Status: Last update: January 7, 2010

Through Your Eyes

Chapter 6

Banner made by me!

Marissa reached in front of her and grasped the doorknob of the door. She slid the room key back into her pocket and pushed the door open. A blast of air conditioning hit her as she stepped inside. Shutting the door behind her, Marissa slipped off her shoes and set them aside.

The living room of the suite was only occupied by her little brother who was sitting comfortably on the couch watching TV. Connor turned around once he heard her come in. “Mom and Dad are still getting ready, but we’re leaving in about fifteen minutes for dinner.”

Marissa nodded indicating she understood, and walked over to the bedroom she shared with her brother. She closed the door behind her and began to remove her clothes as she began to change.

The silence in the room started to irritate Marissa so she quickly turned on her iTouch and set it on speaker. A sigh escaped from her lips as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. A pair of slightly dull eyes looked back at her as the seconds passed.

A frustrated look crossed her face as Marissa ran her fingers through her hair. The second the elevator doors had shut in front of her, it was as if she emerged into some weird, depressed, and irritated funk. Every little thing was beginning to annoy her and it was getting on her last nerve.

She almost felt sorry for the little girl she had snapped at when she was walking down the hall. Marissa had turned the corner and accidently bumped into a small girl who looked about seven or eight. The girl quickly apologized but all Marissa walked off with was a “yeah, whatever.”

Marissa frowned as she replayed that incident and hoped that she ran into the girl again to apologize for being so rude. But it really was the last thing on her mind as of now. She had more important things to think about.

Such as the one itty bitty detail of Nick was leaving tomorrow. Marissa couldn’t understand it all. She couldn’t understand why in the world she was feeling so low about the whole situation. It seemed so silly to be in a mood because a new friend of hers was leaving.

Sure, their relationship they had had gotten off to a rocky start, Marissa had to admit. After all, she had thrown a football at his head which eventually led to a bruise. She made a mental note to ask Nick to never mention to his mother about that day’s incident.

But even with such a short period of time, only a week, the two of them had gotten to know each other well. Marissa was sure that Nick thought it was finally great again to find a normal girl who wasn’t using him, and yet, Marissa felt the same, to find a friend who wasn’t using her own high status.

Marissa had to admit, she had flirted with him. There was no way of denying that fact. But then again, Marissa had come to the conclusion long ago that there really was no possible way to be friends with a guy without a little flirting happening. It just wasn’t humanly possible for a teenager to not have a relationship, even just a friend, with the absence of flirting.

Even though that fact was out there, it still didn’t cover up another huge part of Marissa’s life. Across the continent, there was a boy who took up so much of Marissa’s love and heart. Her boyfriend, Austin, was one of the sweetest and nicest boyfriends she had ever had. Marissa was starting to feel slightly guilty, but she didn’t know why.

It wasn’t like she was cheating on him. Oh, not at all. There was no way she could bring herself to do that. Besides, she loved Austin. There was no denying that. And he loved her back too. She knew that. Marissa knew that Austin would never hurt her; it wasn’t the guy that Marissa knew him to be.

Marissa walked over to her bed and sat down on it slowly. She glanced at her cell phone and saw that she had ten minutes left before her family was leaving for dinner. Maybe it was because of her recentguilty thoughts, or the fact that she hadn’t talked to him in a few days, but Marissa went ahead and decided to call her boyfriend.

Leaning back onto the soft pillow resting against the headboard of the bed, Marissa brought the phone up to her ear as the rings started to sound. She pulled the thick comforter over her legs and began to play with the edge of the sheets.

“Hello?” Marissa smiled when she heard the voice on the other line pick up. Austin never failed to do that to her. He always knew how to make her smile, laugh, and be happy whenever she was around him.

“Hey, Austin,” Marissa replied sweetly. “It’s me.” The large grin on her face didn’t seem like it was going to be leaving any time soon. At least, not till she was off the phone with Austin.

“Hey, baby.” Austin’s bored voice quickly changed into a tone of complete concentration and attention along with happiness. “I miss you so much. I’ve been counting down the days till Saturday morning.”

It was conversations like these that Marissa knew why she loved Austin. The next ten minutes passed by too quickly for her and she regrettably hung up with him when Connor came into the bedroom informing her they were leaving.

Her parents had decided to go to a small restaurant that was on the beach and then spend rest of the evening on the beach. After not seeing their daughter all day, Marissa’s parents were eager to know what she had been up to the entire day with Nick.

Marissa filled them in on the main aspects of the day, leaving out minor details here and there. The fact that she had gone jet skiing intrigued them so much that Marissa found herself having plans already made tomorrow to go jet skiing along with them. But she didn’t really mind. It was one of the most fun things she had done in awhile and didn’t mind doing it again.

The phone call to Austin seemed to do her some good as she realized that she was in a much better mood than she had been previously. In the back of her mind, she knew that Nick was leaving tomorrow, but she tried to push it out till tomorrow when the reality would set in.

Dinner was delicious and Marissa enjoyed spending time with her family that night after a long day with a good friend. They came back to their hotel suite about two and a half hours later and Marissa immediately crashed into bed for some much needed sleep.

The next morning, Marissa awoke to the sun rising and its rays peeking into the bedroom. She crawled out of bed a few minutes later and joined the rest of family for breakfast before hitting the shower. Changing into some comfortable clothes for the day’s activities, Marissa finished getting ready by around ten.

Afterwards, Marissa found that she had received a text from Nick telling her that they were leaving at eleven to catch their three o clock plane back to California. She hadn’t anticipated such early time for their departure, but Marissa had to make do with what was given to her.

Marissa went and searched for her mom to tell her about the plans in the next hour. She knew that her mom would also want to bid her farewell to Mrs. Jonas while Marissa did the same with Nick.

Before she knew it, ten forty five had rolled around. Marissa had sent a text back to Nick earlier saying she would meet him down at the lobby fifteen minutes before they had to leave so they could say their goodbyes.

The ride down in the elevator to the lobby seemed to drag on forever. Marissa and her mom were making conversation, but the way her fingers were tapping on the bar in the elevator showed that she was starting to get slightly impatient. The doors finally opened in front of her and she quickly stepped out.

With her mom right behind her, Marissa scanned the lobby to try to find Nick. She finally spotted the back of his curly hair with the rest of his family. It looked to her that they were double checking with their entire luggage and the rest of the formalities.

“Denise!” Mrs. Skyes called out as they reached closer. The Jonas clan turned around once they heard Marissa’s mom’s voice but all Marissa was focused on was getting to Nick.

A huge smile began to appear on her face as Marissa made eye contact with Nick. He seemed to have the same idea as he smiled back at her. He started to walk away from his family and he motioned to her to follow him. She gave a quick wave to the rest of his family before complying with his actions.

They walked around the corner and thankfully found themselves in a deserted section of the lobby, away from wandering eyes. “Hi,” Marissa simply greeted. She crossed her arms across her chest as she waited for his reply.

Nick grinned. “Hey.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and slightly tilted his head. “How are you?”

Marissa shrugged. “I’m okay. I’m a little upset that I’m going home tomorrow away from this wonderful paradise.” She paused for a moment before continuing. “And also kind of sad that you’re leaving today.”

“Are you going to miss me that much?” Nick teased with a slight laugh.

Marissa rolled her eyes before she gave in and nodded as she gave a small smile. “Maybe. It’s just that you’ve gotten to be a really great friend.”

Nick’s expression softened before taking a step forward closer to Marissa. “I know, me too,” he said softly. “But we’ll still be able to talk when we get back to California. We can always meet up there and hang out.”

Marissa sighed. “Yeah, I guess. But there’s no way you can convince your parents to stay just one extra day?

Nick chuckled. “I wish. I’d rather be here than back home. We have a couple concerts lined up when we get back home along with more business stuff to do.” He reached out and gently set his hands on Marissa’s upper arms as an act of comfort. “But I promise you, I’ll keep in touch with you once we get back.”

Marissa looked at him doubtfully. “Promise?”

Nick smiled. “I promise.”

A lapse of silence fell between the two of them as they kept eye contact. It was eventually broken when they both brought their attention to the person shouting their names behind them. Joe opened and closed his hands indicating they had five minutes left till they had to leave.

Nick sighed behind her as Marissa turned around to face him. “I guess this is it. I have to get back and help Dad load the luggage into the car.”

Marissa bit her lip and nodded without saying a word. She removed her arms from Nick’s grasp and stretched them out and wrapped her arms around his neck. Nick’s arms snaked across her waist and onto her back as he hugged her back. They stood like that for a few lingering seconds before pulling back.

“Come on, we should get back,” Marissa said. Nick nodded and led the way back to where the rest of his family was standing. They walked back in silence as they reached everyone else. Nick immediately started to pick up a few of the suitcases and store them in the trunk of the rented car.

It took about another five minutes before everything was set in order. Passports were being handed out along with tickets and another round of last minute fans coming up for autographs and pictures.

Marissa said her goodbyes to the rest of the Jonas family as they began to file into the car. Her mom walked over to the other side as Denise rolled down her window to talk to her. She watched Nick say a couple words to his dad, who nodded at whatever he was saying. To her surprise, Nick hurried back to where she was standing.

She was slightly shocked as Nick strolled over to her and gave her another huge hug. Marissa didn’t object at all, and returned the hug. “Bye,” Nick said with a small smile. “I’ll talk to you once I reach California.”

Marissa nodded indicating she understood and whispered her goodbye as her mom walked over and stood where they were standing. Nick politely said farewell to her mother before he walked back to the van. He gave a small wave before shutting the car door shut.

The last image she had of Nick was when he turned around gave her one last smile and wave before driving away, till all that was left of Nick was his scent of cologne lingering on her clothes.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm aware that some of the things in the story don't add up, such as the fact that Nick is back in Cali during August when right now he is filming Camp Rock 2, but whatever! It's a fanfic, so it doesn't matter. =] I am so sorry it's taken me this long to update! I've been so busy with school that its freaking insane. Hopefully the updates will come reguarly like before.

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Kodhai <3