Dark Scene of the Crime

Too much of anything is too much.

Alex’s POV

As the final bell rang, I jumped out of my seat and dashed out of the classroom. School had been extremely boring today without someone to pay little visits to. And by someone, I meant Rowan.

“Hey Alex,” Jack said as he came up from behind me.

“Hey Jack.”

“Did you tell Rowan you love her?” Zack asked as he and Rian joined us. I groaned.

“No. That’s not something you just randomly blurt to someone you met about a week
go,” I told him.

“Oh stop being a pansy and tell her already,” Rian said. I shook my head.

“And just how do you suggest that I tell her? ‘Oh hey Rowan, I’m in love with you.’ That’s not something I can do,” I said, still shaking my head.

“But if you wait any longer, she might start getting interested in someone else. I heard Christofer Drew has a little crush on herrrr,” Jack told me, dragging out the r in her.

“So? That doesn’t mean she likes him,” I said, refusing to believe that she would be interested in Chris.

“But it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t like him. She could, for all you know. John and Brendon were getting pretty friendly with her, too, at the party. You never know, she could be interested in anybody in this school,” Zack pointed out.

“What do you expect me to do? Just tell her that I love her, and tell her to stay away from every other boy in the school?” I asked.

“Of course not, dumb ass, but you can’t just act like you don’t have feelings for her, Alex,” Rian said. I sighed.

“There’s nothing I can do at the moment. I’m easing into it, I have to get closer to her first. Can we just get off this subject now?” I asked, beginning to get irritated with their constant questions and pushing. They nodded.

“Alright, fine. What are you doing today?” Jack asked.

“Well I was going to hang out with Row-” I started, but stopped and glared at them as they snickered and smirked. “Shut the hell up,” I muttered.

“Right…okay,“ Zack said in between laughs.

“Why don’t we all hang out tonight? Since we never really got to know her,” Rian suggested. I nodded.

“I’ll see what she says,” I said as I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed her number. She picked up on the fifth ring.

“Hello?” came her soft voice from the other end, putting an instant smile on my face.

“Hey Rowan.”

“Hey Alex. What’s up?” she asked.

“I just got out of school, and the guys-Jack stop,” I said as I kept my phone at a distance from Jack, who was trying to steal my phone.

“HI ROWAN!” Jack shouted into the phone as he finally got it out of my hands. “Its me, Jack…do you wanna hang out with all of us tonight?…yay! See you later Rowan.” And with that, he handed the phone back to me and skipped to my car, Zack and Rian following with their heads shaking.

“Rowan?” I asked as I put the phone back up to my ear.


“You still at your grandmas?” I asked.


“Okay, I’ll be there soon,” I told her.

“Alright, see you later,” she said.

“Right, later,” I said with a smile on my face as I hung up the phone and approached my car. “Lets go.” The guys nodded and jumped into my car. I started the car and pulled out of the school driveway, turning into the street. Jack reached for the radio, turning it up. Noticing that it was a Brittany Spears song on the radio, he started singing along to it at the top of his lungs. Shaking my head, I pulled into the driveway of Rowan’s grandmother’s house a few minutes later.

“This is where Rowan lives?” Jack asked. I shook my head.

“No, this is just where she’s at right now,” I said as I got out of the car and strolled up the walkway to the door. Knocking, I stood by the door quietly. An elderly lady came to the door seconds later.

“Hello young man, I suspect you’re Alex?” said the woman in a British accent, smiling at me. “Here for Rowan, I see?”

“Yes ma’am,” I said politely. She nodded.

“Very well. Rowan! Your little friend is here!” she shouted as she turned away from me. Seconds later, Rowan appeared behind the woman.

“Thanks Grandma. I love you, bye,” she said, giving the woman a kiss on the cheek and stepping through the door towards me. I grabbed her hand automatically, lacing my fingers with hers.

“Have fun, kids. Stay safe!” she said with a wink as we turned and walked away from the door. Rowan, blushing a deep crimson, shook her head. I smiled and kissed her cheek.


“Hey,” she said back shyly.

“Move Jack!” I shouted as we got to car. Pouting, Jack moved from the front seat and got into the back. Rowan laughed and replaced Jack in the front seat as I got into the driver’s seat. “So that’s Jack,” I said, pointing to the pouting boy sitting behind Rowan. “And that’s Rian and Zack.” Rowan nodded.

“Nice to meet you Rowan,” Zack said to her. Rowan smiled.

“Likewise,” she said, her smile still there on her face.

“Alex was right, you do have a pretty smile!” Jack shouted from behind her, moving his head so he was resting it on her shoulder.

“Shut up, Jack,” I mumbled, my cheeks turning a dark shade of pink.

“No really, Alex was right, Rowan does have a pretty smile!” Jack shouted again. Rowan laughed.

“Well thank you Jack. And Alex.” She smiled again as I pulled into my driveway and we all got out of the car again. I grabbed Rowan’s hand as I pulled her to the front door.

“Oooooh! Alex and Rowan are holding hands!” Jack yelled as he skipped ahead of us and burst through the front door. “Hi Mrs. Gaskarth!” he said, kissing my mom on the cheek and running up the stairs to my room.

“Hey mom,” I said as I passed her. She nodded at me as we followed Jack up the stairs. Once in my room, we found Jack sitting cross legged on the floor by my bed.

“Lets play truth or dare!” he said excitedly. Groaning, I said, “Fine,” as we all sat down in a circle next to him.

“Me first!” he said. “Zack, truth or dare?”

“Truth,” Zack said.

“Okay, hmmm, do you think Rowan is hot?” Jack asked excitedly. Rowan looked down and blushed.

“Well, yes, she is quite beautiful,” Zack said, smiling. “My turn now. Rian, truth or dare?”

“Dare,” Rian said.

“I dare you to go hug Alex’s mom,” Zack said.

“Fine, come with me then,” Rian said as he and Zack both got up and left the room. A few minutes later, Rian and Zack returned, both laughing.

“She had the most confused look on her face,” Zack said once he finally stopped laughed.

“My turn,” Rian said. “Alex, truth or dare?”

“Dare,” I said. Rian smirked.

“Alright. I dare you to kiss Rowan, right now, for 5 minutes straight,” he said challengingly. I looked at Rowan, who was blushing again.

“You’re on,” I said as I crawled over to Rowan and sat down in her lap. “Hi,” I said brightly.

“Hi,” she said weakly.

“Kiss her already!” Jack shouted. I flipped him off before putting my hand behind Rowan’s neck and lowering my lips onto hers. A surge of ecstasy coursed through me as our lips came in contact. Slowly, her hands found their way to my neck, intertwining in that spot. Running my tongue along her bottom lip, I silently asked for entrance. She hesitated, but granted and parted her lips slightly. Slowly pushing my tongue into her mouth, I explored every contour of her mouth. Her tongue met mine, and we battled for dominance, but only for a second or two. The battling stopped, and it changed to a passionate kissing, a kissing I had never done before. My mind racing, I pressed myself closer to her, wanting to be as close as possible. Her hands, still on my neck, seemed to be trying to pull me closer, too. It was an amazing kiss, and I never wanted it to end. But of course, we were interrupted.

“Times up,” Rian said. But I didn’t pull away from her; we had never kissed like this before, and it was pure bliss. After a few seconds, I felt Jack’s hands on my shoulders, pulling me away from Rowan. Our lips disconnected, the feeling of ecstasy fading away and leaving a weird feeling in my chest and stomach. Rowan’s lips were like no other lips I had ever kissed before. She left me with a strange feeling, and I wanted more. It was addictive. I had never felt like this before.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took a while.
I was busy.
I had family over and stuff, so yeah.
Plus, I was occupied with reading and watching Harry Potter.
Anyways, tell me what you think.
Tell me if you know the song.
You know the drill.