

<p>"Maybe I should just go over there and talk to him," Michelle suggested, hoping for her friend's opinion to be helpful. <br />
"Yeah, that's a good idea; want me to go with you?" Scarlett offered. <br />
"Scaza...? I'd rather go alone, if you don't mind," Michelle told her. <br />
"Oh, okay," Scarlett whispered. <br />
Slowly Michelle made her way down the street. Mike's house was a few blocks away, which was kinda bad, because every time she felt like punching someone's teeth out, she'd have to walk a long way to rehabilitate herself. She looked around- everything was so surreal and perfect- and she hated it. There was never any action, as everyone who lived on her street was either old or...old.</p>
<p>Michelle carefully turned the corner. She hesitated slightly, as she has done for the past month or so, as this was thestreet- East 12th street.<br /> Michelle had not been able to put the events with the gutter punk behind her. She had managed not to run into him just yet, but that freak could turn up anywhere. Then she started running, just in case he was watching.<br />
Eventually she made it onto Christie Road, which was a lot more comfortable, only because all the posh people lived along this street, and knowing them, they wouldn't dare get off their lazy asses to fuck with Michelle.</p>
<p>She glanced up at the street sign- The Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Almost there. It was quite different from Christie Road. The total opposite in fact. Especially because those freaky guys St Jimmy and The Jesus of Suburbia lived here. They freaked Michelle out. But that's the weird thing about this city- City of The Damned to be more specific- every road has its own individuality.
Finally she arrived- arrived at Desolation Road. Where Mike lived. Mike's house number was 4, so it wasn't too far way- Michelle was pretty calm, before someone shoved her in the back. <br />
"Hey!" Michelle said annoyingly, "Cut it out!"<br />
She whirled around just in time to see the gutter punk, St Jimmy and Jesus of Suburbia violently half-throw-half-push her behind a gigantic Eucalyptus Tree. The Jesus of Suburbia and St Jimmy were holding her down, and the gutter punk had some chains in his arms. He quickly grabbed Michelle's wrists and chained them to the tree. He and St Jimmy then grabbed hold of a huge rock. <br />
"Say goodbye, sweetie," She heard St Jimmy sarcastically say, before they chucked the rock on one of Michelle's ankles. <br />
"HELP!! " Michelle screamed. She took a breath and was about to blurt another distress slogan, when she realised someone was kneeling down next to her. With much dismay, she turned around to face- The Jesus of Suburbia!? He was smiling gently, his eyes staring deeply into her's. <br />
"You're beautiful," He whispered, before undoing the chains. With a lot of effort, he slowly moved the rock, when he heard St Jimmy and the gutter punk call for him. <br />
"What's your name?" He asked.<br />
"Michelle," Michelle replied. <br />
"Michelle," He repeated under his breath. He sighed shamefully, then bent down even further, and planted a small kiss on the top of Michelle's forehead. Before she knew it, he had caught up with the others. <br />
Michelle's eyes were wide with shock, anxiety and surprise- THE JESUS OF SUBURBIA!? Of all people that could fall for her, it had to turn out to be him. But she kinda liked him too. But then she remembered- Mike. She tried to get herself up, but she just collapsed back down again- her ankle was totally blown. It was swollen, totally bruised purple with traces of red. It didn't look to healthy. <br />
"MIKE!!" She cried, using every ounce of energy in her body to catch someone- even Mike's attention, "MIKE!!!!" <br />
She inhaled hard, her heart racing, her mind spinning.
"MIKE!!! HELP!!!!"<br />
"Michelle!!" She heard someone- Mike- call from a few houses down. He ran so fast there's no work in the English language and beyond to describe it, "Michelle what happened?!"<br />
In a few seconds, he was by her side, shaking her shoulders about wildly, "Spit it out! What happened!???!!!?" <br />
"The gutter punk. St Jimmy. The Jesus of Suburbia... He did it with me... I mean they did it to me!" Michelle explained.<br />
"They did what, exactly," Mike sceptically asked. <br />
"They chained my wrists to this tree and threw a huge rock on my ankle!!" Michelle cried. <br />
"Well where's the chains?" Mike questioned. <br />
"A... stray dog bit them off and ran away with them!!" Michelle lied. <br />
"Oh my god look at your ankle!!!" Mike exclaimed, as soon as he laid eyes on Michelle's disfigured ankle. <br />
"Mike it was so scary," She sobbed, huge masses of tears streaming down her a still-in-a-panic face. <br />
"Calm down, you're safe now," Mike assured. He gave Michelle a quick, loving hug, before looking down at her ankle, preparing to assess the damage. He gently laid a hand over the scabs.<br />
"OW!" Michelle stiffly cried.<br />
"Sorry," Mike apologised quietly. He placed an arm around her back and the other around the back of her knees and lifted her up carefully. He slowly made his way to his house. Michelle wrapped her arms around his neck. <br />
"Okay, here we are," Mike announced, as he opened the door for his house, whilst still balancing Michelle. <br />
"I love you," He whispered to Michelle as he placed her down on his bed. He scanned though his drawer and pulled out his first aid kit.<br />
"Now I have to remember how to bandage up a severely injured ankle," He laughed, placing the beginning of the bandage on the tip of the sore. <br />
"DONE!" He smiled, after about a minute or so. He stood back and admired his work with satisfaction. <br />
"I'll go call the doctor," He volunteered, marching off towards the kitchen, where the phone was kept. </p>

<p>Just then, Michelle heard the opening of one of the nearby windows- and though it came The Jesus of Suburbia. <br />
"What are you doing!?" Michelle asked harshly, but quietly. <br />
"You'll see," He slyly smirked. Michelle's jaw dropped at the sight of The Jesus of Suburbia undressing himself right in front of her eyes. He slowly climbed onto the bed, and onto Michelle, beginning to undo the buttons on her jeans, while his lips caressing her slowly. Michelle's mind was racing; she didn't know what she was doing- well she knew what she was doing, alright- getting it on with THE JESUS OF SUBURBIA!! But she didn't know why she was letting him do it to her.</p>