Attempted Anger Managing

Too Evil for Diaries

Session Three: Keeping A Journal

"Today's session will be very brief since it will require that you find a neutral spot and write."

"Do wha--" Itachi started to interrupt but Kohana held up her hand.

"Don't talk. Just listen." She started to hand out black and white composition books with every members' name already written on them. "For a full week, you will write down your thoughts and feelings. It helps to try to write in complete sentences so that when you go back over it, you'll know what caused you to feel that way. Even I'll be keeping a journal. After a week, we'll come back for our final session and address the things that make you angry."

"I refuse to keep a diary." Itachi frowned holding out the journal for her to take.

"Then don't call it a diary. Call it a journal."

"I refuse to write to myself."

"Then pretend you're writing to someone in particular. Write to a friend."

"....Hm. There is one person I've been meaning to get a hold of lately." Itachi murmured turning the book over in his hands. "Fine then."

"Thank you." Kohana smiled. "Now go write to your heart's content!"

The group broke off as people went back to whatever they had been doing before Kohana called them. Itachi, however, raced upstairs to his room to find paper, envelopes, and a good pen.