

"About the whole 'Like a Rat Does Cheese thing, ' I'm sorry," Tre apologized, not wanting to get the same treatment from Mike.
"Give them back," He demanded again.
"No," JOS insisted.
"You just wait," Mike hissed, turning around and storming off. Scarlett and Tre hurried off after him.
Billie Joe and Michelle stared at each other.
"My life," Billie thought, "It's gonna end in less than a day."
Michelle, being the curious person she was, wondered what would happen if she spat on the duct tape. She did this, and sure enough, it came off.
"Spit on the duct tape," She said to Billie. He nodded, and his tape came off too.
"HELP!" Michelle cried, "HELP US!"
"It's not going to work, we're done for. The room's probably sound proof," Billie Joe sighed, "And besides, even if we do escape, JOS and crew will find a way of hunting us down again."
"I suppose you're right. We're done for. I wonder what my parents are thinking now. I died a slut who slept with the JOS the day she died," Michelle sighed.
"It wasn't your fault," Billie Joe assured, "I'm the one who created him."
Michelle began to look hurt. It almost killed Billie Joe to see her like this. They sat in the corner helplessly without another word said.
"We have to save them," Mike insisted on the phone to Tre and Scarlett, who were on the other two lines.
"I don't know. I mean, knowing them they'll find a way out," Tre hesitated.
"Okay, I should go now," Scarlett interrupted.
"Yeah, me too," Tre nodded.
"Bye," All three of them said in unison.

Mike headed to the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee.
He heard foot steps coming from upstairs.
"It's probably Tre, joking around," He thought.
"TRE! Tre get down here!" He exclaimed.
There was no reply.
"Tre, come on! I don't feel like joking around now!" He tried again. Nothing but footsteps came from the stair case. He felt relieved when the phone rang. He went and answered it.
"Hello?" He asked, rather timidly.
"Hey Mike, it's Tre here. Just wanted to let ya know... " Tre began from the other line, but Mike cut him off.
"Tre, you are at your house, aren't you?" He gasped.
"Yeah, where else would I be?" Tre responded.
"Tre. I want YOU to come around to my house right NOW!" Mike whispered, his voice a notch huskier than it usually was.
"Oh, Mike. I was just gonna tell you that I was gonna go around to Billie's and talk to Adie for a while. About... You know... " Tre answered.
"We can call her when you're here. Now you come STRAIGHT HERE!" Mike said sharply, slamming the phone receiver down.

He walked one step closer to the stairs- everything was silent again, for a few moments.
Tre headed down the street. He eventually came to the street sign.
"That's Mike's street," Tre mumbled to himself.
He walked up to one of the doors and whacked his fist on it.
"Mike! You home?!" He called.
Mike opened the door within seconds. With a worried look on his face, he let out the words, "There's someone upstairs."
Tre rolled his eyes slightly.
"Mike, Mike," He sighed, shaking his head from side to side, "You can be such a wimp at times. But lucky for you, you've got me. To save you, from your upstairs... STALKER!"
He held his arm, his hand scrunched into a fist. He then ran through the door and went all the way up the stairs. A moment later, he came running back down.
"Okay Mike. Sorry to say, you're on your own from now on. See ya," He ushered, making it only half way out the door before Mike reached out and grabbed his arm, forcing him to stop.
"Well...? What did you see?" He quizzed, eagerly hungry for information.
Tre hesitated, and then opened his mouth to say something. His face immediately lit up with a wild look of caution on it.
"RUN!" He blurted, running down the front steps, dragging a confused Mike along with him.
"You know, Billie," Michelle sighed.
"Yu huh?" Billie Joe responded.
"I've always liked Tre," She whispered, kind of shyly.
"Why didn't you tell him?" Billie Joe decided to ask.
"I... Don't now. Never really had the guts to, I guess," Michelle guessed.
"I would really like to know how he would react," Billie Joe chuckled, a small smile appearing on his face with the thought coming to mind.
"He'd probably get out the handcuffs," Michelle giggled.
"He'd probably faint. He really thinks you're sexy," He grinned.
Michelle couldn't help but snort, "You can't be serious."
"I am," Billie Joe nodded. Michelle giggled at the thought of Tre telling Billie this sort of information.
"I know!" Michelle exclaimed suddenly.
"What?" Billie Joe responded, almost immediately.
"I know how we can plea for help!" Michelle explained, "Just look."
Billie Joe watched carefully as Michelle breathed a cloud of white mist onto the window at the front of the warehouse. With her nose she wrote, in huge block letters 'HELP! '
"Tre, where are you taking me?" Mike questioned bitterly.
"AWAY from that house! I swear it's haunted with some kind of paranormal species," Tre gasped. They'd only gotten halfway down the street, and Tre was exhausted.
"What do you mean by that, Tre? I mean, YOU are a paranormal specimen!" Mike exclaimed.
"We'll be safe at my place. And there we can play dare," Tre said, his voice sounding less scared and more Tre-Cool-like as the sentence progressed.

When they had gotten to Tre's house, they both sat down at the kitchen table. Mike had a mug of hot coffee, and Tre had some hot chocolate.
"Okay, I'll go first," Tre eagerly jumped.
"At what?" Mike quizzed.
"Dare," Tre responded, taking another large chug at his hot chocolate.
"Tre, 2 of our closest friends are locked in an abandoned warehouse, on the rim of life and death, and you wanna play dare?!" Mike snapped.
"Well... Yeah. C'mon, Mike. They still have a long life ahead of them. You'll see what I mean later on," Tre said, totally relaxing, "Okay, Mike. I dare you to moon the neighbors, by pressing your bare ass up against their window."
Mike rolled his eyes, "Who would possibly wanna do that?"
"You HAVE to!" Tre stretched smoothly.
"Okay," Mike sighed, almost breathlessly. He got up from behind the table, and walked outside. Tre had the uttermost perfect view from his seat. Mike didn't bother to hesitate while he pressed his ass up against the neighbor's window. Tre basically fell off of his chair, laughing.
"Err... Tre?" Mike called, trying to pull away from the window, "There's a little bit of a problem here."
"Yes me lil mate," Tre chuckled loudly, "Well... Not lil mate. I mean, you're like, a million miles taller than me but anyway."
"My ass is cold. And my ass also happens to be STUCK! MY ASS IS COLD AND STUCK! COLD AND STUCK!" Mike screamed.
"Hold on, Mike!" Tre advised. He stood there for a few seconds, before snatching what was left of Mike's coffee and running outside. Meanwhile, Mike was still chanting, "Cold and stuck!" repetitively. Tre held the mug over Mike's frozen ass and poured its contents all over the window and the bum. This time Mike screamed out in half-pain-half-relief. His ass unstuck within seconds.
"Tre," He sighed, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder, "I am going to KILL YOU!"
Tre gasped quickly, before beginning to run down the street. Mike followed him, his pants still all the way down, not too far behind. They continued with this until Tre just couldn't take another step. He stopped- in front of the warehouse Michelle and Billie Joe were in.
Billie and Michelle noticed them almost immediately. They both tried to say something, but nothing could be heard from the outside world. Mike chewed on his lip, struggling to contain the urge to slam his fist through the window. He felt even more tempted to use Tre's head instead of his fist.
Mike pulled his pants back up, while Tre tried to have a conversation with the two others, who still could not be heard.
"Maybe I can just kick the door down," Tre suggested, half to himself, and half to Mike.
"Err... Yeah whatever," Mike ushered, not even glancing over at Tre. He lifted his foot up and kicked at the door with it a few dozen times. Nothing happened. He folded his arms in disappointment.
"You can't seriously like him," Billie Joe whispered to Michelle.
"Well... He tried," Michelle supposed.
They went back to watching Mike and Tre make complete idiots of themselves. Then Mike had a crack at kicking the door down. There was a huge crash as it collapsed to the ground.
Mike gave Tre one of 'those' 'I told you so' looks.