

Michelle stared from Mike to JOS.
"I... I need to go," She excused getting up and trying to make a run for her home, but Mike caught her as she fell over. She suddenly felt safe and comfortable in his tight grasp. He turned her around to face him, and stared right into her eyes.
"You want him more, I know. But just let me hear you say it. Come on. I wanna hear you say 'I love The JOS more than I love you, Mike'. I just need to know for good, so I can move on," He said sternly, making every single word completely clear.
"I... I can't. I can't say it. I love you Mike," Michelle blurted. Mike threw a smug wave at the JOS. Without another word he started heading off back towards his house. Billie Joe and Tre followed.
Michelle stared back at the JOS as they drifted further and further apart, until he completely disappeared.

"Is the doctor still coming, Mike?" She couldn't help but ask.
"Hopefully. That ankle of yours isn't looking too healthy," Mike replied.

"Doesn't that look romantic? I wish I could break my ankle so you could carry me home," Tre whispered to Billie Joe, loud enough for Mike and Michelle to hear.
"Shut up," Billie Joe gritted, elbowing Tre in the stomach.

When everyone had walked into Mike's front corridor, everyone paused.
"Tre and I should get going now," Billie Joe told everyone.
"Err... yeah," Tre agreed.
"See ya soon, Mike," They waved, walking out the door again.

Mike placed Michelle on his bed once again, this time lying down next to her.
Michelle sighed lightly, before wrapping her arms around Mike, and holding him close.
"I'm glad we're back together," She whispered into his ear.
Mike nodded, "What was with you and JOS, anyway?"
"I don't know. He came onto me," Michelle explained.

There was a round of silence. Everything was dead quiet, except for the occasional sighs.
Mike felt Michelle's warm breath on his cheek, and her body up against his. It made him feel even more in love with her than ever before.
They were really close now, almost nose to nose, when Tre burst through the door, singing 'Like a Rat Does Cheese'.
"Tre!" Mike gripped.
"Hey Michelle!" He greeted, "This is what Mike's REALLY thinking! He wants to get into your pants sooo badly!!"
"Tre I am going to kill you!" Mike gritted, holding his hands out in a strangling motion.
"Tre! Leave them alone!" Billie Joe called, grabbing Tre, whom was still singing and dancing along to his very own Like a Rat Does Cheese.

"I am SOO sorry about that, they always... " Mike apologised, but Michelle cut him off.
"Its okay, Mike," Michelle assured, giving Mike along kiss on the lips. They departed eventually, and Mike was blushing like mad. He didn't know what to say.
They burst out laughing a few seconds later. As silly as it seemed, they didn't give a damn.
"You're meant to kiss me back," She chuckled.
"Oh, right," Mike nodded, slapping his lips against Michelle's again.

There was a loud thud in the hallway, and three figures appeared at the door. They were all wearing black balaclavas, so neither Michelle not Mike could define who they were.
One of the figures had someone in their grasp. That someone was struggling to break free- it was Scarlett. The other two came forward and grabbed Mike and Michelle, pulling them outside and chucking them into a large van.

"What the hell were you thinking, Tre?!" Billie Joe exclaimed, as they walked into the local pizza parlour.
"Oh come on, Billie. It was soo obvious that he wanted you-know-what with her," Tre laughed.
"Yeah, but you're not supposed to barge in, singing a kinky song just before they're about to have you-know-what!!" Billie Joe defended.
"I couldn't help myself," Tre bowed, looking down at his shoes innocently.
"I found it hard to contain myself, I must admit," Billie Joe sighed.
"But we can just sit back and relax now, because we know that they're probably having the time of their lives now," Tre summed, laying back on his seat while Billie Joe called for a waiter.

But Mike and Michelle were having anything but the time of their lives. They were strapped and hand cuffed to chairs in an old, run down, abandoned warehouse.
Mike tried to say something through his duck-taped mouth, but no definable words could be heard.
They were all placed in a line, under strict surveillance by the 3 men in balaclavas, whom had still not shown their identity.
"Please, help me," Michelle tried to say to one of the men, but they just told her to "Shut her mouth".
Then one of them came forward and removed his balaclava- it was the Jesus of Suburbia.
"I knew it!" Michelle exclaimed in her mind.
"I'll make this short and sweet. The three of us up here have made up a somewhat... fair deal. We will trade your freedom for sex," He announced.
"What do you mean?" Michelle muffled.
"I mean this. Take Mike, here. If you, Michelle, agree to have sex with me, I will set him free. If you want your friend here set free, you'll have to do it again. And if you want yourself freed, you need to do it a third time, otherwise, you should say good bye to yourself," He chuckled, holding up a small pocket knife that looked incredibly sharp and harmful.
"You are sick!" Mike felt like saying, but he couldn't, for his mouth was taped tighter for some strange reason.
Michelle stared from Mike to Scarlett, and up at JOS.