Vegas Is A Big Place For A Rock Star


"Oi Zacky, imagine this. A cup of coffee dude, just a normal one! Nothing special, no lines or anything..." Brian paused and drew a picture of a cup of coffee on a random piece of paper, "So okay, their is the cup of coffee, now you draw squiggles above it, and it becomes a hot cup of coffee." I smile and shake my head at Brian's soon to be told joke, "Okay, so then you change those squiggles to straight lines, now it's loud!" Brian's voice raised higher.

"Dude, for fuck sake, how is a cup of coffee loud?" Matt asked, clearly confused about what his fellow band mate was talking about. Brian glared at Matt completely pissed off and turned his attention back to me.

"Okay Zacky!" his voice raising slight. "Like i was saying, now it's loud, then if you change those straight lines and put them behind the cup of coffee, it becomes a cup of coffee coming right at you!"

"Okay, now this is completely fucked up Brian! How the fuck does a motherfucking coffee come right at you?" Johnny interfered with Brian's joke. Once the words were spoken Brian gave Johnny a death glare and looked back at me.

"So as i was saying, if you put them all together it then becomes, a loud hot cup of coffee coming right at you!" He said laughing his head of. I did have to admit it was sort of funny. It a really weird way, with the pictures and all that shit.

So i started laughing and the rest of the guys gave up on their tough exterior and laughed along with us. But little did i know that laughing would lead me astray.

I make decisions one at a time,
And no i never say I'm always right,
I'm confident that when i stand on my own,
You'll see the truest made of a man,
When I'm shining through,
The fight down here goes on and on.


I looked around me, the lights blaring even though it wasn't even dark. I looked back and fourth trying to figure out where the other guys had gone to. "Are you alright Mr. Sexy, want to come back to my place?" a girl flung herself onto me. I looked at her completely peeved and went back to figuring out where i was.

"Fine-cats?" I read the sign a few times. Nothing clicking in my head. It wasn't open but i still at least will be able to remember that if i go in circles and see it again. My head was racing as time grew older. I could see the sun slowly setting through the high city lights. Everything was starting to take effect now. Their were more prostitutes out and about, flinging themselves at me.

My head was spinning as a girl jumped right in front of me, "Hey cut-ie pie, you look kind of lost. Want a little help?" She seemed genuine, well thats what i thought. I nodded my head slowly and she lead me away from where i was. I found myself in front of Fine-cats again. "This is a sexy place Hun, they will treat you the way you need to be treated, you look like you need a place to stay, it will cost but hey, what's the point of sleeping on the streets?" Her voice turning into an annoying high-pitch noise. It was actually quite frustrating standing here.

From what i actually noticed, sleazy guys were walking in and their were a bunch of prostitutes outside. Making me think this place is a fucking strip club. I looked at her in horror, and shook my head, "Babe, i just need to find my way back to my hotel, look i got lost, i have friends but their somewhere and i have a girlfriend. Sorry but could you please tell me where 'The City Life, Heritage Hotel' is?" I asked her.

She looked at me for a second, looked down and then her eyes met mine again. Except this time she had that annoying smile, "Hun, you need a place to stay, City Life is ages away," She signed as she said ages, "Come in here, we will treat you right and you have a place to stay to get a taxi to the City Life tomorrow." Her hand grabbed mine trying to pull me in.

I ripped my hand out of her grip and walked off. I stopped when she called my name, so i turned around and looked at her, did i actually tell her my name, i didn't think so...
"What the fuck do you want?" I shouted at her. She looked taken aback by my words but then the smile returned.

"You stopped that's cool, anyway come back here and come inside!" She whined. I looked at her pathetic expression and turned around walking away. Leaving a good 'fuck off you fucking whore' behind me.

I've been traveling for so long,
So lost, till i stumble upon,
Two roads in front of me,
I've got to take my time.


As the night grew darker i started to worry. A few guys had taken all my money before, there were 3 of them so i couldn't throw a punch at them. Lucky i only had $50 in my pocket. I searched around the streets wondering if i was ever actually going to be found. I was even wondering when the fuck was i going to see City Life hotel. By now it would be closed so i properly wouldn't be able to get in. I could always text the guys.

I checked my pockets for my cell phone. No such luck though. the pig-headed robbers had took it with them. I sighed and leaned back against the wall. A happy day turning awfully bad. I really wish we hadn't of split up by accident. I could be laying in bed right now. Not sitting on a god forsake street with nothing to do. I leaned my head back as i slipped down onto the concrete. I guess i should call it a night. I should stay awake though. Someone might rob me from everything else i have left.

If I was perfect, then this would be easy
Either road is plausible
On both I could drown
I walk through the center, with no rules to guide me.


I opened my eyes softly. Looking around, i saw people looking at me. Watching me intently. I looked down at myself. Fully dressed, just laying on a street. Along with nothing but my cloths. I staggered up and started walking. Hoping to find a way to the end of this lost tunnel i felt like i was trapped in... When i heard and all to familiar voice behind me.


The left isn't better it's just more of the same
Condemning all these people for what they believe
I'll climb to the top of the mountain again
No harm is done to see me this way
And the closer to the top I get the more they take aim
But I'm not you

I may not be perfect, but I've always been true
I may not be worthy in your eyes
Climb up from the bottom for the last time
The last one
The last one
The last time

If I was perfect, then this would be easy
Either road is plausible
On both I could drown
I walk through the center, with no rules to guide me
I realize it's difficult
But now I can see.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you liked. Took me awhile to write. But it still was fun to write.
This is also a one-shot for the competition i said before. I hope you actually liked it.

And i hope i do well. Please subscribe and comment me. Tell me what you think. Also check out some of my other stories.

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Please and thank you!!!