

"So do you know what jail Michelle's in?" Mike questioned Billie Joe wearily, as they exited the jail and headed out into the carpark.
"Yup," Billie Joe nodded.

"How can you be so sure?" Mike questioned, as Billie Joe fished out the key to the car out from his pocket, and pressed the 'unlock' button.

"Well... if you were locked away in this prison, its only logic that Michelle was put in the all-female jail that partnered up with this one," Billie Joe shrugged, "Right?"

"Well... I guess," Mike said slowly.

"Am I supposed to say anything else?" Billie Joe quizzed.

They climbed into the car in unison, and Billie shoved the key into the ignition and started the car.

"So what you gonna say when you first see her?" Billie Joe questioned.

"I don't know, I suppose I'll let her make the first move," Mike said slackly, "What are you gonna say?"

Billie Joe looked over at his friend, "Why does what I say matter?"

"Because you're one of my best friends- you're one of her best friends, too. She potentially hates me now, and maybe, just maybe, what you say to her can impact what she says to me," Mike explained.

"Well... what do you want me to say?"

"Tell her that Mike really loves her."

"And... ?"

"And what?"

"Is that all?"

"Yeah... "



"You can't just win over a woman like that!"

"Fine then! You make up a magical speech for her!"

"I can't. This 'speech' has to be from the man himself!"

Mike stopped and thought about this.


"Why, JOS? Why?" Michelle asked, her face still buried in JOS' chest.

"Because," JOS whispered, "I love you."

Michelle paused, and looked up, "What?"

"I said I love you, Michelle. I really think I'm in love with you," JOS repeated.

Michelle was silent for a few moments.

"Jesus... " She finally let out breathlessly.

She noticed that the Jesus of Suburbia had an unfamiliar look of shyness on his face, "Well?"

"Well what?" Michelle quizzed, rather dully.

"What do you say?" he asked.

"Umm... what am I supposed to say?" she asked.

JOS shrugged, "What did you say to Mike?"

"I didn't say anything to him," Michelle explained, "I just hugged him."

They both looked down slowly at the embrace they were still in.

"Well then what did you do next?" JOS quizzed.

"I think I kissed him," Michelle explained, "That's all."

"What do you mean, 'that's all'?" JOS asked.

"I mean, that's all I can remember," she said.

"Well then," JOS began.

"I suppose if you're a changed man... " Michelle stretched, "And I've broken up with Mike... I guess I can."

"Really?" JOS asked happily, a smile wiping across his face.

"Yeah," Michelle replied croakily.

Slowly they grew closer...

"Right... " A voice said from beside them.

Michelle jumped- that voice had been Billie Joe's. And slightly behind him, was another guy-


And he had a look of hurt in his eyes.

"N-never mind, Billie. It wouldn't matter, anyway," he said under his breath, placing a light hand on Billie Joe's shoulder.

Mike whirled around and strided back the way he came from.

Billie Joe gave Michelle a questioning look, "Well?"

"Well what?" Michelle asked in an aggravated tone.

"Well what do you have to say for yourself?" Billie Joe exclaimed.

"Nothing! Why do ya ask?" Michelle responded.

"How do you think Mike feels now? I manage to build his hope up and you knock it back down again!" Billie Joe told her.

"How HE feels?" Michelle asked, her voice rising, "Do you remember what he did to me?"

Michelle began to roll up her sleeve to reveal the bruise which Mike's hit had left.

"Oh my God, he did that to you?" JOS interrupted.

"Well it wasn't his fault! You were the one who pushed him to the edge!" Billie Joe observed, his voice also rising to match Michelle's, "If you weren't such a bitch maybe he would have treated you a bit better!"

"Hey don't you say anything of that kind about her!" JOS defended.

"I can do what I damn well please!" Billie Joe snapped, 'Like, I can do this!"

He shoved Michelle in the chest.

And he did it again, "Well?"

He did it one last time- this time, he pushed her a bit too hard- she went flying through the only glass door in the whole of the jail corridor.

"You fucking asshole!" JOS snapped, "You take that back!"

He paused- he looked back at Michelle, who was still in shock.

He looked back at Billie Joe, who stood there, eyes wide open, staring at him.

JOS gave a deep, weary sigh, before turning around and going to help Michelle.

He reached out a hand, and pulled her up.

"Ow," Michelle moaned croakily, "Ow it hurts to move."

JOS buried his face in Michelle's hair, "It's gonna be okay soon."

Michelle grasped the JOS tighter, as if he was the only thing she had left to cling onto...


Mike ran down the street, past a few playgrounds, packed with jolly young children and their parents. He couldn't help but think about the fact that once he thought that he and Michelle might actually end up like that.

On the way he bumped into St Jimmy.

"Well hey hey hey," St Jimmy grinned sheepishly, "What brings you around?"

"Oh I hate her. I hate it here. I hate everyone!" Mike panted breathlessly.

"Well welcome to the club," St Jimmy said, patting Mike on the back.

"I-It's not like that. I've just given up. I have no hope. No guts left to do anything," Mike continued.

"So you're saying you think it's your time?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" Mike quizzed.

St Jimmy revealed a gun from his pocket, "You know. It's your time. Your time has come. You want to leave. Your number's up."

"But I... " Mike stalled.

"Oh come on. You said you've given up. You've got no hope left- not even false hope?" St Jimmy quizzed randomly convinced.

"You mean I should shoot myself?" Mike asked, "Are you crazy?"

St Jimmy shook his head, "No..."