

"I mean shoot me," he finished, "Then you can go to jail. Jail suicides are very common, you know...and they won't be suspicious because you're in jail."


"Do ya think there's any glass stuck in yer ass?" JOS asked her on the way to the car.

Michelle shook her head, "Nah, I'm fine."

"Great," JOS whispered into her ear, placing is hands on her hips and opening the back seat to the car.

"JOS, I-," Michelle began.

JOS slammed his lips over her's and lightly jolted her towards the door.
Michelle slipped into the car, JOS following shortly after her.

JOS removed his black t-shirt, and proceeded to do the same with Michelle.

She tried laying flat on the seat, but fidgeted a lot because of the pain in her back.

JOS stared down at her, his dark brown hair shagging in front of his eyes.

"Uhmm...maybe not right now, JOS," she suggested, trying to push him off of her.

JOS paused.

"Anything for you," he whispered, climbing off of her.

Michelle glared over at him.

"Is that all you think about?"

"What?" he questioned, as if he didn't know.

"Sex," she sighed.

No," JOS denied, "what makes you think that?"

"Well, I just couldn't help but think about when you just met me, and you like, climbed through the window and we sorta...fucked?" Michelle suggested.

JOS shrugged, "Well I've changed."

Michelle shrugged, "How can I believe you?"

"Well..." JOS began, "...we can always make long-term commitments."

"What are you implying?"


"What? We've only known each other for like, what, 3 months!? IF that!"

"Well It's always an option."

"I'll think about it."

"Well okay then. I'll drop you home, shall I?"

Michelle nodded.


"What did I do?" Billie Joe gasped, "what the fuck did I just do?"

"I'll tell you what you did," a man, in his forties said from behind a visiting stall.

Billie Joe sat down opposite him, on the other side of the glass. "You lost your temper. Plain and simple. You saw what that girl was doing to your best mate, and you reached breaking point," he said, "am I right?"

Billie Joe shrugged, "Maybe."

"Now don't you give me that maybe crap, it's a yes or no answer!" he grouched angrily.

"Well...I guess so. I mean, Michelle was basically all Mike has ever wanted, looks, personality, talent, passion for music, everything. And it killed him to see her with another guy, in this case, The Jesus of Suburbia. And Michelle couldn't; and still can't see the pain that she's putting Mike through. And since it was killing Mike, it was killing me. And it made me angry that Michelle was letting Mike be put through all this agony," Billie sighed wisely.

"I asked for a one word answer, not a speech!" this arrogant 40-year-old man snapped.

Billie Joe rolled his eyes obviously, but did not say anything for a moment,

"Who are you?"

"Santa Claus, who do you think? This badge is here for a reason!"

He yanked a badge on his shirt. Billie Joe's eyes quickly scanned across it,

"Woah. Oh, my..."

Was all that Billie could say.


As JOS pulled up at Michelle's house, he gave her one last kiss,

"See ya later," he said breathlessly.

Michelle smiled, and exited the car.

When she got inside, she saw Scarlett sitting at the dining table.

"Ay Scaz," Michelle said lightly.

"Hey," said Scarlett back, as if they'd only just talked yesterday, "what's up?"

"Nothin' much. The only thing going on right now is that I'm dating the Jesus of Suburbia," Michelle told her slackly.

Scarlett remained quite contained, trying not to act as if it was the worst possible choice of man in the world,

"Well...a male friend of mine sent me this email yesterday...I think you might need it."

Scarlett reached into her pocket and fished out a scrunched up piece of paper. She threw it at Michelle.

Michelle snatched it up and proceeded to unscrew it.

Scarlett walked out of the room,

"I'm going to bed, Mich!"

"Okay, see ya," Michelle called, not taking her eyes off the paper.

'Five rules on dating a man'
1. Crying is blackmail.
3. Don't get angry if he doesn't buy you that $500 fur coat! He's probably just saving for the future.
4. Sex before marriage is not a sin!
5. Love and care is what you want, well then go buy a Care-Bear!

Michelle giggled to herself, "Nice going, Scaza."


"Shoot you!" Mike exclaimed, "has your mind gone haywire? Why would I do that?"

"I donnow," St Jimmy shrugged, "to put you out of this misery called life?"

"I don't wanna KILL myself! I just want Michelle back," Mike sighed.

St. Jimmy raised an eyebrow, "Well...I could help you out..."

"What?" Mike freaked, "since when did you become this magical match-maker?"

St. Jimmy laughed, "Since now."


"Where did you first meet her?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know? How could you NOT know?"

"Well...I think it was at Billie's wedding..."

"You've known her for THAT long?"

Mike nodded, "She was one of Adrienne's friends."

"And when did you start going out?"

"About 3 months ago...but we broke up after two months, then got together again...then broke up again."

"Jeez, that sounds harsh."

"It is."

"Who broke up with who?"

"Well I broke up with her..."

St. Jimmy raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything.

"And then I saw her with the JOS and I sorta..."

"Sorta what?"

"Hit her."

St Jimmy started at him, open-mouthed.

"What? Don't tell me you've never hit a girl."

"No, in fact, I haven't."


"Mister Mike Dirnt, you are even more barbaric than St. Jimmy and the Jesus of Suburbia himself."