

"JESUS! Mike'll catch us! Stop it right now!" Michelle ordered.
"Not way, we're only just getting started," JOS chuckled, kissing her harder.
"You are pushing it now, JOS," She warned.
"I know I am," He grinned.

20 minutes later
"Michelle! The doctor's on his way, he said it'll be about 10 minutes or so," Mike called stepping into the room. He stopped frozen on his tracks.
"Right, what is this?!" He cried.
"It's kind of obvious what this is!" JOS exclaimed, rolling over onto his back and off Michelle.
"Okay then, OUT! Both of you! I never wanna see you near this street again!" Mike screamed, pointing towards the door.
JOS nodded, reaching to the floor to recover both Michelle and his clothes. He handed Michelle her's. She looked devastated, but relieved at the same time.
Mike eyed them as JOS aided Michelle in walking out the door. Michelle stared back at him, mouthing the words 'I loved you', making the 'ed' on the end of loved fairly obvious. She didn't know why, but she suddenly felt a gush of hate for him.
JOS saw, but pretended that he didn't.

"What was that?" Michelle questioned him as they walked down the street.
"Me expressing my love for you," JOS told her.
"It was more than that," Michelle snapped.
"I love you, okay?" JOS said loudly.
"You haven't even known me for a day and you say you 'love' me?!" Michelle freaked.
"Look, will you just come and spend some time with me at home," JOS pleaded, "Everyone else hates me."
"Well... only for a little bit," Michelle decided.
"Great!" I'll lead the way!" JOS decided.
"Pity I can't walk on my own," Michelle appointed.
"It's not far. Just around the corner. You know, right next to the facility on East 12th Street where I do most of my paperwork," JOS explained, putting one arm around Michelle. They walked the rest of the way in silence.

"Here it is," He proudly smiled.
It was about a 4x2 metre chunk of land with a rusty tin roof. It was basically empty, except for a cardboard box and some shattered mirror and beer bottle in one of the corners.
"Wow, it's great," Michelle smiled, trying to look impressed.
"Come on in, there's something I want to show you!" He encouraged, sitting down near the corner of broken glass.
Michelle hesitated for a moment, before giving in and sitting down next to JOS. He handed her a piece of mirror, then took one for himself.
"Copy me," He instructed, holding the glass to his wrist, and slowly slicing the mirror through it. Michelle watched him anxiously.
"Here, let me help," He offered, placing his hand on top of her's, and pushing it down into Michelle's soft flesh fiercely, but slowly.
Michelle suddenly felt angry at everything- she had this tendency of wanting to kill the world and everything in it.
Her anger suddenly turned to worry and shock.
"Hey, JOS, it won't stop bleeding," He stammered.
"It will soon, it just takes time," JOS explained. He glanced down at Michelle, who shifted a little closer to him.
"You just don't get it, Bills; I caught her in bed with the character that YOU created!" Mike exclaimed into his friend's face.
"You mean with... The Jesus of Suburbia!?" Tre cried.
"Yes! He's caressed her with his evil emo powers! He's probably introducing her to wrist slitting now!" Mike exclaimed.
"We have to think of a way to win her back for Mike!" Billie Joe stamped.
"And I think I know how," Tre grinned.
"Gee, great plan, Frank Edwin Wright III. Why do I, out of the three of us, have to dress in drag?!" Mike questioned angrily.
"Well how do you think I feel?! I'm a police officer; I'm on the law's side!" Billie Joe cried.
"How do you think I feel- I'm a goddamn siren! I'm a freaking light bulb covered in blue and red cellophane!" Tre shouted.
"You're the one who made up the plan, remember?" Billie Joe grumbled.
"Okay, whatever. Now just remember, act. Don't accuse," Tre whispered, as they approached JOS's 'house'.
"I have no idea what that means, but okay," Mike nodded.

"OH MY GOD! There he is! He's the one!" Mike then cried. Tre cleared his throat obviously, and then began to make siren noises.
Billie Joe did the best police walk he could manage, side by side with Mike.
"Is this the one, ma'am?" Billie questioned, pointing at JOS.
"Oh yes! That's him alright! He's the one who stole by purse and then abused me," Mike stammered in his most worried voice.
"Come with me, young man," Billie Joe grumbled.
Tre continued to make siren noises, before Billie Joe gestured him to cut it out.
"Go away," JOS warned.
"No, we shall not," Billie Joe grumbled.
"Mike, I know that's you. Billie Joe, I know that's you. And well Tre... I can't see you, but with the way you've tackled this, you've obviously made this one up. You're the siren, Tre," Michelle burst out.
"Michelle! Can't you see I still love you?! I want you back! You're the one I want!" Mike explained.
"I need you, Michelle. I've only just you, but this feels right," JOS told her.
"We used to be madly in love. We got in a mess, but we've overcome it! Please, Michelle! PLEASE!" Mike pressured.