Dark Scene of the Crime

'Cause you left me police scene chalk line.

Alex’s POV

“Yo, Gaskarth!” John shouted to me as he ran down the hall.

“Hey, what’s up O’Callaghan?” I asked casually as he fell into step with me.

“Did you hear about my big party tonight?” I shrugged.

“Sure. I heard a few people talking about it. Why do you ask?” I glanced at him from the corner of my eye. He was getting nervous. I smirked. I made everyone nervous.

“Well…do you want to go? You know you’re always invited. You should come, it would be awesome!” he told me, trying to hide his nervousness. He wasn’t doing a very well job. Might as well give in.

“Sure. Why not. I’ll be there.” His eyes lit up but he covered it and nodded smoothly.

“Sure thing. See ya later bro.” With that, he ran back down the opposite side of the hall. I smirked again. I DID make everyone nervous. But I was Alex Gaskarth, I had that power. Most popular guy in the school, hottest guy in the school, no one could refuse me. Every girl loved me, and even some boys loved me, and every guy envied me. I had the perfect life. I was hot, I was in a band, and every girl in school wanted me.

“Hey Alex,” Jack said as he, Rian, and Zack joined me in walking down the hall.

“Did you hear about John’s party tonight?” Rian asked me. I nodded.

“Yeah. I’m going. What about you guys?” I looked from Rian, to Jack, to Zack.

“Yeah, we’re going, too. But we’re all bringing dates, so you need to bring someone,” Zack stated. I groaned.

“Why? Just because you’re bringing someone I have to? I can usually pick up a girl at the party, anyways.” Jack shook his head.

“No. We want you to bring someone to the party. John’s party is at a bar his parents rented out for him tonight, and you get free drinks if you bring a chick with you!” Rian told me.

“Oh, then I’m so in. But who should I bring? Allison? Jackie? Daisy?” I asked, suddenly excited about the free alcohol.

“No. Bring a girl you’ve never brought somewhere,” Jack said. I looked at him confusedly.

“I have an idea.” Zack grinned evilly. “I dare you to take her to the party.” He jerked his chin towards a petite girl at the end of the hallway, rummaging through a locker. She had slightly wavy brown hair hanging just a few inches below her shoulders, her bangs cascading down and over her left eye. She wore short denim shorts and a grey v-neck with sunglasses all over it. She wore red vans and from a distance I could see a bracelet hanging on her small wrist. She had prescription glasses perched on her nose.

“Oh come on guys, she’s a total nerd. She has glasses for crying out loud! I don’t even know who she is!” I shouted in protest.

“So? Get to know her. You’re bringing her to the party. Nerd or not. She has good style though,” Jack commented. I groaned.

“No, no, NO!” I shook my head violently.

“Too damn bad. We dare you. Now go.” With that, Rian shoved me in the direction of the girl.

“Use your Gaskarth charm!” Zack shouted from behind me. I flipped him off and continued walking down the hall, until I approached her locker. She didn’t notice me at first. She had earphones in one ear. I traced the chord with eyes until I saw a black ipod peaking out of her pocket. From what I could see, she was playing Fall Out Boy. I smirked and looked back up to her face. Her green eyes were shimmering from the sun shining in through the clear, glass doors. She still hadn’t noticed me, so I cleared my throat. She jumped and her eyes flickered to me.

“God! You scared the shit out of me!” she exclaimed as her breath, that had picked up when she jumped, slowed back down. “What do you want anyways?” she asked as she pushed her glasses back up on her nose.

“I’m Alex.” I stuck my hand towards her, giving her my signature smile.

“I know who you are,” she said as she stared at my hand and then looked back up at me.

“Do you have a name?” I asked her.

“Yes, I do.” She rolled her eyes.

“Well can I ask what it is?”

“You can ask. That doesn’t mean you’ll receive an answer,” she told me. I stared at her dumbfounded before slowly extracting my hand.

“Okay well, anyways…John O’Callaghan is having a party tonight,” I told her.

“And?” she prodded as she went back to rummaging through her locker.

“And would you like to go with me?” I asked nervously. Why was I nervous? She wouldn’t decline. I was Alex Gaskarth anyways, she wouldn’t dare decline a date with me.

“I don’t go on dates with cocky guys,” she stated before slinging her backpack over her shoulder and walking past me. I turned around and stared at her back as she walked, stunned. My eyes flickered up to Jack, Rian, and Zack, who had stunned looks on their faces as well. There was no doubt they heard everything. I slowly approached them, my expression still stunned.

“What the hell just happened?” I whispered.

“No one disses Alex Gaskarth,” Jack mumbled.

“Apparently she does,” Zack muttered.

“Holy crap,” Rian murmured. I stared up at them.

“She just rejected me,” I stated dumbly. I had never been rejected before. Every girl had always happily accepted and went on dates with me. But this girl was different.

“Try again,” Jack said. I shook my head.

“What if she rejects me again?”

“She can’t resist the Gaskarth charm twice,” he told me. I sighed.

“Fine. I’ll try again.” They nodded.

“Better go catch up with her then,” Zack told me as he pointed to the girl, going into a classroom.

“That’s my next class anyways.” I pulled my backpack back onto my back as I headed towards the classroom. I jogged quickly, searching the classroom for her when I entered. I spotted her in the back, scribbling down on a piece of paper. I walked slowly to where she was, gulping when I approached her. She looked up at me and sighed.

“What do you want now?” she asked as she pushed her glasses up on her nose again.

“I…I just wanted to ask what that was back there,” I said slowly. She looked at me dumbly.

“I rejected you. I said no. I rejected you. I said no to the big ‘Alex Gaskarth,’ big whoop.” She rolled her eyes and looked back down to her paper.

“I know, but…why?” She sighed before she answered.

“Because I know who you are, and I know what you are. You’re the most popular guy in school, the hottest guy in school, but you’re also the biggest jerk in school. You date girls to get in their pants, the relationship is over in about a week or so. You don’t treat a girl as a lady should be treated, you’re in a band. You have bad boy written all over you, which draws in every girl in the school. Every girl except me. I don’t date guys like you. I don’t just let a guy jump into my pants. And I know that’s all your after. A party with alcohol, plus Alex Gaskarth asking a girl to with him, equals Alex wanting sex.” She looked up at me. “I’m not stupid. And I’m not gonna let you hurt me.”

I opened my mouth to say something, but the bell rang. I groaned and took the empty seat behind her. She sighed and shook her head before going back to whatever she was writing on her paper. I let my head drop to my desk, ignoring the pain that shot through it when it hit the cold, hard wood. How could she reject me? Twice? I sighed and pulled out a piece of paper, taking out a pen and scribbling on it.

Please go with me?

I folded the note before slipping it onto the girl’s desk. I heard her groan before writing something on the paper and throwing it behind her, landing it at the top of desk. I grabbed the paper and opened it.

Not until hell freezes over.

My cocky side coming back, I smirked and wrote something, passing it back to her.

I can personally freeze hell, for you. ;)

She turned her head towards me and rolled her eyes before writing on the paper and passing it back to me.

That’s why I won’t go with you. Now leave me alone. And don’t write back.

I groaned and tossed the paper into my backpack. I would find a way to crack her. I wasn’t going to let people think that someone had resisted me. I had to keep my rep as irresistible. There was no way that I was letting that go. The bell rang, making me jump. I got out of seat, looking up to see the girl going through the door. I picked up my bag and gunned it towards the door, running through it and racing down the hallway.

“Hey,” I said as I grabbed her wrist, turning her around. She groaned and looked at me.

“What, Alex? What? What could you possibly want?” she asked harshly.

“You know what I want,” I told her.

“I know what you want, but I don’t know why you want it, and you can’t have it. I’m not going to that stupid party with you,” she stated simply, turning on her heel. I pulled her back roughly, resulting in her slamming into my chest. I took this to my advantage, and leaned in close to her ear.

“Look, I know you don’t want to go to that party with me, but I’m wearing you down, and sooner or later, you’re gonna say yes,” I whispered to her. I felt her shiver. I smirked.

“I’m not going with you,” she stated again.

“I bet if I keep asking, you’ll eventually say yes,” I whispered back. She shook her head and pulled out my grasp, walking away quickly. I smirked again as I watched her walk away. She would eventually say yes. The final bell rang, signaling school was over.

“Dude, why were you talking to Rowan?” Gabe asked as he walked up to me.

“Who?” I asked him.

“Rowan. The girl that was just here. Why were talking to her? Well, raping her, it looked like.” He laughed. I shook my head.

“What did you say her name was?” I asked again.

“Rowan. Rowan Winters,” he repeated. I nodded, a devilish smile coming across my face. I finally knew her name.

“Thanks man!” I shouted as I ran down the hall. I could use this to my ability now. I spotted Rowan walking through the front doors. I ran up to her and caught the door just as she was going through them. “Hey Rowan,” I said casually.

“Hey Alex,” she said back just as casual. Then she stopped and looked up at me. “What did you just say?”

“I said ‘Hey Rowan.’ That is your name, isn’t it? Rowan Winters?” I asked as I arched an eyebrow.

“How did you find out?”

“Gabe Saporta.” I smiled widely.

“Stupid Gabe,” she muttered under her breath.

“Don’t blame poor old Gabe, I would have found out anyways,” I told her as I laughed. She groaned.

“That’s nice. Thanks for bugging me, Alex. Have fun at that stupid little party.” She started walking a different direction, but I grabbed her wrist again and turned her around.

“Go to the party with me,” I demanded.

“I already told you, NO!” she said.

“Fine, then I’ll just yell your name right now,” I told her. She narrowed her eyes at me.

“You wouldn’t.”

“Oh, but I would.” I grinned evilly as I turned towards the school. “ROWAN WINTERS!”

“SHUT UP!” Rowan yelled, clamping her hand over her mouth.

“Will you go with me?” I asked as she took her hand off my mouth.

“God, NO!” I shrugged.

“Alright. ROW-”

“FINE! I’ll go with you, just shut up already!” she shouted. I smirked.

“Great, see ya later Rowan.” I grinned at her as she rolled her eyes and walked away. Tonight would be fun.
♠ ♠ ♠
first chapter, not so great.
sorry :|
it will get better.
tell me what you think.
comments and subscriptions make me happy.

oh, and the chapter title is lyrics from a song.
its really obvious.
know what song they're from?
tell me in a comment.
and I'll do this for every chapter, just like my kennedy story.