories. You weren’t supposed to know, I figured you’d freak out if you knew this when we started dating,” I said, leaning my head against his bare chest. “Um…babe, can you put some clothes on? I just find it weird that I’m hugging you and you’re naked.”

He laughed and started looking around for his boxers. “Yeah, baby I don’t think my kids need to see my dick.”
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Yeah it sucks. But it's kind of a remake of a story I did a while ago. Enjoy!