

*A month later*

Michelle turned to Scarlett, her glazed over bloodshot eyes scanning her friend wildly. "I don't believe him, Scaza. I don't!" she grumbled.

"Chill, Michelle. It's been two weeks since Mike broke up with you, don't you think it's time to get over it?" Scarlett observed.

"I love him, don't you get it!? He doesn't!" Michelle bitched.

"Come on, Michelle. Quit bragging on and on about how much you 'love him'. You're lucky you got to kiss him! You're the envy of all the girls at school!!!" Scarlett encouraged.

"Yeah, and because of that, they think I'm a POSER!!!!" Michelle shouted. The whole house seemed to shake wildly.

"... Okay, what am I supposed to do about that?" Scarlett questioned. Just then the phone rang. Michelle shuffled off the answer it.

"Hello?" she soppily spoke into the receiver.

"Hey, Michelle, it's Mike. I just wanted to say sorry and could we get back togeth..." Mike started, but Michelle broke off.

"SHUT UPP!!!" she screamed even louder, slamming the phone receiver down.

"Mike?" Scarlett wondered.

"Uh huh. He said sorry and something else but my anger got in the way," Michelle replied.

"I just think you're being ignorant, Michelle. If you love him, prove it. You know what helps? Being hit by his car. I bet if he ran you over by accident, he would fall back in love with you!" Scarlett jumped.

"Scaz?" Michelle doubtfully called.

"Yeah?" Scarlett responded.

"You're an idiot," she sighed.

"But it works! I saw it in a movie once! This girl made sure that her ex hit her with his car, and they fell in love again!" Scarlett continued.

"Well I'm not trying it!" Michelle insisted.

"OR you can pretend to have a heart attack so he'd have to give you mouth-to-mouth resuscitation...!" Scarlett suggested.

"," Michelle smiled at Scarlett.

"Well how the hell are you supposed to win him back!!!???" Scarlett asked.

"I wish he never broke up with me. In fact, I wish I never met him. IN FACT I wish Tre or Billie Joe kissed me that day so I could go out with them!!" Michelle grouched.

"You know that's not true. You love Mike, and I bet that he loves you," Scarlett softly insisted.

"Okay, Scaz. Number 1: He broke up with me, which means he probably doesn't love me anymore. Number 2: I am not gonna run into his car. Number 3: I am most DEFINITELY NOT gonna fake a heart attack, especially in front of him, so he could give me mouth-to-mouth resuscitation! And Number 4: HE DOESN'T FREAKING LOVE ME!!!" Michelle shouted onto Scarlett.

"Okay, Elly, My dear friend. Number 1: He just called you and apologised. Number 2: Why shouldn't you run into his car? Number 3: I don't know about you, but I'd be more than happy to receive mouth-to-mouth from a guy like Mike. And number 4: How do you know he doesn't love you!?" Scarlett shot back.

"Well... I do wanna win him back," Michelle stated.

"That's the spirit," Scarlett followed.

"But if we try, we'd have to think of some better ways too," Michelle appointed. They both stared at each other blankly after that, before nodding slowly in unison.