Dark Scene of the Crime

I'm gonna break your little heart in two.

Rowan’s POV

As I walked home, I grumbled under my breath. I can’t believe that I gave into Alex. I had never liked him. He had always been a cocky jerk, to me at least. Every other girl loved him. They practically whored themselves out for him, constantly throwing themselves at him. He was a lady’s man, that was for sure. He had a rep of getting into a girl’s pants, and then skipping out on them. He was a man whore, and a jerk. He treated girls like they were a piece of meat, not that most of those girls minded. My Voyager ringing tore me out of my thoughts. I looked at the screen; it was a number I didn’t recognize.

“Hello?” I said into my phone.

“Hey Rowan” replied a cocky voice. That could only be one person.


“Got that right, babe,” he said arrogantly.

“Don’t call me babe, you hardly know me,” I told him. “And how did you get my number?”

“I asked around.” I could hear the smirk in his voice.

“Who exactly did you ask?”

“Well I asked Gabe, since he told me your name, but he said he never got it, because he asked you out but you rejected him. By the way, you’re quite the rejecter. Anyways, he told me to try asking Jersey Moriarty, because you guys dated a while back, so I did and he gave me your number,” he explained. My blood ran cold when he mentioned Jersey; yes, we had dated a year ago, but it had ended badly. I refused to let the memories come back. “Rowan? You there.” I cleared my throat.

“Yeah, I’m here,” I said quietly. I cleared my throat again. “Why are you calling me?” I asked, my voice coming out normal again.

“Oh, because I wanted to give you directions to the bar John is having his party at, and the time the party starts,” he stated simply.

“Alright, go ahead.” I sighed and listened to him give me directions, pulling a paper out of my backpack and writing down the address of the bar.

“Oh, and the party starts at 6,” he told me.

“Okay, I guess I’ll see you later then,” I said to him.

“Yes you will. Later babe.” With that, he hung up. I groaned. This would certainly be a long night. As I walked up the driveway to my house, I pulled out my house key and unlocked the door. Pulling it open, I let myself in and locked it behind me. The house was empty yet again. Of course. My dad was always at work and my mother had died when I was 8 years old. I ran up the stairs, opening the door to my room and throwing my backpack inside. It was 4 now, so I had a while before I even had to start getting ready. Exhausted, I collapsed onto my bed. I sighed as my eyelids dropped closed and I fell into a peaceful sleep.

I yawned as I sat up, stretching my body and rubbing my eyes. I glanced at the clock on my dresser: 5:47 pm. I yawned again, but then I froze. My head snapped back to the clock. Oh crap. I had 13 minutes to get ready and be there. Well I would just have to be a little late. I glanced at my bathroom door, a shower would take too long. Instead, I jumped up and ran towards the sink, splashing water on my face. I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair then reapplied my make up. Walking out of the bathroom I slipped off my shoes and my shorts, trading them for a pair of white shorts. Slipping off my shirt, I pulled on a black and white tunic. I took my glasses off and walked over to my dresser, grabbing my contacts and putting them in. I put on my black chucks and laced them up before grabbing my Voyager and slipping it into my pocket. I grabbed my house key as I walked down the stairs, grabbing the paper with the address on it and grabbing another paper. I quickly scribbled a note to my dad.

Dad, went to a party. Be back later.

I stuck it to the fridge before I walked outside and locked my door behind me. Its not like my dad would care that I was gone. He never cared much for me. I had practically raised myself since my mother had died. He was a horrible father, and he was never home, but the times that he was, he was drunk and would hit me. I sighed as I looked at the paper with the address on it. I looked at my phone as well: 6:13. I looked up ahead of me and saw a club with cars all around it. So I was here. I crossed the street and weaved through parked cars to the door. I shoved the paper in my back pocket as I pulled the door open and walked in. I was immediately overwhelmed by the smell of alcohol. I groaned.

“Hi.” I looked up to see a brown haired guy looking at me.

“Uhh, hey,” I said, a cautious smile on my face. The boy smiled at me.

“I’m Ryan Ross,” he said as he extended his hand towards me.

“Rowan Winters,” I replied, slipping my hand into his warm hand. He grasped it and shook it gently.

“So what are you doing here?” he asked casually.

“Alex harassed me until I said I would go with him.” I smirked. Ryan laughed.

“That sounds like Alex all right,” he said with a laugh. “Where is he anyway?”

“Who knows,” I said with a shrug, “probably off making out with some chick like the jerk he is,” I mumbled. Ryan nodded.

“Can I buy you a drink?” he asked politely. I smiled at him.

“Sure why not.” He nodded and took my hand, leading me to the bar. He asked the bartender for two drinks I didn’t quite catch the name of. As I watched the bartender mix the drinks, he poured in rum, sprite, and pineapple juice. He placed them in front of us. Ryan grabbed one and slid the other over to me. I took a sip out of it; I had had this before. I recognized the fruity taste. “Thanks.”

“No problem,” Ryan said with a shrug. I smiled at him.

“So why are you here all alone?”

“There was no girl I wanted to bring, and I was with Brendon, Jon, and Spencer, but god knows where they are.” I laughed and nodded. “So you and Alex, huh?” He bounced his eyebrows suggestively. I shook my head vigorously.

“Oh, NO! He was just bugging me all day, and he kept asking me to go to the party with him, and I wouldn’t tell him my name, but then stupid Gabe told him my name and Alex started screaming it after school, and he wouldn’t stop until I agreed to go to the party with him,” I told him. He nodded.

“Yeah, that definitely sounds like Alex,” he said. I nodded.

“Yeah, I didn’t want to go. He’s a real jerk to me.”

“Really? Every other girl in the school is in love with him,” he said in a confused tone.

“I know. But he’s a jerk to me, no matter how hot he is, no matter how smooth he is, or that he’s in a band, I don’t care. It doesn’t remove the fact that he’s a jerk and only wants in a girl’s pants,” I said as I sipped my drink.

“Ahh, I see. Finally someone who sees the real Alex,” he murmured. I nodded.

“Hey babe,” Alex said as he came up from behind me.

“Alex, I said not to call me babe, you hardly know me,” I muttered as I turned towards him.

“Yeah, okay babe,” he said as he sat on the chair next to me, sliding an arm around my waist. I looked down at his arm, and then back up at him.

“What are you doing?” He wasn’t paying attention though. Him and Ryan were locked in a death glare. I grabbed my drink and took a large sip from the straw, hoping the sound would shake them out of it. When it didn’t, I slapped Alex in the back of the head.

“Oww! What was that for?” he asked, rubbing the back of his head with his hand that wasn’t around my waist.

“That’s for leaving me here for an hour when you’re the one who asked me to come,” I said harshly, taking another sip from my drink.

“I’m just sorry left you here with Ross,” he mumbled. “Buy you a drink, did he? Trying to get her drunk, Ryan?” Ryan glared at him.

“Shut up Alex, he’s actually quite nice, a lot nicer than you,” I said to Alex. He looked at me.

“Come on, I invited you here, now I want to be with you,” he said quickly as he grabbed my hand and pulled me off the stool. I grabbed my drink as he pulled me through the crowd and toward a corner of the room. “These are some of my friends, Jack, Rian, Zack, Kennedy, John, Garrett, Gabe, William, and Brendon. Guys, this is Rowan,” he said, pointing to each boy and then pointing to me. A chorus of hey’s came from the group of boys, each of them looking up at me. Brendon and John both winked at me. I felt my cheeks flush a light color of pink.

“HI ROWAN!” Jack shouted as he bounced over to me, throwing his arms around me and squeezing me.

“Sorry, Jack is already drunk,” Alex whispered to me. I nodded.

“Jack, get off the poor girl,” Garrett said.

“But Garry, she’s hot! And Alex always gets the hot girls! Its not fair!” he whined. I laughed as Jack released me.

“Trust me, Alex doesn’t have me. He’s lucky he even got me here. The only reason he did is because he started yelling my name to everyone after school today. Which he wouldn’t have been able to do if GABE hadn’t told him my name,” I said as I glared at Gabe.

“Sorry Rowy, I honestly didn’t know anything,” Gabe said, holding his hands up in defense.

“Rowy?” Alex questioned.

“Its her nickname,” Gabe said. “Known her since kindergarten.” He grinned triumphantly. I rolled my eyes.

“Oh. Well you can sit, I’m going to play pool with William and Gabe and Jack,” Alex said. I nodded as I took a seat on the couch that was behind the pool table. Brendon and John both popped up from their spots by the wall and sat on either side of me.

“Hey there,” Brendon said with a wink.

“Hey.” I smiled at him.

“I’m Brendon.”

“And I’m John,” John said from the other side of me.

“Rowan,” I told them.

“So I heard, and what a beautiful name it is,” Brendon said.

“How did you get that name?” John asked. I looked at him.

“Well, my mom was one of those people who liked unique and different names, and Rowan was the first unique one that popped into her head,” I told them. They nodded.

“That’s really cool,” John said. I nodded.

“I guess.”

“So, you and Alex?” Brendon asked.

“Ryan just asked me that. And no, he was asking me to come with him all day, but I wouldn’t, and I wouldn’t have had to if he hadn’t found out my name,” I replied.

“Ahh, I see,” he said. “Did you say Ryan? Ryan Ross?”

“Yeah, I was with him earlier, why?” I asked.

“Oh I was just wondering. He’s my best friend.”

“Oh yeah, he did mention being here with a Brendon, Spencer, and Jon,” I said, and he nodded. “Yeah, but he said you ditched him.” He laughed.

“Yeah, I guess I should go see him. Later Rowan,” he said with a wink before getting up and leaving. I waved at him as I took a sip from my drink.

“So, Rowan,” John said casually.

“So, John,” I said back just as casually.

“Did you know you are most likely the most beautiful girl here?” John asked. I laughed.

“Well thanks,” I said to him. He nodded and smiled.

“John, stop hitting on Rowan,” Jack said. “She’s Alex’s date, even if we did dare him to take her here.” My head snapped up in time to see Alex, Rian, and Zack smacking his chest and slapping the back of his head.

“What?” I asked as I stood up. Alex walked over to me.

“Uhh, nothing, I told you Jack is already drunk, he doesn’t know what he’s saying,” he stammered out quickly. I glared at him.

“Right. I knew there was a reason why you asked me to come with you,” I said before pushing past him and walking away.

“Rowan! Wait!” Alex shouted from behind me. I shook my head and pushed my way through the crowd to the front doors.

“Hey Rowan,” Ryan said as I walked past him.

“I’m sorry Ryan, I have to go,” I said before pushing open the door. He gave a confused look as I rushed outside. I ran through the parking lot, but before I could cross, I felt a warm hand wrap my wrist.

“Rowan, please, let me explain,” Alex said quietly.

“What’s to explain Alex? Your friends dared you to ask me to come to this stupid party with you, and you did it. You won the dare. Congratulations. Glad to know I could help you win your stupid little dare,” I said, trying to pull my wrist from his grasp. Alex stared at me before he pulled on my wrist, making me slam into his chest. He put his other hand on my waist and held my body against his. His eyes searched my face before his lips crashed onto mine. They were soft and inviting, but I couldn’t let myself enjoy the kiss. After a few seconds, I pushed him off. “Alex. Stop.”

“You don’t understand, Rowan,” he whispered.

“I think I understand perfectly. It was just a dare, and I’m sure that kiss was just part of the dare, too. Ask her out and kiss her, right?” I shook my head. “You're exactly the jerk I thought you were.” I pulled my wrist out of his grasp and ran down the street before he could see the tears running down my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Second chapter.
And already 10 subscribers.
That means you can get me to 10 comments before I update next.
So if you want an update, comment the story.

Know the song lyrics?
Tell me in a comment.
These are pretty obvious too.